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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/2015 in all areas

  1. During the most recent bass fishing trip to Mexico – I was in some kind of a rod breaking funk. Two of my (and 1 of 00 mods – Sorry Jeff) St Croix Tidemaster Inshore Travel rod blanks fail during hook sets. I believe the trouble lies in the ferrule design; something not associated with any of the one piece models. 3 of the 6 I’ve owned failed in the same manner. I had already been returned one for replacement; which went very smoothly. Not planning on replacing these with the same product and have not decided which way I’m going here just yet, perhaps GLoomis. Decided instead to return them to St Croix and utilize their “Upgrade” plan. This requires payment of a “fee” which in this case would be $75 per rod as well as the price difference between the two rods & the shipping. So I packed them up and included a brief but detailed letter explaining the deal. After receiving the rods & accessing my “Claim”, Vicky at St Croix called and was most helpful. St Croix expressed that they were sorry the rods failed on my trip and that they were giving me a full value credit for travel rods and for my troubles they were Not Going To Charge me the standard $75 per rod Upgrade Fee. So with the price difference & shipping ($60), they are sending the 2 Legend Tournament Bass rods of my choice to my home. Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised. I certainly do appreciate St Croix’s support & friendly customer service and despite the bummer of snapping those rods in Mexico, I will not hesitate to consider St Croix on any & all future rod purchases. A-Jay http://stcroixrods.com/service-warranty/service-warranty-policies/ Here's a video of the last failure ~ sometimes fishing rods just break.
    8 points
  2. Got out this morning early Pre-dawn, was looking to sore-lip a few of the local Bronzeback specimens. Only fish I could get to go were all coming deep from 18-25ft. And they were all 1-2lb LMB no Smallies - not that there’s anything wrong with that. By late morning I’d put a decent beat down on the little green guys but still hadn’t been able to find the Brownness. Then the sun came on brighter, the wind picked up and I found a few nice Smallies. Only thing they wanted was a drop-shot Rage craw – (2 ½ bags worth) Of course I did donate 2 or 3 rigs to the Pike gods just to stay in shape. So there ya go – I can definitely notice a change in the air here – cooler. The Smallies will be thinking about moving shallow more often and staying longer each day. (and night) A-Jay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqkQ8gDoanM
    7 points
  3. Had all the rods out of the boat for respooling/re-rigging, lined up some of my favorites for a pic. I just got the Orochi recently, I have a feeling it will eventually turn into more but boat upgrades are keeping the tackle monkey at bay for now . Something else that came through my tackle room recently, this is a wedding gift I got for a very good friend of mine who is a die-hard Abu guy...It was verrrrry hard to not just hold onto it and pick something off the registry . This thing is sweet!
    6 points
  4. A couple more of my favorites: '13 Metanium/OrochiXX Tour Versatile '13 Metanium/OrochiXX Extreme Mission Type F
    6 points
  5. I've had the rod for a little over a week and rounded up some funds for the reel (which came in today). About to spool her up and go out tomorrow. Really looking forward to it!
    5 points
  6. Today happens to me my bday and my mom sent me a couple nostalgic photos to commemorate.... one of which was a long lost gem that i hadn't seen in ~20 years... string 'em up!
    4 points
  7. Hello Everyone, I haven't been on BR in quite some time but I'd like to share a almost life changing story that included Bass Resource and my use of this forum. I promise this read will be worth your time.. A few years ago for my Christmas present at the age of 15 I found a lot on here for 300$ that was something I felt I couldn't live without and I begged and prayed for my parents to get it for me. It was a whole lot to get me started, several rods reels baits ect. And One of the best parts about it was, if I bought this whole lot, the seller would throw in a Fenwick Elite Tech Rod for me. So eventually my parents gave in and purchased me this lot and the seller immediately notified me saying he couldn't find this bonus rod at the time but assured me I'd receive it. So I didn't think twice and just took his word. Weeks passed and the seller and me corresponded and he still was having a problem finding it, so I gave him to the following spring to find and ship me the rod. Then one day I messaged him 5 months later and he finally found the rod and sent me a picture of it about to be shipped and I was more than excited! But, I never received the rod. Two weeks passed and I never heard from the seller again. His account went non active, he didn't post, he didn't reply, I called him and his phone was disconnected. At this point I pretty much gave up and threw in the towel, and kissed my 150$ rod away.. Which being 16 at the time was more than I'd ever afford.. Two full years passed, I never reported or bashed the user I figured if he was to rip me off, karma would find his way. Then one day I logged back into this website after months of inactiveness and I saw a message, it was the seller from over two full years ago. He told me he lost his job, his wife, his home, tackle and much more. And right away did my stomach drop. I was immediately filled with forgiveness but the seller told me even though he may have lost a lot, he is still going to ship me two brand new Powell Rods and a box of baits for my patience and because he stated he is a true man of his word and would go to any lengths to make it right, even if it meant cutting into his paycheck.. Sure enough, I received everything as it was stated, two full years after a transaction. This is something I find more than admirable. I'm only 17 now but I hope one day I'm a man of my word to this extent and I now learned this is a quality of a true man. I'm so thankful for this website and all the great people on it, I would say this forum has some of the best people on it filled with great knowledge and respect. Thanks Bass Resource!
    4 points
  8. I don't think they are even on the same spectrum of techniques.
    4 points
  9. Caught it earlier today on Muskrat Lake. Rod: St Croix Legend Tourny dropshot rod Reel: 1000 sized Shimano Ci4+ with 10lb PP super slick and a 8lb InvisX leader Weight: just a hair over 7lbs on a Boga Grip Lure: 1/4oz with a KVD Dream Shot in Dirt color (Very nice color, the green and orange mix make for a really nice perch imitation)
    3 points
  10. Old guys like cork, young guys like eva. Hootie
    3 points
  11. My pet peeve is when people leave the hook in the holder and then turn the reel so that the rod is bent almost double and then just throw it in the back of their truck. Drives me nuts!
    3 points
  12. Your acting like you're the only one with a valid answer. If you feel like what you think is right, go with it. It doesn't mean everyone else has to jump onboard with your theory. What your saying *sounds* like your comparing a bird to a dog as pets. You can argue that they fill the same purpose, but you're not going to get too many to say they are the same.
    3 points
  13. I use them both for fishing. That's where the similarity ends.
    3 points
  14. I got lucky today, and got on the auction site to look for a TDZ. Well a good/great condition TD ITO had just been posted with a buy it now and free shipping from Japan. Hopefully sometime next week I'll have pictures to show. I've been trying to find a good condition one for quite some time!
    3 points
  15. If you don't see the use for regular crankbaits anymore because the existance of Traps and Vibrating jigs I suggest you get better at crankbait fishing. At least get to that novice level of crankbait fishing because at that point you will clearly understand the advantages and disadvantages of a regular crankbait.
    3 points
  16. May be in the minority here, but I own both and I really don't care. As long as they fit my hand and comfortable enough to fish all day, I don't have a preference either way. Mike
    3 points
  17. Son & I caught over 60 a piece on frog. This was the biggest 5.5# according to the Boga Grip scale. I'll remember that day for a while. Hope my boss don't recongnize me.
    2 points
  18. I was saying the same thing 5 short years ago. I saw a $100 Carrot Stik in a tackle shop and said "There's no way I would pay $100 for a fishing rod!". Now I own an NRX and have discovered what a pleasure it is to fish with a rod of this high quality. I may not catch more fish, but I enjoy the act of fishing more with this rod. I own a Dodge Charger and love it. But I bet a Ferrari would be even more fun to drive.
    2 points
  19. I guess you can take my word for it because I qualify, OH BOY, do I qualify. Hootie
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. Probably less expensive to get a package of J-Will heads and some Fat Impacts.
    2 points
  22. How would having multiple copies fix the leaving it behind problem? Won't that just be more licenses to forget? Lol. In NY, you need your state issued license. A copy ain't gonna cut it. Econ officers here have a bedside manner that makes a state trooper seem like Santa.
    2 points
  23. I purchase mine (Michigan) on line and print "Several" copies. One for the boat, one for the truck, one for the house and then there's the "just in case" copy. These are actual print outs of the document which I do sign. I think now most states offer the on line option. A-Jay
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. I have never had a 6xd sink, or even come "out of tune", and I have owned, and do own a TON of them. You got a dud. The only SK bait that I have had be a dud out of the package, out of the 100's I have are a few Red Eye Shads that took on water.......SK replaced them, and then some, I think I had two that were bad, and they replaced both, plus gave me two more extra's for the trouble, and a free hat.................good enough for me.
    2 points
  26. I used to buy used St Croix rods that came from Elite series pro Brian Snowden, they were nothing more than off the self Legend Tournaments, with the exception of his name on them. Brian gets "x" number of rods per year from St Croix, uses them for a season, and then sells them at a deep discount. He and I had a mutual friend who was one of the first people the rods were offered to, and he in turn let me in on it. In this case, there was nothing "special" about any of the rods. They were the same things you or I could buy in any store. Is that the way it is with all touring pro's.................I doubt it, but it's also idiotic to claim that all of them have some kind of special stuff that we never will see. Some probably do, most probably don't.................and put me firmly in the "I don't give a crap what they have/use" camp.
    2 points
  27. Lol, I'll take the hit on my credibility. Have at it.
    2 points
  28. Yes, they are highly effective!
    2 points
  29. I'm 17, fortunately my iPhone doesn't keep me away from the bass. I rarely go a day without at least an hour of fishing. There are a few fish bums my age, but definitely a rare breed.
    2 points
  30. I would go with the size 10 or 12.
    2 points
  31. Gimmie cork or give me death lol
    2 points
  32. Remember how far you cast when fishing from shore and caught fish? Well that is where the fish are. I see so many boaters casting right up against the shore and the fish are either under the boat or behind them a majority of the year.
    2 points
  33. Congratulations! In over six years, this is the first time I've ever heard someone say that they have to use their smart phone as a public service. Do you take time out from your fishing to check in to see if anyone has replied to these announcements? The standard excuse has always been to insure that they were available in case of an emergency. My Son-in-Law used that excuse. The last time he and I went fishing together, my daughter sent him a total of 28 what must have been emergency text messages because he took the time to reply to everyone of them! The days total catch had me with 30+ bass and him with 2! As we were loading up the boat at the end of the day he asked me how long it took to learn to catch fish so much better than he could. I tried to explain that it only took a minute or two to figure out how to mute the ringer on my phone!
    2 points
  34. Just sit it in your lap and tap on it. After it burps the gurgling will stop.
    2 points
  35. I've been using cork for so long I can't get use to the EVA. I've tried more than once.
    2 points
  36. A lure that would catch a ten-pounder every time I threw it.
    2 points
  37. Great idea. The only thing I'm not 100% on board with, is they don't recycle them back into lures. I would love to buy recycled toads, worms, ect. They would be cheaper and come in colors like puke green and rotten pumpkin.
    1 point
  38. I've used an old eyeglass case to carry essentials when wading or hiking in. Sounds like you're looking for something a little more substantial though. Maybe a chest pack is worth considering.
    1 point
  39. The bass industry seems to be doing just fine: But on another note... even if the hobby were in decline, I would be perfectly fine with that. The fewer people on the water the better, sorry. A deserted lake is a beautiful thing.
    1 point
  40. i really don't care for cork and deffinitely don't care for full grips , i have all my rods built with minimal EVA rear grip and an EVA tapered butt cap . three of my rods from left to right - Phenix m1 7'8'' spinning rod - 16'' rear handle Rainshadow 7'10'' XMB 944.5 - 16'' rear handle St.Croix 9' Big Nasty - 18'' rear handle
    1 point
  41. stopped at the Cabela's in Omaha Nebraska today and had a much better experience than yesterday. A larger selection for bass fishing I picked up some 7 inch Zoom trick worms in black ruby and watermelon with chartreuse tail Zoom super chunks for my chatterbait in black... I already have pumpkin and blue/black flake at home Havoc Craw Fattys in blue-black silver fleck and black-red fleck Carbela brand shaky heads 3/16 oz Johnson Beetle Spin to go crappie fishing with the other half I spent about $25, not bad.
    1 point
  42. The problem with those "knot war" type tests is that's not the way to land to a fish. With 8# line the drag should be set in the neighborhood of 3# or so. With a fish pulling at 3# and more the line is being stripped off the spool taking a lot of pressure off both line and knots, none of those knots should break if tied properly. Most of my lure connections are tied with a loopknot, at face it doesn't look too strong yet they land some powerful fish. That drag is on the reel for a reason, use it properly with any well tied knot and there should rarely be a problem. Consistently landing 10-30# fish on a 20# leader compared to landing an 8# bass with an 8# leader, the equation isn't too different. A properly tied knot, using the drag along with expertise will supercede the world's strongest knot every time. Slippage with different line types is a separate issue, that may require a different knot.
    1 point
  43. Can't say about Florida, but here it's illegal to introduce a non-native fish, baitfish for the purpose of proliferation. I assume you are speaking of hybrid shiners, rather than golden shiners ( which are native to Florida ) hybrid shiners don't seem to be fearful of predation the way a golden shiner is.. They may get gobbled up!
    1 point
  44. The Brewers went in the opposite direction: traded 1/3 of their lineup, a SP, and a bullpen arm, and they are in the crapper.
    1 point
  45. Ok. Hes busy trying to figure out Ohms law. We might not ever see him again.
    1 point
  46. My friend Bill and I floated 3 days on a river in the Southern Upper Peninsula in my personal pontoons. Day, 1 we floated a 3 mile section of the river that we'd never been on before. The first mile was beautiful. Lots of current, rocks and fish. The last 2 miles the river went mainly to sand, and grass flats with little action. We might have caught more fish there but a strong wind against us meant if you stopped rowing, you drifted upstream. Day 2, was hot and sunny. For me, the pattern was senkos in the shade. A stick worm drifted along the shaded bank, was just what the smallies wanted. Unlike my float trip in the DuPage on Saturday, there were almost no dinks. Most of the bass were 14-15 inches with many 16's, and 17's with a bonus couple of 18's thrown in. There is just no quit in those river fish. Day 3, not as hot and overcast most of the day. There was no shade line today and my pattern from yesterday wasn't happening. I switched to a #4 Mepps and concentrated on the fish that were off the bank near faster water. Those fish ran a little smaller overall but I got more of them. I'm exhausted but extremely happy. Lots of good sized, hard fighting smallies, a beautiful river and beautiful scenery. 4 weeks from now I get to come back and do it again. an 18 incher Bill Chase The River Another 18
    1 point
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