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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/2015 in all areas

  1. 6 points
  2. Not hating the human that invented the Jet Ski ~ A-Jay
    4 points
  3. 3 points
  4. Easy now, that's enough to make me unsubscribe to this thread.
    3 points
  5. I find that a fishing rod held in my hand is much more so.
    3 points
  6. I love the great outdoors. I love being in beautiful natural surroundings. It energizes me. It reawakens me to being alive and strong. It gives me a sense of connectedness and vitality. I feel better right now just thinking about it even though I am sitting in front of a PC. I believe we have a responsibility to be good stewards over nature. We also need to set the example of stewardship for our children. Arrogance and ignorance should not go unrewarded, so by calling our local regulating authority, we’re doing our part. A-Jay
    3 points
  7. Hello Everyone, I haven't been on BR in quite some time but I'd like to share a almost life changing story that included Bass Resource and my use of this forum. I promise this read will be worth your time.. A few years ago for my Christmas present at the age of 15 I found a lot on here for 300$ that was something I felt I couldn't live without and I begged and prayed for my parents to get it for me. It was a whole lot to get me started, several rods reels baits ect. And One of the best parts about it was, if I bought this whole lot, the seller would throw in a Fenwick Elite Tech Rod for me. So eventually my parents gave in and purchased me this lot and the seller immediately notified me saying he couldn't find this bonus rod at the time but assured me I'd receive it. So I didn't think twice and just took his word. Weeks passed and the seller and me corresponded and he still was having a problem finding it, so I gave him to the following spring to find and ship me the rod. Then one day I messaged him 5 months later and he finally found the rod and sent me a picture of it about to be shipped and I was more than excited! But, I never received the rod. Two weeks passed and I never heard from the seller again. His account went non active, he didn't post, he didn't reply, I called him and his phone was disconnected. At this point I pretty much gave up and threw in the towel, and kissed my 150$ rod away.. Which being 16 at the time was more than I'd ever afford.. Two full years passed, I never reported or bashed the user I figured if he was to rip me off, karma would find his way. Then one day I logged back into this website after months of inactiveness and I saw a message, it was the seller from over two full years ago. He told me he lost his job, his wife, his home, tackle and much more. And right away did my stomach drop. I was immediately filled with forgiveness but the seller told me even though he may have lost a lot, he is still going to ship me two brand new Powell Rods and a box of baits for my patience and because he stated he is a true man of his word and would go to any lengths to make it right, even if it meant cutting into his paycheck.. Sure enough, I received everything as it was stated, two full years after a transaction. This is something I find more than admirable. I'm only 17 now but I hope one day I'm a man of my word to this extent and I now learned this is a quality of a true man. I'm so thankful for this website and all the great people on it, I would say this forum has some of the best people on it filled with great knowledge and respect. Thanks Bass Resource!
    2 points
  8. 1) sponsorship exists to help sponsors sell products/services. It would make sense, then, for them to display options that anglers can afford. If all the pros fished NRX, Megabass, Tournament Extreme, etc, they'd be marketing a product way above what most of us can afford. The goal is for the prospect/angler see pros catching fish with the equipment and then immediately going out and purchasing it under the idea that "If it's good enough for Ike/Skeet/Clunn it's good enough for me." As opposed to "Ike/Skeet/Clunn are catching fish because they have a dozen $500+ Rods sitting on the deck of their boat." Also, related, sponsorship is a huge part of how guys get paid. If you look at "career earnings", something like 2 million dollars may seem like a lot, but if you break it down over 20 years, that's 100k/year. Now, take into account travel costs, vehicle repairs, food on the road, tolls, etc and make adjustments for the expenses, the pro "making" $100,000/year may only be really making 50k before taxes. That really isn't a whole lot of money for a "professional" to be making in most fields. Money is made via sponsors, seminars, guiding, etc on top of whatever career winnings show, and have to make up a huge portion of earned income. 2) Despite the urging of the tackle monkey, we don't really need a locker full of $300+ rods to catch fish. The Rod is simply a piece of a tool (other pieces being everything else attached to it). The line, lure, and presentation are more likely to affect the fish's decision to bite or not. Also, none of this matters if you can't find the fish. Yes, better rods can help us cast them farther, feel them better, and get less tired/sore in the process, but it's not as essential in getting more bites as everything else. 3) Rods now are really, really good. For $90-150 you can get rods that are leaps better than anything available 20+ years ago. Just look at the graphite, itself. How many rods can you get with 30 ton or better graphite for under $200? How many different options that give you the grip/blank exposure that feels best to you? How many manufacturers make lines of rods with a huge variety or weights and actions for every presentation imaginable? If you need to tighten a bolt, you can do it better with a properly fitting crescent wrench than with a pair of vice grips that may cost twice as much, right? Though the vice grips may work, why use them is you're getting properly fitting tools for free that do the job perfectly without stripping the nut/bolt? - Especially if part of your job is to help sell crescent wrenches.
    2 points
  9. Oops...NRX. I would never have bought a Carrot Stix rod. I don't like orange. When I'm fishing, I want to look good. Image is everything ya know....lol. Hootie
    2 points
  10. Leaving this here......
    2 points
  11. They must have made one good one, and apparently I bought it....oh well,...ain't I the "lucky" one. Hootie
    2 points
  12. Whatever company pays them the best is who's products they're going to endorse. A FLW pro that I know fishes with Halo rods. He seems to do just fine with them. Its the Indian not the arrow.
    2 points
  13. 8 year old boys are generally happy with their first rifle and I don't know too many 8 year old boys that have a personal preference when it comes to 22 rifles. Wrong brand or not, it's still his first rifle and he will appreciate it unless he is a total ingrate. Btw, I have no idea what kind of problems that Remington is having nowadays but I would not hesitate to buy a 30 year old Remington for my son to get him what I, his father, thinks is the right rifle. Geeeez
    2 points
  14. That's not a good sign. Over the years I could write a book on fishing partners. One guy would start singing as soon as we got on the water, happy guy. Another guy would have the most negative attitude. He would drag me down after a few hours of listening to him. I always caught more bass than he did and he kept calling me lucky. Another guy would catch the first bass and start rubbing it in. If I caught the first bass I would ask him if he was going to catch that day or just watch me. We had a ball fishing and smack talking. I do believe a positive attitude makes a fishing trip more enjoyable, and produces more bites.
    2 points
  15. dropped in by the pond last night about 20 minutes before dark just to wet a line on the way back from cabela's.... 3rd cast with the zara puppy on the *** spinning rod, new sedona 1000 reel and 6lb yozuri
    2 points
  16. Do you rig that wacky style or Texas??
    2 points
  17. There is no blanket rule that covers type 1 or type 2, both predisposition and diet can contribute singularly and jointly, everyone's body is different. Some people manage their diabetes without much difficulty, while others have to be monitored and change treatment to cope with the advancement of the disease. Diabetes is never cured, so I've been led to believe. Diabetes can affect immune system, eyesight, nervous system and host of other diseases. A serious condition that can result from too much sugar and foods that metabolize into sugar is tooth decay. Tooth decay can lead to infections which can affect other body parts as well heart disease and heart attacks. If one does escape many of the health problems that arise from a poor diet, they've been lucky. If and when, and most likely will be when sickness occurs those cavalier attitudes going to change mighty quick.
    2 points
  18. So as i was working on the trailer i picked up to haul around my kayak i went to my local big box store to get some PB blaster to soak the rusty nuts and bolts with like i do on any project. It has served me well over the years in many different uses but especially when i was working on my old Jeep. I go to the shelf and they are sold out of my beloved PB blaster. I had to make a quick decision and went with the WD-40 rust release penetrant. I was very skeptical because i am not a fan of WD 40 anything but it was all they had. Well after using it I can say it works as good if not better than PB blaster and will be getting it again should the need arise.
    2 points
  19. MEND-IT .... you can use super glue but the spot where you fix will NOT be flexible but really stiff and start to flake , can be used in as a quick fix on the water but you would be better off saving torn plastics used during the day , take them home and use the mend it to fix them right and then rotate them back into your soft plastic arsenal !!
    2 points
  20. COFFEE. Strong, dark roasted, hot coffee. The true 'black gold" and "Texas tea".
    2 points
  21. Honestly, unless it is directly impacting me or my family, I'm just gonna shake my head and let it go. People are freaking nuts out there anymore, with ridiculous temper triggers. I'm not getting shot over a fish. I'm a big believer in Karma, so I would let it go.
    2 points
  22. Meanwhile the rest of us deal with rude fisherman/boaters/landowners on the water every time we go out. 1) Guy #1 asks you not to fish his dock because of his kids 2) Guy #2 fishes dock because he is more "important". 3) Guy #1 one gets ticked (and happens to be a moron, to boot) 4) guy #3 (ME) is not surprised at the childish outcome by both sides.
    2 points
  23. Nice install. My 20 years in the car audio industry tells me he might have been or still be an installer. The wireless receiver, plywood, and closed cell foam are also clues. Good for him... Nice detail with the shrink tubing on his battery terminals.
    2 points
  24. This is nothing. Do you remember when Gary Klein got shot at by a land owner while fishing the Classic a few years back?
    2 points
  25. Once the big mouths get to this size, they grab my attention. Nice round 16 incher from tonight.
    2 points
  26. Two reels I would recommend right at the $100 dollar price point are the Lew's Speed Spool and an Abu Garcia Orra SX. I have experience with bother of the reels and have no complaints with either reel
    2 points
  27. This whole topic just ticks me right off, I care far more about all the veterans who need help, the poor children in America getting a second rate education, and don't get me started with politics lol! It's sad to see facebook explode with such compassion over a lion half way across the world, while the same people IGNORE the problems we face here at home. I find it to be revealing of why America is morally bankrupt.
    2 points
  28. One - two punch! Texas Rig & Jig-n-Craw
    2 points
  29. Occasionally.... To eat, sleep and poop!
    2 points
  30. I don't drink very much soda since I got older, but if I do have one, its a Mt. Dew.
    1 point
  31. I posted this in the A-Mart AOY thread but it's a little more fitting here . The Chesapeake is predominantly a largemouth fishery. Good bags of smallmouth can be caught from the Susquehanna, but that pattern has never held up in a multi-day event to my knowledge. It's also pretty dangerous to get to the best smallmouth water in a bassboat (I won't take my boat up there). The winner will likely weigh in mostly largemouth, if not all largemouth. The launch is technically in the Northeast River, there are many other rivers, to include the Susquehanna, that all make up the huge body of water that is commonly called the 'Upper Bay'. It is all tidal water and there is a slight saltwater influence. It is similar to the Potomac River and I would guess other tidal waters...But every tidal system has it's own special qualities. Tidal experience will help no doubt, but you can't bank on that entirely. Bass fishing used to be very good as far south as the Baltimore area (Middle River, Gunpowder River, Dundee Creek) but those areas don't have the bass populations that they used to. Most of the fishing for this tournament will probably take place on the Flats, the Northeast, and the Susquehanna. There will be guys that fish all over the place, but the event could legitimately be won in the Northeast without ever losing sight of the launch marina. Shallow grass fishing is the main technique that will play. I'm picking guys that are good at that .
    1 point
  32. Welcome from just west of Chi-Town. Here's a place to post local reports and goings on http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/43640-where-are-all-the-illinois-guys/page-87#entry1817925
    1 point
  33. You got me . I usually stick to the Pointer Minnow which has two. Pretty interesting on the different ways you can make it suspend. Just shows how little I like to play around with my jerkbaits lol.
    1 point
  34. Well I got to try out this new kayak thing. I can see what the fuss is all about; it's a lot of fun. As you may have seen in another thread, I purchased a lesser expensive model just to get me started but I'm really happy with it. It's pretty stable and tracks just as I expected a 10 footer to. And distances that would be a real chore in my canoe were a breeze in this thing, it's pretty swift. I picked up a Lowrance Elite 4X and can't wait to get that mounted. I'm still working on an idea for a scupper mount for it. So I paddled around, rocked it a little to see its tipping point, got used to the sitting thing and, oh yea, cast a few as well. It doesn't have the amenities my Nitro does and you have to plan your baits ahead of time (not having my full library that I keep in the boat) but the 1 on 1 feel you have is enjoyable. I'll get in it again.
    1 point
  35. Welcome, Im new as well and enjoy searching and reading. Im from Il as well and fish northern lakes and rivers, I enjoy fishing Il river, kankakee, and some of the cooling lakes. I do take a week trip to Shelbyville and rent a house boat for 4 nights and tow my boat.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. I wipe my reels down with the lamentations of the fish driven before me.
    1 point
  38. Like the other dude said, fishing is my break. When I'm feeling sad, mad, depressed, you name it, I go fishing. It's got some therapeutical qualities for me, I guess. It's good to get alone and think or pray. Of course, I like fishing for catching fish, but it also has that calming effect on me
    1 point
  39. I would spend an extra 10 or 15 bucks and get a lews tournament pro and be done.
    1 point
  40. Sounds like it's time to do one of at least Two Things ~ 1) Fish a totally new body of water. 2) Time to master a new technique or perhaps resurrect an old one . . . I'll say that one or both of those have been very successful in helping me rekindle The Fire ~ That and a few Big Bass - that Always helps . . . . A-Jay
    1 point
  41. I don't know where you're fishing, but I can assure you, there is definitely no shortage of "bucket fisherman" who are "white guys"
    1 point
  42. Maybe not trying, but most definitely succeeding. Think about it a little while longer and you may figure it out. Of course you being part of "all the white guys" might be an obstacle!
    1 point
  43. i was told once of a really rich jerk off on a charter boat running his mouth all day...... the guide hooked a 5 gallon bucket on while the jerk was not paying attention and tossed into the ocean while trolling. Evidently they let this dude fight the bucket for over an hour until they cut if off and then talked about the big one that got away! he must have been using a Medium combo otherwise he would have boated that bucket....
    1 point
  44. I told him once he got it he could send me whatever he wanted or nothing at all. he's 14 and I just wanted to help him out it sounded like he was really tight on money and wanted a nice reel
    1 point
  45. since I just bought another supreme from Gander Mountain for $50.00. I am sending him a President of mine. it is in perfect condition, in the original box and with the spare spool too.
    1 point
  46. This really is an amazing and heart warming effort. Looking at the massive destruction of Moore OK...and the face of the children from the destroyed elementary schools full of tears and terror....I got all choked up thinking about what you guys are doing. We're already in contact with several bass clubs in the area. As soon as rebuilding efforts begin, your love will be sent their way. To remove the tears. To remove the fear. And to show we care. To show that strangers from around the world who never met them, are there to support them. A rod and reel may not seem like much, but to change a frightened tearful face into a smiling giggling bundle of joy means everything. I can't thank you guys enough.
    1 point
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