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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/2015 in all areas

  1. I throw lighter jigs, t-rigs, weightless plastics, almost anything 1/4oz and lower with this rig. Shimano 15 Aldebaron HG Phenix K2 684 Custom
    6 points
  2. Man I cracked up when I watched this! This guys partner looks like he doesn't even know what to do with him... lol.
    5 points
  3. Well I got to try out this new kayak thing. I can see what the fuss is all about; it's a lot of fun. As you may have seen in another thread, I purchased a lesser expensive model just to get me started but I'm really happy with it. It's pretty stable and tracks just as I expected a 10 footer to. And distances that would be a real chore in my canoe were a breeze in this thing, it's pretty swift. I picked up a Lowrance Elite 4X and can't wait to get that mounted. I'm still working on an idea for a scupper mount for it. So I paddled around, rocked it a little to see its tipping point, got used to the sitting thing and, oh yea, cast a few as well. It doesn't have the amenities my Nitro does and you have to plan your baits ahead of time (not having my full library that I keep in the boat) but the 1 on 1 feel you have is enjoyable. I'll get in it again.
    5 points
  4. 4 points
  5. C&R proven once again. This is the fish from my profile photo that I caught 2 years ago, I'm shocked she is still alive, this is a REALLY old bass, her head is massive and she's very skinny, I'm thinking this fish might get one more spawn in but that's it. My brothers and I have caught her a few times over the years, (one of her pec fins has always been chopped in half so she's very recognizable) this fish normally doesn't look that rough, especially the one time we caught her pre-spawn. Drop shotting a 4.5" yum sharpshooter. 6lb fluorocarbon leader. 24" only 5.35lbs. Hasn't grown an inch from the time I got her 2 years ago.
    4 points
  6. I'm a Pepsi guy personally but Coke ain't bad either. I'm going to die someday and everything is killing me slowly, so I'm going to enjoy the ride
    4 points
  7. I wipe my reels down with the lamentations of the fish driven before me.
    4 points
  8. Put em in a pot of water and slowly turn the heat up or else they will hop out. Afterwards put some hot sauce on em with a side of cornbread.
    3 points
  9. Got some decent fish from a local city lake just walking the bank (as my wife drove beside me in the car giving me the stink eye... She was pouting because one broke her off in the water willows, so obviously that meant "we" were done. ) Snapped a picture of two of them. Pretty average for this lake. They were destroying a frog in the pockets of water in the water willows. Poor guys were cross eyed after the 7' Heavy rod and 65# braid slammed them home...
    3 points
  10. Once the big mouths get to this size, they grab my attention. Nice round 16 incher from tonight.
    3 points
  11. Wd 40 should only be used in the garage and thats only if u dont have other REAL lubes.
    3 points
  12. "Nuisance Fish" to me are the One's I Can't Catch ~ A-Jay
    3 points
  13. Spent 8 hours on the water today fishing the Gliss 40 lb green; first time with it. Threw a 3/8 oz SK Rage Blade with a Lake Fork Boot Tail Live Magic Shad trailer - All Day. Had to, they kept biting it. I opted for a short section of wire rather than the usual mono as we were fishing in Pikeasaurus land. Caught plenty of Bass & Pike. Without getting ahead of myself – this line exceeded my expectations. Underlined below are the advertised characteristic of the line and the reasons for my purchase. Below each are my opinions in regard to these claims. Please keep in mind this was only after one day – but it’s not bad. Thin & Slick composition provides incredible casting distance. I Completely Agree ! Super thin for 40lb and casting distance was great. Zero stretch provides ultimate sensitivity. I Completely agree again ~ Will not say The Most sensitive ever – but definitely able to feel everything I wanted to; how & if the bait was working correctly or fouled with weed and of course strike detection was killer. Remember this was a moving bait. Thinner than braid with comparable strength for superior management. Already covered the diameter deal and the Management aspects were very good – trouble free. At least for today; which was pretty windy & quite gusty. Keep in mind that blade bait / trailer combo cast fairly well anyway but even still I was impressed. Zero line twist makes Gliss more managable on spinning reel applications. Have not spooled up a spinning reel yet – but I will be soon enough – with a smaller class Gliss line. Soft form provides increased castability and distance. Already covered. Additional comments; regardless of how it’s advertised or what “class of line’ this product is placed in, to me it’s a braid. But it just may be the best casting & most manageable braid I’ve fished. Questions yet to be answered or addressed: What is the Abrasion resistance like ? Don't know - this lake is all soft vegetation, but I'd expect it to be like most braids - OK on wood but poor on rock or anything similar. How long does it last ? At least one day . . . . btw - there was NO COLOR loss at all during the spooling process - meaning my hands & reel didn't turn green. As for comparing it to nylon, I will say there is not a comparison. For today, on this lake, Gliss was Better in every way, shape, form & fashion. I will be fishing it next time in a place with no Pike (only beast SMB) so I’ll be back to using a mono leader. And we’ll see how that goes. I’m expecting the goodness to continue. Hope this helps A-Jay
    2 points
  14. Been fishing forver..Really got into fishing about 2 years ago.. Caught my first Rock bass yesterday afternoon. I was the happiest man in the world.. its the little things..
    2 points
  15. Throughout my years of fishing, I've noticed that whenever I get negative or frusterated, fish avoid my lure and nothing seems to click together. I can't even count how many times that I'm using the same lure and presenting it the same as my friend, and he's smoking the fish, while I'm negative and getting skunked. Then it only takes one little thing within an instant to change my mood and then I'll hammer 'em. Or vice versa. I'll start out feeling good and can't keep them off my line, while my friend can't get a hit and he's having a hissy fit. I have no clue what ever causes this, the fish can't sense that kind of stuff....? Also, I always seem to catch fish on presentations that I'm most confident in, verses a new bait I'm second thoughts about. Do you guys encounter similar outings like that? What are your theories why this is? My dad's friend always claims that you must "fish with swagger".
    2 points
  16. To the best of your knowledge, you didn't see anyone doing anything wrong on the water. Had you been certain, I think you should probably have called DNR. Confronting a stranger could be risky, I suppose. Perhaps a friendly, engaging, "You probably are not aware, but...." may get desired result and keep you from getting shot in most cases.
    2 points
  17. I never framed mine...but I did manage to keep it all these years. This was from my first "hitch" with BASS - 1969. My Dad was a charter member of BASS, joining up in 1968. He bought me a membership right after the charter member period closed and this was the patch I got with the membership.
    2 points
  18. Slipping is right. I've been so deep into moving I haven't even been able to get the boat wet more than once or twice the past two weeks. Did go to Lone Star with DJ on Sunday morning, but we didn't have a stitch of wind and it was 95 degrees by 10am. Caught the usual suspects but nothing worth bragging about. Will be all moved in on Wednesday in the new house, and will see everyone on Thursday.
    2 points
  19. Don't know. But this is ~ and was the reason for a lot of cold sweat. A-Jay
    2 points
  20. I doubt Mexico will be the home of the next WR, my reasons 1.- it´s too warm 2.- once a lake has produced a couple of big mommas the word gets out and then EVERYBODY FISHES IT TO DEATH 3.- Mexican lakes are not managed for big largemouth, they are managed to produce tons of tilapia and carp 4.- the same commercial fishermen that fish for tilapia and carp ( which know ***** about biology ) kill every bass they can put their hands on 5.- So far there is only one lake in the entire country managed for sport fishing: Lake "El Cuchillo" 6.- Incredibly enough we have the mindblogging situation in which most of the fisherman actually go to fish hoping to catch a big one not to mount it but to eat it ! I kid you not. anybody remember this baby ? Well, the lake I caught it produced consistently many fish like that during a couple of years and, go to point No 2., in the present time you won´t catch something like that and not even closely related because those fish are gone, I heard it many times and even saw it with my eyes.
    2 points
  21. Clearly Menendez wasn't on that guy's fantasy fishing team.
    2 points
  22. Imagine how many bites you simply don't feel because your head isn't in the game.
    2 points
  23. I wonder how many of the people screaming about this lion have any idea how many animals are killed in miles long snare lions by poachers in Africa each year? None of them are lining up to go help those animals. I guess it's like so many of the Hollywood stars here where you get special treatment just because you're well known? I'm with AdamsEye though, so many other issues in this world and a lion is what people choose to get worked up about? Really? What about all the kids dying of starvation and disease in Africa because of simple things like not having clean water to drink? Or our vets that come home after serving their country and then need their countries help, only to get snubbed on the benefits they were promised. So many things that they should be upset about but instead it's a lion that they'll forget about as soon as the media quits running stories about it
    2 points
  24. Both FC and mono have better slack line sensitivity than braid which has none.
    2 points
  25. Had a pretty spectacular evening today. I'll let the pictures do the talking. Best 5 were 3.69lbs, 3.06lbs, 3.02lbs, 2.95lbs, and 2.33lbs. Three were on a senko with a wacky jighead, and two were on a 3/8oz Cavitron. An absolute blast! Public water by the way guys, I'm not on some magic farm pond
    2 points
  26. In the garden. Cat food. Throw them back in the water so the food chain eats them. Don't let nothing go to waste.
    2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. I change my hooks if im opening a new lure and i dont hook myself
    2 points
  29. DogBone nailed it! You have now fallen down the rabbit hole! It's a completely different feeling fishing out of a yak. Not better or worse, just different. But oh so enjoyable. Congrats on the first catch
    2 points
  30. Congratulations! Welcome to your next addiction!
    2 points
  31. Totally agree. How many of those hacks would be in line to help a human being that was killed. Zimbabwe reaps millions and millions from permits to kill big game. Goggle their guides and look at the expenses involved.People act like its the first and only lion that has been killed by a hunter.If anyone should be punished and chastised, the guides need to take the hit which they have so far. I keep hearing that the USA/Zimbabwe relations are strained. I guess we didn`t send them enough aid? C22
    2 points
  32. Depends on the bait. Some come with great hooks others not so much...
    2 points
  33. If i catch a "nuisance" fish. I just release them like I would a bass.
    2 points
  34. The reel is not engaged when you're trying this, right?
    2 points
  35. Meatloaf, meatball, meathead. So many choices makes me want to mainline a Coca Cola!
    2 points
  36. Pretend that you are buying for your son and you are buying him his first .22. Naturally, you would start him off right and you would buy him a Remington. Same with his first baitcaster. Start him off right and get the best and the best is of course, Shimano.
    2 points
  37. A fish that bites my lure then brings it back to the boat: that's a 'good' fish. A fish that doesn't bite my lure, or only brings it halfway back to the boat: that's a 'bad' fish. Roger
    2 points
  38. Been slipping pretty bad on posting reports on here lately I guess. I night fished Cedar Valley Wednesday night/Thursday morning. Fishing sucked, 6 bass all night along with about 3 dozen channel cats and half a dozen each sunfish and drum and 1 big crappie. It's amazing how one fish can make a trip worth it though, 5lb 9oz at 2:30 in the morning.
    2 points
  39. I purchased the largest bull frog that bog baits offered. I been trying to find a large hook to rig it with no success. My grandson 4 1/2yo comes over and wanted to see my lures in my tackle box like he always does. He grabs each plastic bait to scare the misses. Then he takes the bull frog and ripped it's leg off. That's my bull story. Since I couldn't rig it, there's more room in my tackle box.
    1 point
  40. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/local/rocroots/2015/07/29/charlie-riedels-longtime-family-business/30836567/ Charlie is grandfather, the 16 year old nephew is my son, Al. Lynn is actually my mom, making her Al's grandmother, not his mom. Big Pappa still cooks the best burgers around.
    1 point
  41. Darren, last fisheries biologist I spoke with was at the last Boy Scout Jamboree at Fort A.P. Hill and we discussed the snakehead invasion of the Potomac River. Extremely interesting guy and he gave me a lot of information about snakeheads. I also spoke to an "expert" about local crawfish and their patterns and that was a lot of fun. The guy is really into crawfish and we had a great conversation. I am so glad you spoke with the gentleman. Next time you speak with him ask him why the Mattaponi River sucks big time for largemouth bass!!!
    1 point
  42. All my rods are set up like this. I use an Albright and it works slick.
    1 point
  43. I do it all the time, also with Micro's. It will beat the knot up some, but I've never had an issue with it and I'm bombing 1/2oz.+ Baits. Keep working on your knot to get it as small as possible. Brian.
    1 point
  44. Ha! I made a point! I've been on here for a couple of years now waiting for this moment! I'm 39. Been target species specific bass fishing with lures and baitcasters since age 14. Only took me 25 years, hahaha. Thanks for the props, peeps.
    1 point
  45. Well due to this post I just went out and bought a White Python. I saw them before and just didn't want to spend a dub on one, but I finally did. Hope it works as well as everyone says!
    1 point
  46. Have your home's potable water tested and you might be surprised what it has in it. I once tried to drink some distilled water. It had a horrible taste compared to my well water which is full of iron and lime
    1 point
  47. If you only use them topwater, you are missing out. I have a friend that uses them with a weighted hook and lets them sink then crawls them slow on the bottom. I laughed at first until he caught 3 bass over 6 lbs in one trip from a pond ive never caught one over 6 from
    1 point
  48. I bank fish. I only carry one at a time. I have 3 others mounted up. 2x are newer models. I'm good peeps. (It can be easily slipped out and back on the rod that caught the fish) BTW...this is a little hypocritical. How many people on here have 10+ bass reels? Some of you guys have 50+. There's no way you use them all...all the time. 1 retired for a cool memory has little impact.
    1 point
  49. Here's the new "tow" vehicle. Has & does everything I'll be asking of it. Granted I'm fairly sure the Denali doesn't work up much of a sweat hauling around the Old Town. A-Jay
    1 point
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