Sometimes you just have to let it go, most people are just idiots
I was bank fishing a local pond this past Saturday. At the entrance to this pond, there is a corner where you can fish to the left or right, that is just where the walkway dead-ends.
I had arrived well before sunrise and been fishing for around an hour or so all alone, and I had covered the whole section of bank to the left and I was back at the corner.
About that time, another guy arrives coming in down the walkway. I said hello, and he just ignored me and made a hard left...Basically, he thought I had just gotten there too, it was sunrise and he wanted to get to a certain spot about 50 yards down the bank before I did, even though if that was his thought process, he should have asked me which way I was going since I was there first, and at the least he should have responded to my greeting.
About 10 minutes later, another guy shows up. By this time I'm working my way down the right bank, and the new guy sets all of his stuff on a bench at the corner and starts working down the bank behind me. We talk a little, and then he just cuts right in front of me and starts casting a topwater plug and fishing ahead of me. Keep in mind, I'm throwing a Chatterbait at this point and covering water down the bank, not set up on a spot, the only reason I was even still close to him was because he was talking to me.
I just left, I had to be home anyway but I had planned on spending another 30 minutes or so fishing down that bank until the dumb*ss cut in front of me.
I truly don't think he had any clue how rude that was either, one of those "here's your sign" moments
Now the first guy, he was intentionally being VERY rude. It's OK though, because he was fishing for some sore-lipped fish I'd already caught off of the bank he chose, I'd already fished that section coming and going!
Sorry for the rant.