Summer is a stable season, but it's also a mixed bag.
One part of the population will move to deeper water, while another segment will remain shallow
and cling to shallow vegetation. The metabolism of bass in summer is the highest of the year,
therefore food intake is also at a peak annual level. With nature in full bloom, summer is a horn of plenty
and forage is at peak levels. As a result, the high demand of summer is easily satisfied by a rich supply.
So instead finding bass feeding wildly in summer, we're dealing with well-fed bass. During early and late summer,
bass tend to respond to a faster retrieve and more action, times when frogs, spooks & buzzbaits do well.
But during the highest water temps of midsummer bass tend to overheat and bass action generally slows down.
One of the best defenses against the "dog days" of midsummer is to fish after dark.
All that said, one of the best cold-plans in summer is to focus your game on the outer edge of weedbeds (deep weedline).