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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2015 in all areas

  1. ding_ding!!! I went last night to a reservoir that not many people have access to. I was in the kayak as I usually am. There were three bucket brigadiers in a jon boat keeping any and everything. I caught a bass well over 5# (no scale, no camera) on a topwater in plain sight of them. I unhooked it and admired it a few seconds. I heard one of them say "You don't want that fish?" I ignored him and let them see me let it swim away. It makes me feel so good to watch a big fish swim away.
    7 points
  2. Well I had to get this thing back in one piece. I kept debating on having the handle color matched when it was there. I believe now it's together I'll have him paint it too. I have a pxr drag star for it but I'm liking the stock look for now. Maybe a 90mm carbon handle in the future.
    4 points
  3. Spent 8 hours on the water today fishing the Gliss 40 lb green; first time with it. Threw a 3/8 oz SK Rage Blade with a Lake Fork Boot Tail Live Magic Shad trailer - All Day. Had to, they kept biting it. I opted for a short section of wire rather than the usual mono as we were fishing in Pikeasaurus land. Caught plenty of Bass & Pike. Without getting ahead of myself – this line exceeded my expectations. Underlined below are the advertised characteristic of the line and the reasons for my purchase. Below each are my opinions in regard to these claims. Please keep in mind this was only after one day – but it’s not bad. Thin & Slick composition provides incredible casting distance. I Completely Agree ! Super thin for 40lb and casting distance was great. Zero stretch provides ultimate sensitivity. I Completely agree again ~ Will not say The Most sensitive ever – but definitely able to feel everything I wanted to; how & if the bait was working correctly or fouled with weed and of course strike detection was killer. Remember this was a moving bait. Thinner than braid with comparable strength for superior management. Already covered the diameter deal and the Management aspects were very good – trouble free. At least for today; which was pretty windy & quite gusty. Keep in mind that blade bait / trailer combo cast fairly well anyway but even still I was impressed. Zero line twist makes Gliss more managable on spinning reel applications. Have not spooled up a spinning reel yet – but I will be soon enough – with a smaller class Gliss line. Soft form provides increased castability and distance. Already covered. Additional comments; regardless of how it’s advertised or what “class of line’ this product is placed in, to me it’s a braid. But it just may be the best casting & most manageable braid I’ve fished. Questions yet to be answered or addressed: What is the Abrasion resistance like ? Don't know - this lake is all soft vegetation, but I'd expect it to be like most braids - OK on wood but poor on rock or anything similar. How long does it last ? At least one day . . . . btw - there was NO COLOR loss at all during the spooling process - meaning my hands & reel didn't turn green. As for comparing it to nylon, I will say there is not a comparison. For today, on this lake, Gliss was Better in every way, shape, form & fashion. I will be fishing it next time in a place with no Pike (only beast SMB) so I’ll be back to using a mono leader. And we’ll see how that goes. I’m expecting the goodness to continue. Hope this helps A-Jay
    3 points
  4. Got some grass on the bait.....Nope
    3 points
  5. I believe "bucket fishermen" (or "the bucket brigade") refers to bank fishermen who keep every fish they catch regardless of size, species or legality. Someone please correct me if I'm way off here.
    3 points
  6. Maybe you should take her out for chinese.
    3 points
  7. Make one great addition at a time and build your collection over the years.
    3 points
  8. alwayshungry, welcome to the site and that's a heck of a first post. You make some valid points about the pure stopping power of birdshot. Your examples seem like they would best apply to what we call a very motivated attacker, someone with no other motive than to cause you or someone else severe bodily harm or death. In those cases we'll often have drugs, alcohol, mental illness, or a combination involved. In those situations you're correct that you have to stop the bodies ability to function completely to stop the threat as a motivated attacker will not stop until they're unable to continue on or until they've completed their goal. Your more typical home invader that is looking to burglarize a dwelling most likely isn't going to continue on with an attempted attack after just the sight or sound of a shotgun, let alone being ripped open by a shotgun blast. I like the shotgun for home defense because it doesn't pass through walls like a handgun or rifle round will. Most of your deadly encounters inside a home are going to be at extremely close distances, less than 10' in most cases. Even at that distance, under the mountain of stress and emotions that a person is going through, it's amazingly easy for the average person to miss an entire human being when firing a single projectile. A shotgun's spread will be very small at that distance, but still a slightly larger area and pellets that miss their intended target will stop in furniture or the wall. I would encourage someone who chooses to use a handgun for home to defense to be extremely proficient with it and be mentally aware of where anyone else in the house will be at all times. I'd rather see someone using something I'd consider overkill than nothing at all though. Like the saying goes "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away". My shotgun at home has staggered rounds, along with the .40 with several loaded mags on my side of the bed and .380 on my wife's side, so I see the value in having options
    3 points
  9. Oh i forgot! When possible I always fish uphill, my bait stays in contact with the bottom longer.
    3 points
  10. So after all the talk of Cedar Valley for the fish off, and seeing Jared's 7#, Keith and I decided to make the trip last Saturday. Such a cool lake. Launched at 5:45am and there was only one other boat that had launched right before us. Started fishing a steep rock bank, and within the first 30 minutes I got bit on a football jig in about 17 feet of water. It was a good fish, took me straight into a tree and broke me off. Shortly after that, coming around the point, Keith tied into the first fish. Most of you have probably seen the GoPro video on Facebook, but it was awesome. Once we saw the fish after it jumped, we both gave each other the look. First fish in the boat was over 4lbs. Talk about setting the bar high. Another fish that came deep. The rest of the morning remained fairly slow, but it really got going around 10:30-11. We were catching numbers on shallow grass lines. Jigs and a Spicy Shad Wobbler were the winners. After we'd beat up the grass for a while, we made another pass at the point where Keith caught the first 4#. Long story short, he pulled TWO more fish over 4# on TWO passes in the exact same spot. Probably 15-18 FOW on a football jig. Best 5 fish on the day went 18.25 lbs. Just barely missed our 20# goal. It was an awesome trip and cool lake, and can't wait to get back. The river end was blocked off due to some speedboat races, so we didn't even get to fish up that way. Aside of that, we only saw a total of two boats all day between 6-2. Our votes are in for the fish off, for sure. On another note, I caught my first respectable Smallie at Lone Star last night. Second cast of the evening on my new H20 jig rod (after I'd broken my All Star at Cedar Valley). I've only caught one little 6 incher on the Ned a few weeks ago, and have been waiting forever for one. Other than that fish, it was slow. Like, painstakingly slow. Water temps were 88-91. I was definitely not fishing deep enough. Nice fish though!
    3 points
  11. After a fun filled day on the lake pulling the nephews on a tube, my dad and I took my 3 year old nephew in the river in a flat bottom jon boat to try and snag some catfish. We pulled some of the green and black caterpillars off the tree leaves to use for some live bait. Pulled up into the hole and anchored up just before dark. Within about 40 minutes, we had 3 decent sized smallies in the boat, a nice bluegill and about 3 or 4 smallies jump off. No catfish to speak of, but i preferred the smallies anyways!! He gave us one of those picture perfect moments that you could only expect from a commercial or a movie or something.... after the second fish was boated, he looks at my dad and asks "Paw, when are we going fishing again?" It was a great time for all of us, but my nephew especially.
    2 points
  12. So after a couple reel issues this morning I was able to get out on the water with a complete new set up Duckett terex Dean Rojas model 7' Abu Garcia Revo s reel And trusty Spro frog in the albino color And.... On my second cast caught my new PB! Needless to say I'm pretty excited. She went back with no issues. Can you guess the weight??
    2 points
  13. Lew's Tournament Pros are going on sale for $149 with the introduction of the new LFS model. Originally retailed for $200. That would be my suggestion
    2 points
  14. You missed three bites while pondering this.
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. Through time on the water and catching fish. At a certain point, the novice must get off the internet, and cast a line.
    2 points
  17. Got another nice northern largemouth last Saturday. A 5 lb 5 oz largemouth from Lake Champlain.
    2 points
  18. I was going to say 4 lbs before I read your weight. Congrats on the new PB though!
    2 points
  19. Among various other issues still unknown to scientist.
    2 points
  20. Took a couple guys fishing at one of my favorite little lakes a few weeks ago and one of them was doing well with a frog. He had a fish boil and pull the frog under, a full sized hollow bodied frog mind you, and it ended up being a monster warmouth that had the entire back half of the frog in his mouth! I've seen big greenies and warmouths eat some big baits, but never seen one almost get an entire frog in their mouth. You couldn't swim in a lake if they got to 20 pounds.
    2 points
  21. I got a weight on it. I just wanted to see how good of guessing there would be . It was 4lb 3oz
    2 points
  22. Congrats on the PB! Do you know the weight and just want people to guess or did you not get a weight and want some estimates? I'm guessing 3lb 11oz.
    2 points
  23. Somthin I always wanted to do was to dive in the lake like the show hook and look.
    2 points
  24. It's a rig not a jig ~ Here's the rig, from the main line to the hook: -A Bobber Stop - A small bead to keep the stopper from slipping through the weight (not always needed) - A 1/2 oz tungsten weight - a Boss Punch Hub - this is placed inside the skirt collar - The skirt of your choice - A parasite clip (optional, but does help prevent the plastic from sliding down the hook) - A 5/0 Owner wide gap plus EWG hook (#5139 - very stout, I love this hook) - Your favorite soft plastic - pictured is a Power Bait Beast A-Jay
    2 points
  25. Working "up the drop" is one of my favorite & often very effective presentations; especially when the fish are really hunkered down on the bottom or favor a bait right on it. Instead of a standard "Jig", I use the rig pictured below. It excels in many situations and this one in particular; very weedless, seriously snag resistant and bass eat it eagerly. A-Jay
    2 points
  26. You could buy the $200 avid or the $300 avid (imx) hah.
    2 points
  27. You said a const. co. made the lake. Why not get a hold of the company. I'm sure they'll have a map of the lake. All the projects I worked on have them, It's something they have to show on the plans. Your local city / country should have copies,
    2 points
  28. Just a few more pics....got the rear cross member removed and the new one ready to be installed. I still need to prep and primer that before final mounting. I also had to chop off about 3-4" off the back of the trailer because it was pretty rusted after i removed the crossmember. I already repacked the bearings so they are ready to go. Pretty much all that is left is -attach rear crossmember -paint -wire up the lights -reinstall fenders -reinstall winch -reinstall tongue -install some sort of visibility bars -install bunks -repaint wheels (probably will wait on this one) Should be done by this week and then i will get the registration and hopefully give it a whirl this weekend on it's inaugural trip.
    2 points
  29. 2 points
  30. A package arrived today. Bottom to top. C473 MHXS - It's a Va Tech Hokie rod. Maroon and Burnt orange spinning rod. C276 MHF - Gold and Black light flipping stick C4711 HMF - Metallic Light green flippin stick. This one is mine and is finally going to replace my last factory rod. A veracity will be for sale soon. C273 MM - Copper Metallic cranking rod C476 MH F - Gold Metallic Frog rod
    1 point
  31. Meh, it's grow to be such a disposable society, as long as there were no injuries, I bet those people thought "no harm, no foul" and just waited to see if the other filed a claim! It's all good Slo, you did the right thing, even if those involved were soulless robots!!
    1 point
  32. Pretty much all that is left is ........................................................................................................................... Piece of cake - huh... It'll look great when you get done !
    1 point
  33. Maybe some of them had indulged in ackahol ? I saw a hit/run thing one morn.The offending car had his bumper torn all the way off,WITH TAG STILL ON IT.lmao
    1 point
  34. https://store.snapon.com/Strippers-Cutters-Crimpers-Wire-Stripper-Crimper-Cutter-7--P648778.aspx
    1 point
  35. You never had me fooled for a minute. The Don Rickles shell is what protects the delicate undercarriage Roger
    1 point
  36. The difficulty I have is, "less stretch = more sensitivity" Mono, fluoro, or copoly does not stretch until adequate force in opposite directions is applied or adequate force in one direction while the other end is affixed to an stationary object. A bass simply picking up a t-rig off the bottom is not enough force to cause line stretch.
    1 point
  37. I once witnessed a guy run a stop sign and clip a car in the intersection. Both cars stopped, the driver who ran the stop sign got out, bent his tag down so it couldn't be read, got back in his car and drove off.
    1 point
  38. That's all well and good but a nice set of fake plates would throw a big monkey wrench into that plan. Taking pictures of a Driver's Lic might be good, unless that's fake too. Of course that never happens. And if the occupants of the vehicle that was struck were injured and not ambulatory or even trapped - the snapped heads would still just keep Taking pictures . . . . Sad. But I'm not bitter. A-Jay
    1 point
  39. Man you're getting soft in your old age. The real Slonezp would have cussed them out for making him late getting home, flicked them off, and peeled out.
    1 point
  40. Lawyers want us all in court. And they encourage photos. Where I live there is a local lawyer who advertises on TV and radio who will send anyone a free throw-away camera. 99% of lawyers are giving the other 1% a bad name. Any lawyers on the Forum care to respond
    1 point
  41. Might be a waste of time to buy a lottery ticket today!!!
    1 point
  42. I'm fortunate enough to be able to buy pretty much what I want. I wouldn't spend $40 on a lure let alone $250. I'm not on this big lure bandwagon for reasons other than expense. My freshwater fishing is not conducive for larger swimbaits, don't want to use the required rod size to launch those bigger baits for what I consider smaller fish. Sure a 8-10# bass is a great bass and a nice trophy but it's still only 10#. As a recreational fisherman there for just the fun of it, I can catch bass in that size range on lighter gear, I find that to be more fun. Even a 5-6# bass on a ul or light power rod is pretty darn good in my book. I do toss some 2-3oz lures for species that can easily exceed 10 pounds, my success rate is no better than if I were using a 3/4 oz bucktail for a few bucks or a jerk shad on a jig head. The bigger bait serves 1 purpose for me, that's just to do something different, it's not a big fish guarantee for me.
    1 point
  43. This was my first swimbait fish. You caught it on a swimbait, it's a swimbait fish.
    1 point
  44. Good idea going local, some times you find people more then willing to help you out! Just wait for the bleeding to stop before you start drinking lol! Thanks for sharing that story!
    1 point
  45. Am I the only one that read this thread title as, "I owe my dad a beer and some strippers?"
    1 point
  46. Strangest a fold up camping chair. Grossest would be a condom, the Mon River can be nasty
    1 point
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