Our IDNR biologists have completed several lake surveys with population estimates of the number of potentially catchable bass (those >8"). In Lake Monroe, our largest reservoir with 10,750 ac., they estimated 22,797 bass. Surveys and modeling combined to give an estimate of 16,754 bass (>8") swimming around in Hardy Lake (741 ac.). Over at Sullivan Lake they estimated 12,243 bass roaming its waters (468 ac.). As a slightly different set of numbers, at Brookville Res.(5,260 ac.) , there are about 137 smallmouth bass per mile of shoreline, and another 307 largemouth in that same 1-mile stretch.
You can do the math to get things like approx. bass/acre, or the number more commonly referred to in our surveys is catch per unit effort (CPUE), the number of a given fish species sampled (usually shocked) per unit of time, most always in #'s per hour. Our worst waters are single digits, but typically our lakes fall into two classes, a group at about 50 bass per hour, and another at about 150 bass per hour.