Mr. Martin and Mr. Mercer are two celebs I can stand. They act like normal folks.
My little girl (18mos or so) crawls into my lap when I'm watching bass fishing shows. She just eats it up -- I've never seen anything like it!
Until recently, Facts of Fishing is what she'd demand. She likes Mr. Mercer.
When I turned on a recorded Scott Martin Challenge featuring his little girls, she was enthralled. She ran and got her mom to watch, too! Since then, I recorded another that also features his daughters, now a bit older, fishing for Peacock bass.
She demands one or both of those shows... over and over and over again. She has to hold her fishing rod while watching them, too. She's getting old enough to take out fishing, briefly.
If you happen to read this, Mr. Martin, I hope you take that as the compliment it's intended to be.