This is good advice. It also helps fight a fish around the bow of the boat. I usually take my entire tackle box if going to a private place and I can just come back to the truck if need be. But when I go to a public place, I have an extra Plano 3700 that I'll put what I think I need for that trip into. If you can't get out of the yak, it can be hard to change lures.
I'll admit I'm a strong swimmer and at times I haven't worn my PFD. Especially when I'm with someone else and in an ankle deep creek. I've fallen out only once, but it was COLD. Better to wear that thing.
Ability to stand up is nice, but if you're good at feeling a strike that's all you need. Check your state's requirements for public water. You probably have to have a PDF and whistle on the yak. Read up on buying the correct length paddle. You don't need to spend a fortune on that either. As mentioned already, SOT is what most people prefer for fishing. It's way cooler in summer too. You can hang your feet in the water and cool off.
I've discovered twice I was able to go into stumps and flooded timber and catch fish that I never could have gotten with even a jonboat.
And you can go get your $10 lure when if gets hung up.
No gas to buy!
Waaay cheaper!
Very little maintenance.
You're not as tired after fishing for hours.
You don't need a boat ramp-this is probably the best advantage of all. You can have a place to yourself!
A few people will look at you funny until you catch fish in front of them. Then they'll get interested. People see my FB pics and ask me about getting started.
Lots of people go overboard, pun intended, with the add-ons, electronics, etc. You can easily spend as much on a kayak and rigging as you would a cheap jonboat. I have consciously avoided this because I got into the hobby to get back to basics.