I hope I don't get beat up but I'm going to say something and some will get mad. Rod defects show up quickly, if a rod tip snapped after using it for 2 years, it wasn't a defect, it was user error. What kind of problems do you see occur with age? About the only thing you will get is guide rings popping out or a reel seat or butt cap coming loose but blank defects will happen within the first outing or two. Every brand will have issues, some of the rods may get damaged in shipping or if they were on a display rack someone might have put a stress crack or nick in the blank or maybe you dropped it on the deck of the boat or on the ground and the blank was nicked, No matter what happens to the blank, it will break in short order, so saying the warranty ran out and the rods snapped just means you are doing something wrong and it took that long for it to break. High sticking is something that almost everyone has done, the thing is how much you do it and if you are aware you are doing it, normally if you are aware of that habit, and it does become a habit, you won't do it much and you may get away with high sticking a few times. If you aren't aware of it, you too will get away with it once, or maybe ten times but eventually you will do it one to many times and a post will get made on a web site about brand X being horrible as the rod snapped after using it for 2 seasons. I don't mean this to be bad or scolding anyone as we all make mistakes and we are all free to form an opinion but if your rod broke by snapping near the tip and it took two years, you , or someone you let use the rod recently, either nicked the blank by accident or you were high sticking one too many times and it is ok, we all do it. There is a Flukemaster video in which he is guilty of high sticking, see if you can find it, if you know what high sticking looks like you will find it quick and a hint on where to look, experienced anglers usussally high stick by accident while landing a fish, those who don't have a ton of experience, or don't know will also do it by landing fish but they do it a lot when they get snagged. To summarize, if you snapped a rod after using it for more than a year, it is more than likely you did something to cause it to break and it could have been a simple nick that happened as you put the rod away or perhaps you dropped it on the deck and the black hit the side of the boat hard enough to cause a nick. I just think we need to understand that rods don't break from defect very much, it does happen but when it does it happens within the first few outings, not 2 years down the road.