I just want to say thanks to all you guys. Ive read and read and read and while Ive fished on and off my whole life, I never went to the pond to catch "the one". I would stop and get some worms, load up the kids and throw the bobbers in and sit and wait it out. Then run back and forth getting all the bluegills off the lines and re-worming them for the kids. Well, I don't know what happened. I caught a few bass and then started buying more lures and most importantly, I googled and found 2 things that made it happen. This site and BassResource on youtube. I have scoured these forums and watched all of the videos and I have learned a ton. From Color selection to water temps to even how to fish a certain lure. I fished this farm pond yesterday that's old and all grown up. With the owners permission, I slid my boat in and started fishing at 8 am on the nose. I caught one baby bass and 2 nice crappie but at 11 am I had thrown everything I had. The water was medium to heavy stained (as all these farm ponds are) and about 2.5 acres. Water temp was 64. Deepest part was 9 feet. So at 11 am I had been throwing a 1/2 ounce black and blue Jig. Had a few nibbles but nothing concrete. Then, I remembered somebody saying " cast your jig, let it land in the shallows then let it set there long enough for the skirt to flare out and then give it 2 small, quick pulls. As I rolled up to the North side of the pond, it had heavy cover and lots of shade. The Sun was straight up and it was hot. I made one side arm cast in low under the tree limbs. My jig landed in about 3 inches of water. I let it set for about 3 seconds and gave it one small jerk which felt light. On the second jerk, it honestly felt like it was on a tree limb but there was no downed trees in there area so I said what the hey and set the hook. Immediately, the fish went nuts. He came toward the boat and I thought "this is gonna be a good one" and then as he got to the boat, he tried to go back under the trees and that's when I felt his wrath. I have never felt anything like that in my life. He was pulling the boat towards the bank!!! So I got him to the boat and he calmed down and I noticed that he was hooked good but I still couldn't focus but it was all too fast and at the same time, I couldn't believe what was happening! By way, He started pulling the star drag and so I turned it until he couldn't pull it. Probably a rookie mistake but I didn't want him to find a downed tree underwater. He didn't pull anymore drag (remember what I said about the drag for later). So buy the time I was ready to pull him up, I swear I had about 3 rods all tangled up from his thrashing so I literally threw my baitcaster to the bottom of the boat and wrapped the line around my hand about 3 times. I finally pulled this joker and and he was freaking huge! I could put my entire fist in his mouth! I took selfies, videos, measured him etc. and then I threw him back. I wanted to make sure he was out and back in quick. I had no scale. You guys can decide. When I got home, I found an unopened bag of 5 lb. Sugar and he was heavier than that but Who cares, he was 5 times bigger then any other bass Ive ever caught in my 42 years. As for that star drag story I told you to remember? After I pulled out to the middle of the pond and got my wheels back under me, I remembered about a big fight possibly setting off a biting frenzy so I trolled right back over, untangled my rods and re casted back in the same spot. And nothing. Once more, nothing. and then BOOM! another hit, same place but HARDER! remember that star drag? It was still locked all the way down. This next joker took off. He never came toward the boat and went straight left and down. My drag was peeling off so hard that the line was digging down into the spool and the drag was STILL spinning!!! Now I know all about fish lies but you guys have to believe me on this one. That fish snapped the line and I never saw him again. I untangled my spool, put about 20 more casts in there and nothing. I was exhausted and headed home. It was truly an Epic day so heres some pics! Thanks again to everyone! You guys rock! C