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  1. Two bass, one 15", and one 17 1/2". Big one on the Scorpion with a chatterbait. Water was 58 degrees and very muddy, Visibility about 3 inches. Hootie
    15 points
  2. You defended yourself, that's all you needed to do. Now be a man and let it go.
    7 points
  3. This little CPL has been very good to me this year. Pitched my jig past the head of a big tree in the water. She bit on the fall in about 15 FOW. Didn't see the line jump in the breeze, but felt the bite all right (12# Tatsu). Set the hook, and she dove straight into the tree (of course). Kinda difficult to turn a biggish fish on a medium power rod and 12# line, so I gave her a little thumb drag after freespooling the reel, and she found her way out of trouble after a while and made off for deeper water. Changed my position a little so that the tree wasn't in the way any more, and got her in. At least I'm getting enough practice landing adult fish until I eventually run into the heavy hitters lol. Got some catching up to do. 1/4 oz jig and craw fished on 12# Tatsu. Fish went 4-05 on my Berkely handheld.
    6 points
  4. Something to help you out or anyone having trouble with backing up a trailer. A little trick my grandpa taught me. If you put your hand on the bottom of the steering wheel and turn right, the trailer will go right. Turn it left, it will go left. Just gotta keep your hand on the bottom of the steering wheel.
    5 points
  5. Uh yeah, partners need to learn this. Even if I just get the boat on the ramp, you dunk me in and park. It's a huge time saver. Thing is, I'm not into the trial by fire learning method. Pick a time you can practice when no one is around waiting to use the ramp.
    4 points
  6. Any number of competent custom rod builders can give you the same or better at a fraction of the price plus it would be a 1 off not just rare.
    4 points
  7. Yesterday was my first trip of the year. Pretty decent for 45-48 degree water. I caught three smallies between 2-2 1/2 pounds. My buddy caught four, the biggest pushing five pounds-unverified due to the electronic scales not turning on for that fish only. His next biggest was 3 1/2. Jerkbaits and tubes, dude, jerkbaits and tubes.
    3 points
  8. well they are secret....
    3 points
  9. The previous thread posted (copied) above covers this topic well and I enjoyed reading it. I'll offer this; if an angler believes in the "invisible" properties of Fluorocarbon line / leader & using Baits that "Mimic" something that the fish feed on to at the very least illicit a strike, adding unnatural sounds to the environment one is obviously trying so hard imitate, seems counter productive. We've all caught our fair share of suicidal bass, but if your objective is locate & land the bigger fish - you really can't go wrong with keeping "the Noise" down to a minimum. Each angler may have his/her own idea what that means and how far they prefer to take it. I fish some small waters where I seem to have better results on the above average bass by disturbing the environment a little as possible. A-Jay
    3 points
  10. I have to vent... You guys are awesome. I've always liked fishing as a kid and have many fond memories but never got reeeally into it until a few years ago. It was an impromptu fishing trip for a friend who was going through some really tough times that turned into the greatest day ever- it was GLORIOUS. We still talk about it now! It took that day to really open my eyes and become a huge focal point in my mind and the obsession had begun but I still had no idea what I was doing. I mean, how do you even begin to learn when you don't really know many people that fish and the ones who do aren't serious at all? Bass Resource, that's how. I mean dang, between Glenn dropping so much video knowledge I have to wear steel toes when I watch 'em to the individuals that fill it with nonstop experience, humor and insight... You can't help but learn. It's like a fire burning and just about all of you have helped me stoke it in some way. It's insane to think of all the things I learned between lurking, searching, reading, watching and then finally participating more recently. It's been a heck of a run so far and it's just the beginning- I still have so much to learn. So yeah, just wanted to take a minute to say thanks and give you all a big fat cyber high five for being yourselves. I really have appreciated all the enabling, the stories and the experience. Without you guys I'd be stuck sleeping in and having all kinds of money lying around and we can't be having that!! Cheers!
    3 points
  11. I heard it doesn't just catch the fish it catches their hopes, dreams and their soul. It stores them in the handle and the greater the volume of souls the louder the sirens' song the rod emits to it's next victim.
    3 points
  12. this is wrong. you need to set the hook at the first tap or sign of a bite. it's hard enough to feel big fish b//c they inhale/exhale the lure so fast. Shaw Grigsby said there are 3 taps you'll feel with a bite: 1st tap= the bass inhaling the lure 2nd tap=the bass spitting it out 3rd tap= is shaw tapping you on your on shoulder asking 'why you didn't set the hook!?'
    3 points
  13. True fish story and all 3 pics, same bass. Using a yum craw dad on ultralight. I felt a bite, set the hook...using 6lb nanofil braid...line snaps...OH S***!!!! I see the line 6-8' away in the water...and the line starts moving away. I think fast, pull my cell phone from my pocket and put it on the grass..I wade out to retrieve the line. I'm fighting the bass using my hands on the line...never done that before! I pull the bass close and land it! I was beyond thrilled, didn't lose the bass, didn't have so many feet of braided line floating in the water and I get a bass after so many weeks of goose egg fishing. I ended up catching 4 bass before leaving the lake! Epically a cool day of catching!
    2 points
  14. "Is going to provoke parental concern" I like that line, it's classy! Of course, I don't like parental concern in general...................
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. Absolutely right, guys. My practice has been 10% tithed, 10% spent, 80% saved, with a little variable for extra. I could suck in a lot of money spending stuff but I've been able to practice good self control. Had a great day my first day. REALLY like the guy who owns the business. Hardcore outdoorsman. He hunts, fishes, and traps. I can tell I'm gonna be spending a lot of time with this guy. His grandpa had some stock in a semi-private pond, he gave the stock and a small boat and boathouse to this guy. He says there's big bass in that pond, with an average size being 2 1/2 to 3 1/2. Yeah, baby! Sounds like a perfect boss. We got along great.
    2 points
  17. Much like always, I'm unable to show pictures of my guns or ammo as they all fell overboard in an unfortunate canoe accident. They swept out to the ocean by now I'm sure.....
    2 points
  18. Scored yesterday with my 1000xt too. Not quite as big as your's Hootie. Brian. No mak'n fun!!
    2 points
  19. Still didn't catch anything, but I know they are there. Was bluebird skies, and in the 70s, and you guessed it they were shallow and sitting on cover... not eating a d**n thing. Saw loads of juveniles swimming the shallows with their blue gill pals, and all the fat girls hanging in the shade. Couldnt reach the fatties from shore because all the brush plus when you walk the trail they can pretty much see you walking by. So I just had a staring contest with two lovely fatties hanging out together.... man I can't wait to get my kayak.
    2 points
  20. Nice, but I have to ask...was it the fisherman or the reel that scored? if the reel, then I will take my new-2-me Scorpion with me to Florida this coming weekend. Need all the help I can get.
    2 points
  21. Got my 1st NY Bass yesterday. Water was freezing. Lost another one at the boat. Great to be back in the water again!
    2 points
  22. lose the "search bait" and tie on something that works. you can call anything a "search bait", but if its not working is it really a "search bait" or are you just wasting time fishing something the fish dont want?
    2 points
  23. Live within your means, pay your bills on time, spend some for enjoyment, and save some for the future. Just that simple and it allowed me to retire at age 55 which allows for a lot of fishing.
    2 points
  24. Great. Remember the rule we all have forgotten - "Pay Yourself First." 10% or 15% out of each pay check off the top and into a savings account. More if you can do it. And remember two of the things that can eat up your savings: Girls and cars. Yep, when you start to date you will find out how expensive girls and cars can be. So be careful with your money; pay yourself first; and be cognizent of girls and cars and their associated costs.
    2 points
  25. I'm not a fish biologist but it looks to me like this bass has been promiscuous.
    2 points
  26. It is a good list and I'm sure many people will appreciate it. Every benefit listed can be done with spinning gear, as far as I'm concerned the rod and reel is only a means to deliver the lure to a target. With spinning Accuracy.......................I can cast to a pin point. Flipping.........................As Glenn posted a video, I did that when I wore knickers. Distance........................Not a problem if needed. Lure weight...................Rods made to a wide range of lures, with desired actions. Covering water.............Many spinning reels have more IPT. Drag.............................Don't see much difference there. Pulling fish from cover..The rod does the work. Backlash or digging......Not with spinning, windknots yes but easy casting reduces it. Line twist......................Yes with spinning & mono, trolling out remedies that. Power vs finesse..........Who made that nonsense up, the rod is the key not the reel. Fish size.......................Big fish are caught on both spinning and B/C. If one prefers a B/C, be my guest I'll stick with spinning.
    2 points
  27. I would go with the older zillion vs the newer ones. I have owned the older zillion, and I can say from experience it is a tank and a very nice reel. The newer ones don't differ too much from the tatulas from what TT had to say. If I were in that price range, I would go with a chronarch ci4 or a couple of curado I's. You can get them new of eBay for a good bit cheaper. Or better yet, a metanium on eBay.
    2 points
  28. They say revenge is a dish best served cold. Also there is a saying the best revenge is living well. Sounds like you stood up for yourself. Hopefully the kid will think twice about messing with you since he now knows he's going to get a couple of lumps too. I'd leave it alone at this point.
    2 points
  29. https://youtu.be/78MKBHR3NbU
    2 points
  30. When someone is catching bass at the same time & place that you are not, that offers a learning opportunity. Watch the successful angler very closely. It's not enough to tie on the same lure, you also need to watch where he or she is placing their casts, how long they pause on the bottom, the speed and cadence of their retrieve, and so on. Frankly, it's the skunks and slumps that amplify the challenge, the stuff that keeps us coming back for more. Good Luck Roger
    2 points
  31. I have never heard of it but from the sounds of that thing I feel like Speedbead might have 3.
    2 points
  32. That's funny I kinda had a little similar thing happen the other day. Last year at my favorite pond I lost a crankbait on a tree right near the dam. Went back for my first trip this year found it floating in the water tied it on and two cast later had my first bass of the season. Pretty funny way to start the year.
    2 points
  33. all of those above, and this sleeper has been really good for me this year. Mann's Baby 1-minus.
    2 points
  34. Jerkbait. Lipless, Squarebill, & Medium depth Crankbaits. Swimbait on a Jighead. If none of that is working I break out the double secret weapon. Fifty feet of Hemp and a Cormorant. If that fails, I smoke the rope & eat the bird. A-Jay
    2 points
  35. メガバス総帥、伊東由樹がMEGABASSの名を冠し、彼のハンドビルドによるバスロッドの製作を開始してから、およそ30年に迫ろうとしています。そんな彼の最初の作品「ARMS」バスロッドは、やがて1997年「DESTROYER」を生み出し、2013年「X7」、2000年及び2014年「EVOLUZION」を派生させたメガバスロッドのDNAとして、現在までのメガバスロッドに脈々と受け継がれています。 いわば、ARMSはF-1マシンと同じ。メガバスロッドを進化させるべく伊東のロッドテクノロジーをいちはやく具現化させるテストベットであり、近未来のメガバス・ロッドビジョンを先行投影させる、ドリームワークスです。 2015年。伊東の最先端テクノロジーを具現化するアイティオーエンジニアリングが、驚愕のフィッシングダイナミクスを内包する「スーパーウエポン」を、フィールドに送り出します。 荷重を受けるガイドセクションに高密度コンポジットしたマイクロブレイデッドグラファイトファイバーが想定ターゲットの大きさを物語る、新開発「異軸多弾性ハイブリッドグラファイトコンポジット」ブランクスは、これまでのバスロッドのスペックを凌駕。 超軽量カーボンフレームを覗かせるハニカムフレーム構造のロッキングダイヤルは、極限までのブランキング(肉抜き)が施された軽量化構造であると共に、圧倒的な強度を実現。 自由度の高いフルアングルキャストを実現させるロープロファイル・ショートトリガーに接合されたITOリールシートスペーサーは、「ウォールナット(ウッド)」・「バーズアイピーコック(ウッド)」・「4-AXISISカーボン」・「BRAIDED WOVENカーボン」・「METALコンポジットカーボン」の5種類。 ついに完全自由形状のカーボングラファイト造形を可能としたアイティオーが製作する、超高感度「ドライカーボンハンドル」のデザインは、往年のARMSエルゴノミクスを正統に継承。リール装着時に握りのクリアランスギャップを無くし、ロッド重点をハンドルユニットに寄せ、なおリール装着時の低重心化をも目指した「センターバランシングスペーサー」をはじめ、ロッドエンドの作動に自由度をもたらす非円径断面エンドバットなど・・・これまでのバスロッドの常識を圧倒的なテクノロジーで破壊する、数々のALL NEW FUNCTIONを具現化。 I couldn't have said it better myself ~ Gorgeous Stick. A-Jay
    2 points
  36. Well, I am wearing a trench coat, hat & dark glasses, so I'm trying to be inconspicuous...
    2 points
  37. The big one that got away stories would fill a book. Fresh water. The largest would be a sturgeon accidentally hooked in the Green River Utah, over 8' long and simply freight trained down river. 50 lb class class Musky that the lure shook out about 3' from the boat, Height of Land lake, Ont. 20+ lb LMB about 5' from the boat, broke off in some rocks, Castaic lake. Salt water. 700+ lb Blue marlin, hook pull out about 30' from the boat. 15' White shark eat my 150lb class big eye tuna next to the boat. 700-800 lb Mako shark jumped over the stern of the boat and was hooked, but broke off. Tom
    2 points
  38. Another time fishing in saltwater I was using a 9' Okuma surf rod with 50lb braid. I was bank fishing near a bridge with cut bait, when the rod went down. I got spooled in like 30 seconds with the drag cinched down. It was like tying my line to the back of a truck and it driving off, I chased it for a second then after that I never got an inch of line.
    1 point
  39. Different strokes See the neat thing is how many different ways there are to skin the proverbial cat, and each individual's taste is different. There are as many answers and perspectives as there are colors in the Ito catalog. I wanted to spread it around, personally. I do also want to keep my small quiver as sexy as it can be. I can only have a few rods so you bet they are eye candy haha
    1 point
  40. Good luck with that. Maybe live bait or an extra soft presentation like running a fly past them. Tough to get sunning fish to bite.
    1 point
  41. Dang! Well, I don't suppose he is too bad of a guy. If he gets sideways I will just have to post photos of him in his dirt track car on its roof
    1 point
  42. My brother and I were night fishing from a pier in the saltwater with live bait. He had a bite fought it for a second then got hung up on an oyster bed and broke off. About 15 minutes later I felt a tug set the hook and brought in a nice sail-cat, then I realized I didn't set the hook in the fish but my brother's tangled line with oysters on it. The catfish must have swum over my line and gotten the tangled line on my hook good enough for me to fight it in, and haul it up the 10 or 15 foot pier. Pretty crazy stuff happens night fishing in saltwater.
    1 point
  43. Nice job man! Theres nothing better than catching them on a Topwater no mater how big or how many you catch." Nice pic!
    1 point
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