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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2015 in all areas

  1. Today, I was at the pond. Caught a couple of little fish, but couldn't get anything together. I tied on a Yum Money Craw with a 1/4 oz. bullet weight and started dragging it over logs on the bottom. Felt a weight, and set the hook. Thought I had a turtle or a carp on at first, but when it jumped for the first time, it was so big I thought I had an 8 or 9 pound bass on. It headed straight for some logs to my right side, so I charged into the water and fought it away from there. Pulled it up to the bank, picked it up, and the hook fell out. It weighed 7 3/4 pounds on the scale, and was 24 1/2 inches long, with an incredibly fat stomach. Now, you're asking, why are there no pictures? For one, I made quite possibly the stupidest mistake of my life and didn't bring my phone. I usually take a trackphone fishing with me. The photos won't even upload to the internet, but at least I could show people. So I took a vine and tethered the bass to a log in the water. I didn't want to kill it (I would much rather have it swim away then get pics and die). I attatched the vine in such a way that the bass was upright in the water, made sure it was breathing, and headed down the road on my bike to home, 2 minutes away. I'm sure the cars passing wondered why this wild-eyed teenager was racing down the road at such a desparate pace! Ran into my house, got my brother and mom and a camera, and we drove back to the pond. THE BASS WAS GONE. Very disappointing. But I caught the bass!!!!! My previous PB was 4 1/3 pounds. People might not believe me, but at least I landed it. I'm still shaking.
    6 points
  2. メガバス総帥、伊東由樹がMEGABASSの名を冠し、彼のハンドビルドによるバスロッドの製作を開始してから、およそ30年に迫ろうとしています。そんな彼の最初の作品「ARMS」バスロッドは、やがて1997年「DESTROYER」を生み出し、2013年「X7」、2000年及び2014年「EVOLUZION」を派生させたメガバスロッドのDNAとして、現在までのメガバスロッドに脈々と受け継がれています。 いわば、ARMSはF-1マシンと同じ。メガバスロッドを進化させるべく伊東のロッドテクノロジーをいちはやく具現化させるテストベットであり、近未来のメガバス・ロッドビジョンを先行投影させる、ドリームワークスです。 2015年。伊東の最先端テクノロジーを具現化するアイティオーエンジニアリングが、驚愕のフィッシングダイナミクスを内包する「スーパーウエポン」を、フィールドに送り出します。 荷重を受けるガイドセクションに高密度コンポジットしたマイクロブレイデッドグラファイトファイバーが想定ターゲットの大きさを物語る、新開発「異軸多弾性ハイブリッドグラファイトコンポジット」ブランクスは、これまでのバスロッドのスペックを凌駕。 超軽量カーボンフレームを覗かせるハニカムフレーム構造のロッキングダイヤルは、極限までのブランキング(肉抜き)が施された軽量化構造であると共に、圧倒的な強度を実現。 自由度の高いフルアングルキャストを実現させるロープロファイル・ショートトリガーに接合されたITOリールシートスペーサーは、「ウォールナット(ウッド)」・「バーズアイピーコック(ウッド)」・「4-AXISISカーボン」・「BRAIDED WOVENカーボン」・「METALコンポジットカーボン」の5種類。 ついに完全自由形状のカーボングラファイト造形を可能としたアイティオーが製作する、超高感度「ドライカーボンハンドル」のデザインは、往年のARMSエルゴノミクスを正統に継承。リール装着時に握りのクリアランスギャップを無くし、ロッド重点をハンドルユニットに寄せ、なおリール装着時の低重心化をも目指した「センターバランシングスペーサー」をはじめ、ロッドエンドの作動に自由度をもたらす非円径断面エンドバットなど・・・これまでのバスロッドの常識を圧倒的なテクノロジーで破壊する、数々のALL NEW FUNCTIONを具現化。 I couldn't have said it better myself ~ Gorgeous Stick. A-Jay
    6 points
  3. Sold off all my favorite older rods, payed some bills. and had a little left over for a new bfs rod. The Megabass Super Criffhanger. Had that out with the Ultima today chasing some trout.
    6 points
  4. Here's a simile. This thread is as good as dead.
    4 points
  5. WTG on a New PB ! PB's are Always a Blast. I know & understand that you're bummed about not getting a picture but think about it this way. If I told you before you left that you were going to catch such a huge bass but you weren't going to get a picture of it, would you still go ? I certainly would. Congrats Again A-Jay
    4 points
  6. The live bait vendors in Lake Wales were in full swing from January thru March, but they're pretty quiet right now. In central Florida, bass fishing with artificial lures normally hits its stride in April and May. Yesterday I lost the best bass so far this year, an episode that reminded me of the thread called "Words for lost bass" (yes, there were expletives). In any case, nobody's interested in the one that got away. Outclassing me again, my wife was successful in getting a good bass to the boat. Lois' fish was 7-lb 3-oz (25") and fell for a big plastic worm. Roger
    3 points
  7. Black Metal, Death Metal, Heavy Metal, Doom Metal, Melodic Death Metal, Punk, Hardcore, Ska, Gutter Punk, Crust Punk, Symphony, Gangsta Rap, etc. I'm on a big 2pac and Dope kick right now. I've also been listening to a lot of Cradle of Filth lately too.
    3 points
  8. GREAT guy. Very humble. He's caught several world records that he never bothered to record, including a peacock bass over 30 lbs that would shatter the current world record. I've known Larry for a few years now. His wife is very nice as well.
    3 points
  9. Make your own. It's fairly easy to change blades, skirts and even to repaint a head. A-Jay
    3 points
  10. Frank G is a riot. He is a retired construction guy/ race car driver/ mechanic/ a whole bunch of others stuff. I have worked with his Son for decades and have recently started fishing with Frank. He retired and bought a house on Toho and since most of my trips are short notice, He gets first dibs at the back seat. He saw the TTS and Back in Black rods and asked if I could build him one when I get time. Well here it is. Rod Geeks C470 MF in Black metalic/ Gold metalic Fuji SK2 split seat SK2 EVA grips Gold trim Fuji SiC guides in gun smoke frames
    2 points
  11. I bought this blank on sale several months ago and I'm finally going to start it. IFS 764M in forest green 7-6 Heavy, Moderate Fast tip, Telescopic flippin Stick FDX grips Fuji 17mm Split seat Fuji concept SiC guides and tip Rod Skinz Art
    2 points
  12. I have to vent... You guys are awesome. I've always liked fishing as a kid and have many fond memories but never got reeeally into it until a few years ago. It was an impromptu fishing trip for a friend who was going through some really tough times that turned into the greatest day ever- it was GLORIOUS. We still talk about it now! It took that day to really open my eyes and become a huge focal point in my mind and the obsession had begun but I still had no idea what I was doing. I mean, how do you even begin to learn when you don't really know many people that fish and the ones who do aren't serious at all? Bass Resource, that's how. I mean dang, between Glenn dropping so much video knowledge I have to wear steel toes when I watch 'em to the individuals that fill it with nonstop experience, humor and insight... You can't help but learn. It's like a fire burning and just about all of you have helped me stoke it in some way. It's insane to think of all the things I learned between lurking, searching, reading, watching and then finally participating more recently. It's been a heck of a run so far and it's just the beginning- I still have so much to learn. So yeah, just wanted to take a minute to say thanks and give you all a big fat cyber high five for being yourselves. I really have appreciated all the enabling, the stories and the experience. Without you guys I'd be stuck sleeping in and having all kinds of money lying around and we can't be having that!! Cheers!
    2 points
  13. Thought I was just wasting my time when I got out on the water. Wind was howling like crazy and rain was coming in sideways. Alas, my favourite top water bite was a no-go but did manage a great little chunky fish along with a smaller 12 incher the cast after in the exact same spot. The picture doesn't really do it justice but the belly on this fish was pretty fat. Largest fish of the season so far for me.
    2 points
  14. Without going into too much detail, Ryan told me I'd be 'very happy' come August. Looking forward to getting into another Ranger. I think I'll wait for next year though. Any kinks that need to get worked out on the 22' will do so year one.
    2 points
  15. We landed on the moon, yet I still have to fill out forms at the DMV. Talk about a plot hole!
    2 points
  16. That really depends, Chris. If you have a lot of blue-tail skinks running around, you could try black with blue tail lizards. Hard to go wrong with "standard" colors like watermelon, green pumpkin, black. For me, lizards are more successful during the spawn than other times of the year. I've had most success with Zoom's Watermelon Gold.
    2 points
  17. Last report, flying home today Things were getting quite slow, the bass weren't biting as well so I decided to try out a new lure: a Strikeking 3XD. Most ponds here are very shallow but one is almost deep enough for this deep diving crank. I was surprised when I caught this little guy: As I was finishing up I decided to tie on a jig and pitch into holes surrounded by thick weed mats. Pitched my jig in, felt a hard thump and set the hook: She weighed 5lb 3 oz Thanks to all of you who have followed this thread and I hope you have enjoyed the reports! Things were a little slower than usual at my ponds, probably due to the extremely low water levels, yet I still managed to get my PB, and MIBassin managed his as well. Not as many fish compared to previous trips.. 38 fish over 14" total between MIBassin and I, with many <14" fish in between...Seemed like mainly the biguns showed up rather than the smaller bass this time around, which is something I'm not complaining about 3 fish between 1-2 lbs 10 fish between 2-3 lbs 7 fish between 3-4 lbs 11 fish between 4-5 lbs 5 fish between 5-6 lbs 1 fish between 6-7 lbs (MIBassin's PB of 6lb 1oz) 1 fish between 7-8 lbs (My PB of 7lb 6oz) Back to my old job... catching the NY State record
    2 points
  18. Same here but the other end is even better. I believe Maine used to end around Sept 15th maybe? So now we can fish until ice-in; which for me was Dec 14th last year.
    2 points
  19. MY old mentor said "I feel sorry for folks who don't fish"
    2 points
  20. Matt, Reel sweet looking combos you put together there . As for the investment you put into them, it truly shows you are a "True Enthusiast" ...Congrats.
    2 points
  21. Jimmy will kiss most any fish and then chuckle about them liking that sugar.
    2 points
  22. All I have to add is this: Steve, you have good taste in jerkbait colors. That is all.
    2 points
  23. I was aware of the story but only now encountered the post. What an incredible body of water, those puppies are all living high on the hog. You certainly have the Midas touch my friend, and happy birthday. Roger
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. Nice craws used as bump stops there
    2 points
  26. LD has forgotten 3 times more fishing information than I could hope to know my entire life. A-Jay
    2 points
  27. Dahlberg is the man.
    2 points
  28. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/149275-differences-between-males-and-females/
    2 points
  29. Well you did catch a new PB & you did weigh it. Congratulations. Some might not believe you without photo proof but who cares. I believe you and I am sure most others do as well. You will just have to catch a bigger one & get a picture with it.
    2 points
  30. X2 , Great detail in that story and your over enthusiasm had me hook , line and bullet weight my man !!! Congrats on a great fish and thanks for sharing !!!
    2 points
  31. He has "Agents" strategically positioned through out the Tri-State Area. (I don't even know what that means). A-Jay
    2 points
  32. I don't know why but , I take my wife to bass pro , I'm looking for specific colors and here she comes around the corner with these pink/white sparkle worms from out of one of the bins that sit along the front of the isle I assume , so excited she is , just have to have them she says , I look at her and say , with a kind of chuckle , were not here for fashion accessories love , well , I'm going to use them anyway , they are too pretty and I think the fish will love them ... wouldn't you know it , they were , i'll never question your judgment again baby , buy what you want . Who knew that bass were so into fashion besides her ...
    2 points
  33. If you want to remain stationary, Anchoring (or tying off to something) is your solution and is common practice. Fishing from a canoe, I will often "use" my bait to fish down a bank or to cover a flat. Baits that offer resistance like cranks & spinnerbaits will actually pull me along in the direction I'm fishing. So I plan for it. You'll need to account for any wind or current as well. A-Jay
    2 points
  34. With the help of The Hooligan my Aldebaran 50HG found a new ride on his ex Poison Glorious Bait BFS HardBait Special.......
    2 points
  35. Anyone keeping up with what their teams are doing this off season ? So far I love what the Redskins have done , offensive lineman Tyler Larsen should be a great addition , that dude has got some skills , also adding Nsekhe , another young talent , and then there is this young safety Johnson that we acquired from the Seahawks , what can we expect from him ? a whole lot more than what we previously had for sure , looking forward to the passion and bright thinking brought by him in the safety position . The addition of the new GM IMO has been the biggest move so far and probably the best move in the last 10 maybe even 20 years , Scott McCloughan , I would not be afraid to say he is most likely the best dang draft navigator in the NFL , not too shabby at using the free agency either , the most impressive is his skill at combining the two . Ok , Ok , I'm not entirely sure just what to think about the QB situation , RG3 has got a really strong arm , I think we can all agree with that much , after seeing him through injury , watching him after a run , that's about all that really impresses me is his arm strength , his accuracy has suffered , which IMO negates his strength , reports say he's refocused and really working hard , the jury is still out . Cousins , I don't really know about either , maybe the both of them are being held for future bargaining chips , I cant see any other reason why either of them are still there . I am looking forward to the future of my beloved Skins , this season "should" be a much more productive one , but then again , I've said that for the last ten years ...
    1 point
  36. Could I borrow someone's Monkey? Mine's defective. I've gone to Field and Stream three times now and all I have purchased is a fishing license.
    1 point
  37. So far this month, the monkey has gotten me for 2 Shimano Aldebarans, a bunch of Realis Spinbaits, 4 Megabass 110s, and a spool of Daiwa Samurai.
    1 point
  38. Would love to see video footage on a football field showing distances folks claim they can cast. Also factor in wind direction and speed as well as line, rod, reel, weight of bait thrown, and just how aerodynamic it is. I have never measured this personally so I am not going to take a guess at it.
    1 point
  39. "Stretch" is not linear. Big Game, Tatsu, and CXX may all have equal stretch, but the way they stretch has quite a bit of influence on the preferences we develop.
    1 point
  40. 100' or so would be considered a long cast fpr the most part. Are greater distances achieveable under certain circumstances? Sure. To maximize potential use a rod of 7-8' where the weight casted falls somewhere near the middle of the posted range, use a supple and manageable line and educate your thumb. This said, max cating distance is way over rated and a distant second to accuracy when it come to putting fish in the boat (or on the bank). It sounds like your setup is working as intended. For sheer casting distance you can't beat spinning tackle with light braid and a rod that loads well.
    1 point
  41. I fish 4 variations of the 50 sized platform. Anything from 3/16 to 3/4 oz works quite well. Never have found the need to have 200E instead of the 50 though I still have two 200e reels in the rotation. Plus the 50 series are slightly lighter and have more aftermarket upgrades should you need them. Also the resell value and demand for 50 series reels is slightly better in the event that you need to sell it.
    1 point
  42. When you guys fish tubes, do you remove the hooks after use?
    1 point
  43. I dropped my wife off at the airport yesterday. She is flying into Boston and staying with her daughter in Ipswich for two weeks. It sounds like she should have packed some winter clothes and boots...LoL.
    1 point
  44. Here's the deal. Actually, here's the speech I gave back when I was dating. It went something like this: So what happened? I married a woman who loves fishing as much as I do! Go figure!
    1 point
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