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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/2015 in all areas

  1. Oh, the lengths people go through to get their perfect rod. Some may find these pictures disturbing. Others, like myself, find great satisfaction in seeing a $500+ rod cut to pieces! The first project was sorta tame, but morphed into more than intended. It started out as a foregrip trim on a 923S MR. I can understand why. The thing was 4" long and you couldn't put your finger on the blank without dislocating it. After some finessing with a pair of pliers and finish work with sandpaper, it was a much more comfortable length This rod was quite tip heavy. In order to get it concentric in the lathe, I had to remove the jerry-rigged balancing system that was installed. These weights also added unneeded length to the already excessively long rear grip. I discussed this with the customer and he said to "do whatever I had to" I like when people tell me that! This was what I removed. This is what I re-installed. I know it's more than I took out, but it had to be to achieve the same balance point with the shorter rear grip. He also dislikes split grips and fills the gap with pipe insulation and wraps over with Rod Wrap. I installed some rod-appropriate materials to fill the gap and he can now wrap it and it won't be squishy. One final finishing touch. A thread wrap to clean up the area where the foregrip was removed. Didn't have matching Blue Dunn NCP so I used black. Black goes with everything! Project #2 was a repeat of one preformed on a GLX about 2 years ago. This one started out as a 843C MBR Someone has a date with a miter saw. OFF WITH HIS BUTT!! Naked and humiliated. The OEM reelseats are ungodly uncomfortable, and it had to be removed anyway, because the seat location was changing. Over the butt reelseat replacements aren't the easiest, but it can be done. Slide on the reelseat, ream an arbor to fit a blank of similar dimensions, split the arbor, glue in place and wrap with thread to hold it. Once the arbor is set, slide the new seat in place. This is a 17mm Fuji Comfort Touch. They were discontinued years ago, but I still have a couple stashed. New Winn full grip in place Butt cap installed. Finish wrap in front of the winding check and it's better than when it came in!
    5 points
  2. nope. 1 oz. over 10. at barely over 22" long! Are you kiddin' me!?!?!? this one's relative weight is completely off the charts. by comparison, most "average" 22" fish are 5.5 - 7 pounds. a "fat" 22" fish might be 8 or if you're lucky, pushing 9. So this is a very special fish indeed. keep growing baby. i got a real good feelin' about you....... happy Easter guys! hope y'all are having a great day.
    5 points
  3. Went out this evening for the little bit of free time I had. All in all I was fishing for about 15-20 minutes. Conditions were a tad windy. I litterally only took two rods out with me with the two lures tied on I used the last time I went fishing. 1 had a jig on it, and the other was a super spook jr. I was throwing the jig around the bank lines, swimming etc. with no luck, so decided to switch to the spook. Both are my confidence baits when nothing else works, but lately the spook has outshined my jig. I threw the spook parralel to the bank I was fishing the jig already. There was a thin tree limb that had fallen into the water from directly above. You could see some of it sticking out of the water. As soon as the spook passed the limb it got smacked hard. I knew it was a good fish as soon as I set the hook and could feel the weight of the fish. She didnt wanna meet me either. Fight was great! It was a one fish night, but I was def. satisfied! Unfortunatly I didnt get to weigh her, so Im hoping maybe you could help me with an estimate.
    5 points
  4. X2 Yup. Looks like the Classic Series 52MR Sinking Twitchbait A-Jay
    5 points
  5. I took my new to me GLX 844 out today.
    4 points
  6. Scott, this is total Blasphemy! Who would ever take a factory NRX rod that is very tip heavy with a cruddy split grip and a foregrip that is longer than the rear grip on most rods and have it balanced perfectly with a full rear handle and the foregrip shaved back to a normal length? These modifcations sound like they would make it the greatest rod ever made. What a waste. ;-)
    4 points
  7. Fishing in the wind sucks. Fishing in the wind from a kayak sucks more.
    4 points
  8. Just what every fisherman needs! http://www.moef.dk/fishfingers/
    3 points
  9. That's pretty funny, I just found one of those. I believe it's a Mirrolure lipless crankbait. Not that old.
    3 points
  10. Productive morning with flukes, swimjigs, wacky rig and the heddon torpedo. More coming soon when we fish this evening!
    3 points
  11. Of course there are times when color is critical, but generally, your favorite color will work just fine.
    3 points
  12. Final starting lineup for the 2015 season. L-R Jdm zillion Px68 Ss Sv Alphas Sv Steez 100 Zonda 68 Px68 2 rodless reels I'm hoping to sell soon.
    3 points
  13. Man - whatever's in the trunk must weigh a Ton . . . . . . . A-Jay
    3 points
  14. I get a call from a buddy about going up to Georgia for two days of fishing our most favorite pond. I jump on the chance because I have fished there before & know the potential for a new PB is looming. Besides it means fishing on my birthday a tradition I always try to maintain. We had a 6.5 hour drive to get there and didn't arrive until about 5:30 pm. We headed down to the back pond about 7 acres in size. Justin spread out to the right casting as he went. We all spread out as we started fishing. On Justin's fifth cast with a white spinnerbait he got bit. He yelled out I got a good one. Little did he know how really good it would turn out to be. We all headed over in his direction to see how big it was. Justin is a very accomplished fisherman in his thirties but has fished almost all his life. His biggest PB weighed was a big 9lb class fish until this trip. When he stepped off the bank with one foot to grab her he realized he had just caught a super pig. He put her on a digital scale that showed 14lbs-7oz. I weighed her on my digital and got 14-lbs-8.5ozs. She measured out at 25.75 inches long with a 24" girth. We finished the trip with a full day of fishing after that trophy day. We ended up with two fish over 8lbs, two over 7lbs and four over six with some fives. One unlucky angler lost a DD on a Hudd 68 when she wallowed at the bank. Shame on him.
    2 points
  15. First, you are not stupid at all. Buy what you like and enjoy it. Forget what anyone else says. I get grief for buying $500 rods and having them modified (even on this forum), but I can care less what others think. Here's the only time I would say someone is stupid for buying the gear they do is if someone was using money they needed to provide for their family. If all your "musts" are taken care of, go wild and buy what you want. Also, the only joke in that shop are those clowns who were putting you down. No need for that. We all share the passion of fishing and that bond alone is all that matters.
    2 points
  16. Nope, That little thing is called jealousy. The higher end reels obviously perform better then 100 dollar reels. And dobyns rods are kinda great. So no but go buy some mega bass stuff too then they will make fun of you even more. Then come tournament time, show up and fish well and the respect wil come.
    2 points
  17. Briefly went out this afternoon to see if anybody wanted a mid day snack... I'll be heading to a different pond this evening. This one weighed 4 1/2 lbs.. could have had a couple more pounds on her with a head like that This one weighed 3 1/2 lbs and ate this bluegill swijig with a vertically rigged ragetail menace- first time catching using this as a trailer
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. About Twenty Bucks ~ A-Jay
    2 points
  20. They were bought out by Pradco and currently being rebranded. All the Chicken Littles out there are running around yelling the sky is falling and buying everyone they can get their hands on because they think the new ones will be junk. The current ones are very popular, Pradco is a very successful company for a reason, I doubt they change anything except the package when they're reintroduced.
    2 points
  21. I got to throw one of the new ones a couple weeks ago and I also believe that it rides a little higher in the water. It was not my bait so I didnt get to experiment with it but I'm sure I'll get one to put through a torture test at some point.
    2 points
  22. I was referring to the fact that Jesus ate the Seder just before going to the cross. They corresponded because Jesus was the last passover lamb. "The Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world".
    2 points
  23. Just the other day, my wife took a hard look at the color array in my tackle box. She summed it up in 2 words: "Pretty Boring". Yeah, it's basically a sea of green pumpkin, black & blue & watermelon seed. My wife uses a Color-C-Lector (and though I never ask), and always tells me what the Color-C-Lector says. Oh sure, she catches more fish than me, but I still think my lure colors are prettier than hers Roger
    2 points
  24. I don' know if any of you look at google maps in satellite view but they have recently changes the photo's of the lakes to ice free pictures so now you can see creek channels and hidden rock points better on most of our lakes. I have found some hidden gems already on a few I have fished.
    2 points
  25. Back in the early 70s I attended a seminar & one of the guest speakers was Tom Mann. Someone asked why he made his worms in so many different colors; he answered "To catch the fisherman, a bass has never put a penny in my pocket"! My color selection is quite complicated; as I walk the aisles at Wal-Mart, Academy, Dick's, Gander Mountain, or Bass Pro Shops, I'll see a color that appeals to me & I buy it. When I get to the lake I'll take into consideration water clarity, sky conditions, weather, & season. I open my tackle box; select a color I like & throw it...the bass tell me if I selected right or wrong. Sometimes color matters, sometimes color does not matter, & sometimes it's a constant change.
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. May I suggest for your perusal,
    2 points
  28. I would consider Bass jigs brushless or snagless. not neccesarily weedless.
    2 points
  29. If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong. The sole purpose of a child's middle name, is so he can tell when he's really in trouble. The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas. A-Jay
    2 points
  30. If you are mechanically inclined you can do it yourself. As suggested, look it up on YouTube. The part is cheap. So you need to weigh 2 hours of labor and $30 against getting stuck in the middle of a lake or several miles down river, or an engine overheating and ruining it, or a piece of the old brittle impeller break off and get stuck in the water jacket. Let me think -- spend $30 or . . . -- never mind
    2 points
  31. I've had, and still do, WileyX, Oakley Half Jackets and Costa 580G and of the three, the costas give me the better view into the water. They're heavier and more pricey, but when you find what works for you, you stick with it. Kinda like finding an awesome woman,but she likes expensive shoes and she's a bit overweight.....you start to appreciate that little extra and how awesome those pricey shoes look on her and what they do for her....... Oops, kinda got away from the sunglasses thing didn't I ?
    2 points
  32. If you ever think about selling one of them please let me know!
    2 points
  33. Tackle JUNKIE... I have some other misc tackle that I haven't put away, and I am in constant rotation of where my tackle goes. When LTB and now MTB come in I have to reorganize.
    2 points
  34. Megabass vision 110 and 110+1 are by far my favorite and catch more fish for me than probably all my other jerkbaits combined. Lucky craft pointers would be a distant second.
    2 points
  35. Due to the elevated price of ammo, do not bank on a warning shot!
    2 points
  36. Most local club tournaments are Senko only events, lol.
    2 points
  37. Sam! Aint ya learned nuttin! It's all bout temperature! Can't discern anything by observing nature
    1 point
  38. Welcome from the Chicago burbs Here's our local IL thread to post local reports and goings on http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/43640-where-are-all-the-illinois-guys/
    1 point
  39. With the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" attitude, means it will probably be broke at the worst possible time and cost tons more, when dealing with routine maintenance items, That's like waiting for the timing belt in an engine to break before replaceing it, and it bends every valve in the head, or the serpentine belt to break and fry the engine. I guess we wait until our axle is sliding on the highway before we decide it's time to check and pack the wheel bearings I replace my water pump impellers every three years. A couple hours of work and the the minor cost of the impeller is a hellava lot less than the trouble one can cause if it goes bad. Personally, I fell it's better to fix it before it does break, that's why they are called serviceable or routine maintenance items.
    1 point
  40. Since I'm waiting for epoxy to cure on a couple other handles, I figured I might as well do something on one of my rods. This is the first time using my new 16 piece checkerboard jig. It works just as nice as the 12 piece. Wish I would have invented zip-ties!! They are almost better than duct tape! And I'm back to waiting for glue to dry!
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Let me get this straight - You want your ex sister in law as a pet??? Jeff
    1 point
  43. For the past couple of weeks I have really been enjoying a Pointer 78.
    1 point
  44. At the very least the impeller should be checked seasonally and replaced routinely. How often depends on use but once the impeller fins develop too much "memory" (meaning they are all bent or curved and stay that way when removed) it's lost some of it's efficiency and should be replaced. Also if & when it starts to dry out a little, making it brittle and increases the potential for failure, I'd change it. Also carrying a spare is a good Idea too. Over time the gaskets can rot out which is not a desirable situation either, replacement is necessary. There's a ton of videos on youtube that walk a DIYer through it. A-Jay
    1 point
  45. I differ from most, if it ain't broke, I ain't fixing it. My 72'(yes, a 43 year old impellor), 87', and 98' are all original. As long as my water pressure gauge stays above 10, I'm not touching it.
    1 point
  46. Talk to Mike at DVT about a custom, he just finished one for me to go with my Stradic CI4. It looks outstanding, and I got a chance to finally use it last weekend. I cannot express how good it fishes, Mike does outstanding work.
    1 point
  47. I'd take a look at what techniques you use the most and the weight of the baits you're going to throw. The medium power is going to be a very versatile rod. I'm thinking that's the one that you'll be best off with.
    1 point
  48. I use a 6.4:1 reel.
    1 point
  49. Yea. What DVT said. Croix's MH is a stout stick. There is actually room for another power between their M and MH. Same can be said between their ML and M in the XF actions.
    1 point
  50. On the 'Baked Potato Classic' road trip 2 weeks ago.......I suffered the birds nest fiasco once on day 2. Just cut it out after 10 minutes of struggling with it and respooled when I got back to my room. Then it happened again on the last day near the end of the day. Cut it out and respooled it again yesterday. I just count that as the cost of doing business. Don't sweat the small stuff. Just like I accept I'm gonna loose lures.....if I'm not throwing where I'll get get hung up, then I'm not fishing where da fish are.
    1 point
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