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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/31/2015 in all areas

  1. Yes - but not all of them A-Jay
    5 points
  2. Caught these a day or two apart
    4 points
  3. Yesterday, first time out for the season. Didn't exactly tear em' up, But it's a start. Water temp, low 40's. Only one fish, but the seasonal skunk, didn't even get a start. Hootie
    4 points
  4. Alphas SV with 90 mm carbon handle and Zillion Type R drag star. Custom MHX SJ842
    4 points
  5. Try The Mr Hanky - It's a Floater. A-Jay
    4 points
  6. I'm going to ditto Big C's response. Bass often tackle bluegills head first -they target the eyes, I think. Bluegills are built the way they are -laterally compressed and spiny- bc of their chief predator, bass. And vice versa, largemouths have that gaping maw in large part bc of bluegill body shape. Largemouth bass and bluegills evolved together. Bluegills are also experts at escape from bass mouth’s, actually able to spin around and face out with spines pointing back toward the gullet. Fractions of a second are exploited in such moments –it’s what adrenaline is for. When the bass goes to reposition the bluegill, the bluegill may get the momentary opportunity to bolt back out the mouth. This may be one reason bass can strike so violently. Bass and bluegill are like Pacquio and Mayweather. If the 'gill is big enough to “fight back”, bass go for the head, bite hard, and stuff that bluegill deep enough before it can turn. Pretty cool. I don’t think most anglers realize the athleticism exercised by both bass and bluegill. And we wonder why bass can be cautious tackling our baits? “What? Aren’t you hungry? What’s wrong with you?” The short answer is: “easy prey”, just isn’t. “Free lunches” are mighty rare in nature. I'm guessing this is what you saw, and the why behind it.
    4 points
  7. Rigging tail up or down does make a difference. one gives UP pressure, and one gives DOWN. Rig according to how you want it to swim (or how fast you want it to fall, based on your retrieval speed). Also, if they were stiffer, they would not catch as many fish. Believe me when I tell ya, that the density, salt content, texture, and the stiffness of the bait, are all METICULOUSLY thought out, until the perfect balance is reached. It is an art and a science, and the guy that designs the baits is a genius at it, and will not release a bait until it's perfect. I also love the Cut'R, and use it all kinds of ways, including weightless, Rage Rigged, C-rigged, Tx rigged, drop shotted, swim jig trailer, and one of my favorites, the shakey head. My favorite color far and away, is Blue Craw. Glad you're having success with them, I'm sure you will have lot's more the more you use 'em. One of the best worms on the market.
    4 points
  8. Hey All! Making this thread for fun and just to tell everyone what I do as an angler living in a dorm room and out of my truck. I fish the full spectrum: From shore, paddling, and off of a boat. So I need to be able to bug out and go at any time based on my needs for that day. One thing that I do to save space in my room is condense my equipment to various bags and boxes and put them in the corner. Within reach, but not taking up important space. When I'm on the boat or from shore I pack my things into a Plano guide series bag that fits about 5 standard size boxes, but during my most frequent every day canoe fishing, I use a milk crate to keep 6 Plano boxes for quick access Each of these boxes are pretty full, but in a concise and organized manner. I keep my soft plastics in a Rubbermaid 4 gallon tub I got at Wal-mart. I highly recommend these, very sturdy and locks down tight. The way I keep my soft plastics in this tub is pretty simple: Bag 1 (flukes/swimbaits), Bag 2 (anything I can flip or use as a trailer), Bag 3 (senkos), and then other stuff goes outside the three main bags on its own. It is what works for me and I dont have to carry too much of anything. When I leave my room in the AM or night before a trip to load up the truck, most of the time all I carry out is this one compact stack: One box that is very useful to me in my packing is my utility box.
    3 points
  9. Anybody out there that sniff there plastic before they put it on the hook, especially the Rage Tail kind...or am I the only plastic huffer...
    3 points
  10. Took delivery of my Ride 115X today. I'm ready to go now!
    3 points
  11. Baitmonkey hit hard this winter... 8 orders from TW, 2 reels from japan, 4 rods, and countless trips to cabelas (hour drive each way). In total: Abu garcia Revo Elite 8-L Abu garcia Revo LTX Abu garcia Revo MGX Abu garcia Revo Winch gen 3 Abu garcia Revo Premier Lews TP Dobyns 735c FH rod Fenwick Silverhawk St Croix Avid Pinnacle DHC5 only a few of the baits pictured were not purchased this winter... Saw some baitmonkey propaganda on jerkbaits and BAM, 2 vision 110's, 4 pointers, 2 shadow raps, 2 duo realis, SK KVD, 2 Yamamoto tenkuu, and a few other off names. Saw a video on the yo-zuri crayfish and had to get 3, saw some videos of frog fishing so....had to buy some different frogs, and my old standby is always plastics so had to get $200+ worth of plastics I havent tried... Oh yeah... and the 2nd amendment monkey got me too.... What!?! It was on sale!!! Dont look at me like that!
    3 points
  12. It's fine, I didn't want that $20 anyways. Besides, the old warts either go for the same amount or even way more- and with the weight transfer system included in these it makes more sense than getting hosed for old warts to me personally. Also just look at the pic of it that I posted above. It's gorgeous as hell- way beyond a wart. It's worth $20 to me and I am not worried if anybody else agrees quite honestly. Haters gonna hate... Baiters gonna bait.
    3 points
  13. That is just wrong on so many levels. Reminds me of Caddyshack, I think it was, when he snags the Baby Ruth Bar from the pool. lol
    3 points
  14. Don't know much about the line, but I did notice The rage baits hanging in the corners! Nice choice..
    3 points
  15. Check out ollies for $2.00 zoom baits.
    3 points
  16. You'll be happy either one you pick man. They're both awesome.
    2 points
  17. So somebody gave me a pack of Rage Cut'R worms about a month ago. I really haven't gotten into Rage Baits, as much as I would like to, simply because I have to make do with cheaper ones. I had heard so many good things about Rage products in general and the Cut'R worm, especially since it is a senko (of sorts). I took it out to the pond on Thursday. There are plenty of ways to throw it but I just rigged it up with a 1/4 oz. sinker and swum it. 5th cast: bang, nice little chunk got swung aboard. I caught two more on it that day, all fat fish. Yesterday, I took them to my favorite pond. I fished them like I said above. Caught two bass, one of them was a chunky 2 3/4 pounder. Went out again today, caught a bass on my third cast and another one soon after that. My early Spring fishing (pre-Cut'R worm!) did not see any kind of consistency. It was a bass here, a bass there, no numbers whatsoever. This bait has changed that. What it looks like: The Cut'R worm is essentially a senko with a Rage flang-ed tail. If you swim it, it looks like an unconventional swimbait. This is a good picture of it: http://www.ragetail.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/10002.jpg Remember to pull off the little tab that keeps the worm in good shape. How to rig it: This part is left up to your imagination. You can wacky rig it, fish it weightless, swim it with a bullet weight or jighead, any way. Any way you'd fish a senko, you can fish this bait. One of the nice things that shows how well designed it is is that it has two hooks slots for correct hook placement every time. Once the worm started getting really worn, I turned it 45 degrees and hooked it between the two slots. The Bite: I have not had a problem with hooking up fish. Even swimming it and swinging at a bite hooks 'em every time. I used 3/0 EWG hook. You have to try this worm. I told myself for the sake of my wallet not to get into Rage Baits. I think I might have to. I can only afford a couple of packs right now, but I know these won't be my last.
    2 points
  18. ...I do love that coffee smell...
    2 points
  19. Forgot to share this beaut. Love me a nice natural pattern! BEAD those glides look absolutely phenomenal, I love how tight and clean the hinge interface is.
    2 points
  20. Right side steering traces back to two things. Before motors, the steering oar was on the right, and boats moored with the dock to the left (where the term "port" originates. Later, as motors were used, having the extra weight on the right to counter the effect of a clockwise rotating prop worked best.
    2 points
  21. From NYbass. com Sandy: "As of 3/14 the Northern Bass store in NH is closed and everything(except me) moved to CT. If you go the http://www.northernbass.com you will see on the front page that we are open for phone and internet orders only. I am going to stay on with the new company so you can still call me with your order or place it on line. Once again I would like to thank all our customers for their support over the last 30 years and I look forward to the New NBS web site that will have all your fishing products on the east coast and still have the same great customer service! I will also continue with the NBS tournaments in 2015. See you on the water when it gets warm because I might have time to fish!!!!"
    2 points
  22. It's funny I should see this thread as I just picked one up. I haven't even received it yet. Was thinking they looked exactly like a JDM wart and they have some dangerously sexy finishes. I'll definitely be putting them through their paces side by side this summer. Grabbed this guy and can't wait!
    2 points
  23. Catt would be the man to know quite a bit about the area you're interested in fishing for sure.
    2 points
  24. They aren't negative, they're comments meant to deflate your ego. You aren't that good yet, and you aren't that valuable to a company yet. Kids pimping products at shows tends to repel mature customers with money in their wallet. It isn't meant to be negative, it's just a fact of life. You have to earn it, and you haven't yet.
    2 points
  25. If you use your drag and proper line, it will handle it. Brian.
    2 points
  26. Color coordinating madness at it's best!
    2 points
  27. Hawgtech! They got what you want in carbon fiber, w a couple grip options, color anodized dress up parts, I use em. Awesome handles ...
    2 points
  28. I would contact the guys at Hawgtech.
    2 points
  29. My line choice is dictated by the cover that I'm fishing. I Iike braid with a fluoro leader the majority of the time. That way I can use straight braid if I'm around heavy cover or tie on a leader if it's more open water fishing.
    2 points
  30. I agree with you that bluegill, in many instances, are not on a bass preferred menu. There are many times, however, that they will be at the top of that list. Early spring, before the crawfish emerge, is one of those times. Another is post spawn when the bluegill are in their spawn mode, the wheel will turn and those pesky bluegill that Mr. (and Mrs.) Bass had to constantly chase off their nest, they become easy and nutritional targets. Then there are lakes that are void of shad or bluebacks where, because of that lack of other forage, bluegill become the prime forage base. In spite of the fact that my home waters contain an abundance of minnows and craws, one of my best producing crankbait colors is a bluegill pattern. Preferred or not, bass are opportunistic feeders and I, for one, like to give them a bluegill opportunity often.
    2 points
  31. They are $273 at JLS
    2 points
  32. Last update for a few days. Need to head out of town to tend to some personal business. Raw grips on the mandrel. Tune back in this weekend, I'm sure there will be something new to see!
    2 points
  33. First off, that article is dated March 22nd, from what I have gathered from all of this that has been going on for a while now, it that the NCR doesn't gain the authority to vote and change anything until the 31st, meeting and possible vote to change to the seasons is next week on the 9th. The NRC Did however order that the DNR write up another recommendation without th CDR part. As to the tournament part of the changes, again from what I have read and understand, is that most people, including the writer of that article are not worried about the entire state waters, they are all lake st Clair people who don't want "their" waters messed with. I believe there is/was another meeting in Grandville today. Will be interesting the hear what was said and how it went. Honestly I'd be happy with just catch and release year round, and I think in the end we'll get at least that, which will include lake St Clair. They have a chance to vote on the 9th, hopefully I'll be out fishing on the 10th
    2 points
  34. My brother fly fishes for bluegill all the time. Last year he had two giant bass (on seperate occasions) eat the bluegill and break off. I think the bass you're talking about are going after the bluegill and ending up with the fly. Still pretty cool when that happens.
    2 points
  35. Thursday, June 25th at 2:15 AM. Good Luck A-Jay
    2 points
  36. This one came and went without much fanfare. I found it (again) quite by accident as an old spool I had resurface while I was looking for some backing. Decided to try it as a main line, been using it (secretly) for a while. Turns out I really like it. I have been able to stock up on bulk spools for a fraction of the original cost. (which was very reasonable) It’s now my new (but old) favorite Mono. A-Jay
    2 points
  37. Went to dicks looking for a small, light kayak that I could hike with and take to more out of the way ponds...I found this on my phone as I was walking around the store. They didn't have it in stock so I ordered it to the store, just waiting for them to get it now. 8.5ft (should fit inside my car) 40lbs
    2 points
  38. I must have missed the baitcaster section the last time I was there. I mean, I even checked the whole "Beyond" section at Bed, Bath & Beyond, and nuthin'.
    2 points
  39. I find it doesn't really matter. I adapt to the reel. Balance and long term comfort are more important to me for jerks and tops.
    2 points
  40. Is that a stump and soft water and a bass? I hate you.
    2 points
  41. FINALLY..... been waiting to post here until i could show a fish pic..... I've been trying my hardest to snag one on the newest setup and finally did so on Saturday!! Cumara 6'8"MH Chronarch Ci4+ HG
    2 points
  42. I would use 30 to 50lb braid with 40 being the sweet spot for just about everything. If you need a fluorocarbon leader you can use any diameter line you need to get the job done. I use an alberto knot to tie my leaders to my braided main line.
    2 points
  43. 2 points
  44. My idea of money saving tip for fishing is....Even if I only need a pack of hooks, I make certain that I have at least $50 worth of stuff in my TW cart so I never have to pay for shipping!!!
    2 points
  45. You don't need sponsors to fish competitively, and you also don't need to fish competitively to get sponsors.
    2 points
  46. Just because they scroll some adds on their youtube videos doesn't make them sponsored. I have a jersery (from BR) that has about 14 different companies on it, I'm sponsored by none of them. We aren't being negative, we are trying to give you constructive criticism. Understanding the difference between the two is very important. What we are saying is that (insert name here) company get's hundreds and possibly thousands of sponsorship letters, request, whatever you want to call it a year. You want to go in with your ducks in a row. You are trying to get into something that probably 95% of the other anglers are trying at as well... that's pretty prestigious... so far you aren't showing any more ambition than the kid down the street that works at Mcdonalds. You may be a great angler, you may be a wiz at marketing, and might even be able to brain wash thousands into buying product, BUT, you aren't showing that. Put something together, (exactly what you would send a company) outline what you can do for them and have evidence to back it up. Then come back for advice. Again, this isn't being negative, I truly hope you can make it, and at your age, you have a better shot than most of us by having the opportunity to go to a college with a fishing team and starting there.
    2 points
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