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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2015 in all areas

  1. FINALLY..... been waiting to post here until i could show a fish pic..... I've been trying my hardest to snag one on the newest setup and finally did so on Saturday!! Cumara 6'8"MH Chronarch Ci4+ HG
    6 points
  2. Ebay auction score tonight.
    6 points
  3. Let's see, we have illegal fishing, politics, personal attacks… can we get some religion in here too? Jeez guys. OP, if it's the law, then obey it. It's your job to find out, and if it isn't what you like, you can contact your local reps and vote. When you're old enough to vote. For now we're done here.
    5 points
  4. Wanna make a "real" contribution? Take a kid fishing Better yet teach a kid how to fish Take a military veteran fishing Take a seior citizen fishing
    4 points
  5. Sounds like a plan. I'll go buy me a new $400.dollar reel and you can go shopping at Kohls with the ladies...lol...JK. Hootie
    4 points
  6. my lord, best way? I don't know if there's an official best way, I'd say it depends more on what the conditions are and what's the structure/cover you are fishing. The beautiful thing about soft plastics is there are so many ways to fish them, it's insane how versatile they are... texas rig, carolina rig, jika rig, rage rig, drop shot, wacky rig, ned rig.... there are almost certainly more than even those but each of the ones I have mentioned can be excellent in its own right.
    4 points
  7. Thursday, June 25th at 2:15 AM. Good Luck A-Jay
    3 points
  8. What is importsnt is what the crappie are feeding on....minnows! The bass will eat any young of the year fish; bass, bluegill, crappie, catfish, carp etc. young of the year fish eat mostly zooplankton, insects, larve, small critters. Adult size crappie eat minnows. There are terrestrial critters like frogs, mice, lizards, small birds, rats, insects, bass eat everything. Tom
    3 points
  9. Goose you took the words right out of my mouth. Good job on the explanation.
    3 points
  10. I went Friday night to the local pond and saw a couple fish up shallow and worked them all night with no luck. I went back Saturday morning determined to catch them. When I approached the area, I could see the little guy from yesterday and then I saw this dark colored torpedo cruising by and realized that was the big girl…. So I spent a while trying to catch them. No scales or ruler, but not even mad about it this time! After much trial and error, I finally caught the smaller guy to commit to a Missile Baby D Bomb…. TWICE. I caught him twice on that same bait, but 2 different colors. He would pick up a worm, pick up a jig, but not commit until he saw that baby d bomb and he inhaled it! After catching him twice I decided to ease around the pond and let the area settle down. I came back an hour or so later and was determined to catch the big girl and more so, determined to catch it on a newer combo that hadn’t yet seen a fish! I had some 40# braid with a 15# floro leader tied to a Siebert’s Finesse Jig in PBJ Smoke color. What finally got this girl to eat though, was the Damiki Air Craw trailer I added, if you haven’t seen them, check them out. I watched her pick it up and take off and when I set the hook she got ill! The new Cumara 6’8”MH and the Chronarch Ci4+ handled her like it was nothing! These selfies aren’t doing it justice, but this fish was a butterball! Awesome day out even with the wind ripping.
    2 points
  11. I don't know.. There is so much information on here now, that its hard to imagine that any subject about how to become a better fisherman hasn't already been written, analized or discussed about. But that's what makes this place so great. Just when you think you've read it all somebody will ask something that makes you go.... * Mmmm why did I think about that before? * Wait, I can help that guy out! * Wel, well, well I got to try that! * I knew I did it wrong! Mike
    2 points
  12. I'll let you know when the ice finally melts here, should be mid-june at this rate.
    2 points
  13. Strike King Red Eye Shad - 1/2 oz. in Sexy Shad color.
    2 points
  14. Scored a Daiwa SS SV for a really good price, and as a bonus it has a $65 set of Slp works knobs. Been wanting one of these for awhile now.
    2 points
  15. The appeal of the Hudd gill to me is its weedless design. From what I've seen most people haven't had anything bad to say about the hook up ratio of the gill. Most actually say it's quite good. I did read that an upward hook set works best. If I have troubles I might give this a shot. Thanks for the tip. There are a lot of reports of it not running straight though.
    2 points
  16. You can fish them on the surface weightless, slow fall with 1/32, on the bottom, jerk them, slow roll them, dead stick them, weed less, wacky rigged, on a jig head, and probably another ten different ways. You can work the entire water column. I can't remember the last time I was skunked using plastics. They are just so versatile, and you can always fish the nasty stuff. Just be patient, methodical, and believe!
    2 points
  17. Fire Crawdad Indeed, I just might have to use it tomorrow! WolfyBrandon
    2 points
  18. Everything...if you get right down to it - way too much to even begin trying to reply. -T9
    2 points
  19. I have several first gen Calcutta DCs from eons ago. The DC unit itself has never failed. I've had bearings go bad and other parts lose their luster, but never the DC units.
    2 points
  20. Last year I discovered if I fished about a 1/3rd of what I normally would, I could save a bunch of money. That saved money quickly got shuffled to something else though. lol
    2 points
  21. The only modification I do to mine are I have a habit of hanging a 3-4 lbder. off the front hook. Brian.
    2 points
  22. Yes - DC stands for digital control. There is a sensor that monitors spool speed (said to be at 1/1000 sec. intervals) and when the chip determines that braking is necessary it will apply an appropriate amount of braking. The system allows a higher spool rpm than other braking systems and often you can watch the spool on the cast and see a single coil of loose line on the spool...but no more - the braking applied is that precise. The power comes from energy generated during the cast (and stored in a capacitor I would guess). The DC module is sealed and is not affected by the usual moisture that migrates under the sideplate and you can fish with them in the rain. However, I wouldn't recommend routinely dunking a DC reel in the lake... I'll have to admit that I'm winging it here on the method of operation as I haven't read a detailed essay of exactly how the system works. Bantam1, the Shimano Rep over on TT, has reported a number of times that the DC modules are very robust and rarely fail or require service (other than making sure that the sensor is clean and not covered with dust/grime/etc.). It's just another kind of braking system. Depending on which iteration of the DC system you're looking at, they can give increased distance, less casting effort, more wind-bucking capability, and finer braking adjustments than some other braking systems. The Shimano Exsence DC even has a mode, intended for fishing at night, that senses spool deceleration and will auto-stop the spool when the bait hits the water (no thumb required). DC braking is nifty stuff, with proven capabilities, but can be a bit spendy...
    2 points
  23. Discover the lure that will catch bass every single day of the year, every single cast... no matter the conditions.
    2 points
  24. More (much much more) on the habits of bass- especially adult ones, their forage, understanding structure etc. The type of stuff Tom (WRB) and others like him post about. Don't care at all about new baits, and even less about the $100 rods and reels threads. Good luck.
    2 points
  25. The modern baitcasting reel is a wonderland of applied physics. Magnetic brakes, centrifugal brakes, coloumb friction, lubrication, gear ratios, dynamics, and more.
    2 points
  26. You need to go back and read this whole thread again. You will soon see that most of what you're saying makes no sense at all. Hootie
    2 points
  27. I don't view snagging fish as angling, legal or not I would't do it. I never bought into this notion of trash vs gamefish. Some species of "trash", are excellent on the plate, not easy to locate and entice strike, can give an outstanding battle, or be cut up and used for bait. If a fish is useful or gives sport I can't call it trash. On the other there are gamefish that are not dinner favorites, don't fight all that well and not the hardest to catch given the fact 50 in day can be caught. Why are they gamefish, because a lot of money is spent on catching them, elevating their status from trash to game.
    2 points
  28. I agree. Fish until an authority figure tells you otherwise.
    2 points
  29. LOL... I don't give any money to the state. I'm barely under 16, so I still don't have to buy my license or trout stamps.
    1 point
  30. Good luck Raider. We'll miss you.
    1 point
  31. I fished this bait last summer, produced some solid fish . I also fished it with a keel weighted hook which worked well .
    1 point
  32. Zoom makes a product like this. Ultravibe or something, has anyone tried? Plus you get 15 for a dollar less in comparison to the cut'r worm
    1 point
  33. Bass pro has them in stock. I heard livetarget baitballs are just for looks so debating on what to grab with a giftcard. Any color you found to be excellent?
    1 point
  34. Good review. Those Cut-R-worms have been working very well for me..on swimjigs and solo.
    1 point
  35. TW does have them type in "ragetail cut r" in google, first result.
    1 point
  36. You're post makes me intrigued. But TW doesn't have these baits? Where could I pick up a pack in the north?
    1 point
  37. Funny you should do a review on this lure. I was thinking of doing a video or post about this lure and I've not even used it yet. lol. I received a sample pack a month or so ago. After a day I started thinking - Senko's and soft stick baits are the most awesome/effective bass lure in existence right now. But now we can get those awesome stick lures with a paddle/cut tail. I absolutely can't wait to try this lure out. In fact, when I was passing through Nashville a few weeks ago I bought a pack of Bass Pro Shops stick baits with a paddle tail. Stick baits are awesome and having a cut/paddle tail should make them even more awesome.
    1 point
  38. that jointed shad rap with that orange stomach looks awesome
    1 point
  39. I get the profile name. But do you actually fish senkos? I wish I could my wife would hang me tho lol I gotta cheap out
    1 point
  40. Good feedback. I picked up a pack this winter and plan on trying them this summer as well. Out of curiosity, did you rig with tail up or tail down?
    1 point
  41. Awesome! Thanks for the post. I've been trying the gambler burner worm. Somewhat similar but I love that this is a stick bait based bait. What color are you having success on in your neck of the woods?
    1 point
  42. Good luck man! hope to see you back soon!
    1 point
  43. Well said^^^^ life ain't fair man. The sooner Ya realize the better
    1 point
  44. I would use that for a reel seat insert.
    1 point
  45. Just one more cast and then i'll go home... we've all been there haha
    1 point
  46. So, December I got myself a little Christmas present... I picked up my first official bass boat. Its a 1995 Javelin 379T with a 150 Johnson outboard....! And I'm going to pick it up on Friday! I cannot compose myself, it feels like it could be Christmas morning!!! Has anyone ever owned this boat? Or even a javelin at the least? I would love to hear everyone's input! Thanks everyone.
    1 point
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