The problem is he keeps pressing me, where as I had mutual understandings with the gentlemen who worked before him. They would tell me something along the lines of "I'm sorry to bother you sir but you're going to have to leave, next time you choose to fish here come when we aren't busy." It's not like I'm the only one either.. I've had conversations with MANY other golfers and residents (because I live in the neighborhood) about how good the fishing is in these ponds. It's a mutual understanding to fish later in the evenings and not on the weekends, or WAS....
I just feel disrespected honestly, it's one thing to ask me to leave (politely) but to blatantly tell me to "leave you are trespassing" is putting it cold, in my opinion. Not to mention threatening to call the police, or to tell me that I am "destroying" the course...?
I'm going to bite my tongue and be as respectful as possible, but if he calls the police on me like he claims he will I will share some choice words with him. He works behind the counter at the pro-shop, it's not like people are complaining or he is the "Boss".
Sorry about the long posts, as you can tell I'm upset about this. Hopefully we can come to an understanding as adults, like I have with the gentlemen before him.