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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/2015 in all areas

  1. First decent baitcasters tatula hd 6:3:1 on lexa 7'2 MH regular action rod Curado i HG on G. Loomis e6x 7' MHF mag bass
    10 points
  2. Caught this 7.6 lb monster this evening just after sunset. From the bank, in heavy pads, on a SK Baby Rodent. Struck only 10 feet from where I stood, muscled her almost straight up vertically out of the weeds, and she splashed water all over the place. I've been bassing consistently for only about a year, and this is I think the third largest LMB I've ever nailed, so I feel compelled to share my glory! Glad my friend Larry was there to snap the photo on my phone.
    7 points
  3. I bowl. I'm good. Not bragging, just honest. I've bowled a couple 300s, many 11 in a row games. Never had an 800 series in league. "Officially" Finally got it. Had 30 out of a possible 36 strikes in 3 games. Should have been in the 825-835 range if I didn't miss that spare in the 10th frame of the first game. DOH!!!
    5 points
  4. This is How Steve buys his rods. Step one-order the rod. Step two-handle the new rod & see what you don't like about it. Step three-modify the rod until it's shortcomings are corrected. Step four-fish with the new rod with a big grin on your face because it is now perfect. I think Steve has 13 NRX's so you know he loves the blanks but the handles are imperfect until he modifies them to suit his taste.
    4 points
  5. This is a custom jig by Siebert.
    4 points
  6. http://www.majorleaguefishing.com/news_details.aspx?id=14223
    3 points
  7. Haha...well, if you don't like that, then you would really hate to see what I having done to a NRX 843 MBR and NRX 923 MR.
    3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. Sorry for your luck, Brian.
    3 points
  10. I don't catch fish big enough that it would matter. Brian.
    3 points
  11. The vertical hold does not break the jaw provided it remains vertical. Trying to hold it like the bottom pic without supporting the back end can and does injure the jaw.
    3 points
  12. My small (~1oz) swimbait/glide box is officially ready to go for spring. A little bit of everything. Some long and skinny, some short and fat, floaters and sinkers and some variety of good jerk/steady retrieve/glide looks. Day 2 of +50F temps too. The river by my house has already broken out. It's coming, gentlemen. It's coming.
    3 points
  13. I find myself leaning more and more toward ML power spinning rods. I'll fish them with small plastics on the outside of lily pads. The right blank will toss small baits but have some surprising power in the butt. I've had to in after a few here or there but I've had that happen with MH tackle too. I'm all about the right tool for the job, but don't take a lot of satisfaction plucking 2# fish with tackle built for 20#'ers.
    3 points
  14. A live-sighting of an E6X..........
    3 points
  15. I would prefer a gift card. That way I could get exactly what I wanted. Better than trying to guess what they want and get it wrong. They would never tell you. Hootie
    3 points
  16. Every time I enter the g loomis rod giveaway, I have the same feeling.
    3 points
  17. Lois & I spent the afternoon on Florida's Winter Haven Chain. The weather and the wildlife were really outstanding today, we seen pelicans, snail kites, several nesting ospreys, great blue herons and a pair of nesting bald eagles. Lois boated the only good fish today, a 22" bass weighing 6lb 2oz. Her fish fell for a Deps 6" Deathadder Grub, a discontinued lure. Roger
    2 points
  18. I caught my new PB 11lbs 2oz on Sunday. I was fishing a Strike King Redeye Shad and I casted parallel to the bank about 15-20ft off shore. She slammed my Redeye and my retrieve just stopped thought I was hung up til she took off. I fought her for a long time til she tired out and my buddy grabbed her. Funny I caught a 9lb 5oz on the same lure. Both fish are Florida FWC Trophy Catch certified and are swimming around to be caught again. It has been crazy here in Jacksonville, when I get time I will grab a bunch of pics of my buddies and I fish from 2015 and we are just a 1/4 way through the year. 9lbs 5oz Can't desribe the feeling of catching one of these BUT the better feeling is knowing that they are swimming around to, breed, and hopefully be caught again
    2 points
  19. I think what Steve is telling us here, is that in his eyes, Function is a Beautiful Thing. I like it. A-Jay
    2 points
  20. Well I've received many a well-intentioned sweater that was never worn.
    2 points
  21. Okay the score is: Good Guys Lazy People 6 8 Hootie
    2 points
  22. The new dropshot rig AKA "Deadly Sin Stick"
    2 points
  23. Pre-spawn fishing can change on the next cast! When bass make their move from deeper wintering structure towards spawning areas it's done through feeding areas first. Pre-spawn is about feeding not laying eggs, find the food source, the bass will be near.
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. Thanks to her Dwight, I've become pretty good with the net Roger
    2 points
  26. My favorite pitching setup is a MXF. There are many places where a heavier rod is required, but if conditions allow I will always go with the lighter rod. Green Trout sometimes brute force is needed; more often good technique will get the job done. I certainly enjoy the fight more using as light as I can get away with. Use what works for you, and the rest of us will do the same.
    2 points
  27. X2 Been living with arthritis pain for years. Seems like every joint in my body hurts, at one time or another. Best advise from doctors and therapist is to keep moving. Sit still and complain 'cause it hurts just makes it worse. Exercise is better for your body than meds.
    2 points
  28. Depends. For fishing heavy cover no one in their right mind would use a medium powered rod, but more than anything for me it depends on the technique.
    2 points
  29. I will be interested in what you have to say about the jigs and how that retriever works. Most of the time a jig will dislodge if you are able to get behind it, but if that doesn't do it, she's gone.
    2 points
  30. 2 points
  31. For paddle tail swimbaits with a 3/16 oz keel weighted hook, I use a 7 MHF with a high gear ratio reel.
    2 points
  32. LMB can spawn whenever they choose, doesn't mean the eggs will hatch or the fry will servive. The Gaussian curve or bell curve is often used to show percentages, the bottom of the curve represents about 10% and the end of the about 10%, the middle of the curve represents the majority. LMB that spawn in water colder than 60 degrees are in the beginning of the curve, over 70 degrees the end of the curve, the majority are in the mid 60's. The reason is it takes longer to hatch eggs in cold water, lower survival rate, over 70 degrees the eggs hatch within a few days, however the eggs and fry have a larger population of small and large predator fish around the nest site that reduces the survival rate. Nothing happens in nature by mistake very long. There will be early birds and later gators, the majority or 80% tend to represent the average behavior. I caught a LMB in Jan in about 25' when the surface water was in the low 50's, big female was losing her eggs ripe and ready to spawn, she was an anomaly. Lots of variables, all we can do suggest when the majority wil spawn. Tom
    2 points
  33. Could get some flack for this one.
    2 points
  34. It kind of sucks to have the feeling, be right about it, and then to find someone else on that same spot the next day. It also happens to be that someone fishing 50 yards down the bank from you the day before.
    2 points
  35. I don't flip in any fish because it is just to much stress on the rod in my opinion. if i am standing i just lean down and lip them and if sitting i do the same thing....nothing too fancy. If it is a toothy critter i may use my lip grip if needed.
    2 points
  36. Bradford will most likely never wear an eagles uniform, the move was done solely for the picks in an attempt to package them to move up so Chip can get his guy. I am not a fan of the McCoy trade now that Gore changed his mind and is going to Indy. I am not sure why they didn't open up the checkbook a little bit and sign Maclin because they had 51M under the cap. If Kelly hadn't shown that he has the ability to coach over the past two seasons, i would be livid but I gotta give credit to a guy who is doing it his way. I see two outcomes, he goes down as a legend in Philly or he will need the national guard to go to his car at the Linc.....there is no middle ground anymore with what he has done.
    2 points
  37. Fished there 10 days of the last 3 weeks. Just got back tonight. Kept lookin in my rear view mirror the whole way. 2 fish just over 7 lbs, 5.7lbs 4lb, smallie almost 3 lbs and tons of 2-2/12 lbs. Lost an absolute monster today...got me wrapped up in a cedar. Couldn't turn her. A-rig. I fish from she'll knobb bridge up the white about a mile and down the lake to big creek. They are moving up but still sittin in 15-20 ft. Deep. Have your boat in about 35-45 feet. Fish points into pockets and points entering into creek arms. Also secondary points. If the deep water hugs in close in a certain area and there is timber that's where they will be.pay attention to where the channel is. Pole timber is better than heavy cedars. Fish the a rig sloooooooooooow. Water temp was 43 today. They may be shallower by end of week with warm weather. Ass crack it. It's supposed to be sunny and the best bite is before noon. Don't pick up the ned rig unless you get desperate. Check out webboutdoors for last tournament info. Big weights without the a rig. Also check out ozark anglers.com sorry about the long reply but that lake is going to be incredible real! Quick. let me know if you got any ?s I'm gonna try to get down again this weekend if I can. Big gurls are up!! Pray for clouds and wind and rain. Wellll I tried to attach some pics but it just tells me my file was to big.
    2 points
  38. Today I was pitching a black and blue jig with a paca chunk trailer close to shore and had a big bass on for about 10 seconds. I appreciate the help everybody!
    2 points
  39. Congrats on that tanker! Welcome to the 11lb club.
    2 points
  40. Check out Matt Allen on You Tube he has some really good info on this subject.
    2 points
  41. everytime i check my powerball numbers i have the same feeling.....
    2 points
  42. Not yet, but there's always the basic ones
    2 points
  43. Stupid drum monkey strikes again..... at least it's a Gretsch, lol.
    2 points
  44. LOL, luckily Hudds are the highest $ bait I've lost. Unfortunately, I've been in the boat with guys who've casted off High Power Herrings and Deps 250s. Ouch.
    2 points
  45. Author ~ Dan Ashe First let’s start with the basics. Nearly everyone has seen largemouth bass in an area that has been swept clean near the shoreline during the spring. These swept areas are bass nests or beds. Spawning takes place when the water temperature reaches 60-75o F. The male constructs the bed and courts a female to spawn, where he then releases his sperm to fertilize the eggs. Fertilized largemouth bass eggs are yellow to orange in color. The male stands guard over the eggs to protect them from predation and continually fans the water to keep water moving over the eggs to keep silt from building up on top of them, while the female leaves once spawning is complete. Largemouth bass sexual maturity is influenced by size more than age, with most bass reaching sexual maturity with the ability to spawn at around ten inches. The largemouth bass in our lakes usually attain this size at about age two. Largemouth bass beds have been reported to contain anywhere from 5,000 to 45,000 eggs with the differences in number dependent on the size and condition of the spawned female. The time it takes largemouth bass eggs to hatch is highly influenced by water temperature with hatch time at 65o F being about 2 ½ days. Life for young largemouth bass is hard with very few surviving their first year. One paper I have found cited that only two tenths of one percent of young bass made it past their first year in an Alabama lake. There are several factors that are considered important in determining survival, most notably time of spawning, temperature, predation, and available forage and habitat. Generally speaking, larger bass spawn earlier than smaller bass. This characteristic is important to young bass survival. Fish that hatch sooner have longer to feed and grow before winter sets in and thus a greater chance of over winter survival. There is some debate as to whether bass populations with a large number of big fish have a distinct advantage to maintain a more constant and stable population in terms of steady recruitment. The down side of having an earlier spawning time is that these fish are more vulnerable to extreme temperature fluctuations than those that are spawned later when the likelihood of a spring freeze is less likely. Therefore, the debate goes on. I guess it all depends on what year you want to look at. Temperature plays the most significant role in early survival of bass, where it can influence entire year classes of bass. As stated earlier temperature determines how long it takes for eggs to hatch, the longer it takes eggs to hatch the likelihood of predation of those eggs increases. In addition, once bass hatch they are not mobile, they are still on the bottom of the bed feeding off a yolk sac. Again, the longer a fish is immobile the chances of predation increases significantly. Water temperature determines how long it takes for the bass larvae to develop and become mobile. At 70o F bass are able to swim in about 10 days after hatch, at colder temperatures this time is significantly longer. Once the bass fry become free swimming they must begin to feed within days or they will die. Bass fry initially feed on zooplankton (microscopic animals) and the amount of zooplankton is dependant on phytoplankton (microscopic plants). Lakes that are turbid, acidic, etc., generally are not productive in terms of plankton production, with low fish recruitment due to inadequate forage for young fish. Bass fry are voracious feeders needing to feed several times a day. Food passes through their stomachs every few hours. Over time as the bass grow they will shift to a fish diet. It is imperative that ample forage fish be available for both the larger and younger bass. Bass will always eat one another, but if there are other prey species available the amount of cannibalism will be less. A-Jay
    2 points
  46. 2 points
  47. I want to learn firsthand that there are 10 lb bass in Maine
    1 point
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