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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2015 in all areas

  1. I caught my new PB 11lbs 2oz on Sunday. I was fishing a Strike King Redeye Shad and I casted parallel to the bank about 15-20ft off shore. She slammed my Redeye and my retrieve just stopped thought I was hung up til she took off. I fought her for a long time til she tired out and my buddy grabbed her. Funny I caught a 9lb 5oz on the same lure. Both fish are Florida FWC Trophy Catch certified and are swimming around to be caught again. It has been crazy here in Jacksonville, when I get time I will grab a bunch of pics of my buddies and I fish from 2015 and we are just a 1/4 way through the year. 9lbs 5oz Can't desribe the feeling of catching one of these BUT the better feeling is knowing that they are swimming around to, breed, and hopefully be caught again
    8 points
  2. I know we are all anxious to get out this year but don't forget the kids. About 9-10 years ago, I started a pact with myself that I would take a different kid out in my boat once a year. I called my local Big Brothers/Big Sisters and asked them how I could help. That first year I got to take out a girl about 11 yrs old and her "Big Sister"; they had a blast and were very thankful. Since then I've taken out a few neighbor's kids, some more mentors and their kids from BB/BS, the son of a friend of mine who died in an airplane accident etc... So try to give up just 1 day per year and get someone new in your boat. The smiles on their faces will be all the thanks you need.
    6 points
  3. Lois & I spent the afternoon on Florida's Winter Haven Chain. The weather and the wildlife were really outstanding today, we seen pelicans, snail kites, several nesting ospreys, great blue herons and a pair of nesting bald eagles. Lois boated the only good fish today, a 22" bass weighing 6lb 2oz. Her fish fell for a Deps 6" Deathadder Grub, a discontinued lure. Roger
    5 points
  4. I Know I Should, But I Often Forget To .... Remember that every single trip out onto the water is a potential life threating situation. Safety simply must be the number one priority - I have at least one person who depends on me to come home safe. A-Jay
    5 points
  5. everytime i check my powerball numbers i have the same feeling.....
    4 points
  6. Pay the little extra for the "wire tied", it's well worth it.
    4 points
  7. Almost as mind numbing as the comments under a YouTube video. Back to fishing…spring is nearly here!
    4 points
  8. You're up in Minnesota. If the ice ever goes out, start throwing them in any area you suspect might hold fish. I find I do better using longer pauses while the water is colder and shorter pauses was the water warms. Adjust the pause length to suit the mood of the fish. You can throw them over deep water and the suspended fish that are staging before the spawn will find them. Your confidence will grow sharply as you start wacking them.
    4 points
  9. I order quite a bit of tackle online. Most of the time I have to track down my orders and make sure everything has shipped. I just placed my first order with Siebert, 20 football jig heads for some upcoming tournaments. While it wasn't a very big order, all of the jigs were shipped and received within three days. Things like this are huge in fishing, especially when you need an order in a hurry. I didn't ask for rush shipping, or pay extra, but Siebert gave me excellent customer service. I was really impressed with such fast shipping on such a small order. I will be a return customer.
    3 points
  10. This will be the first full summer I will get to spend with my stepson. He will turn 9 this July and he LOVES fishing. I taught him a lot last year about how to rig and fish different ways and he has been right there with me all winter talking about fishing gear and getting stoked. He can't wait to go to the big lakes this year. I actually just picked him up another heavier spinning setup so he can throw small 1/4oz frogs and little swimbaits etc. to compliment his lighter spinning combo. Little dude is stoked and I'm stoked that he's stoked. I already told him he can bring a friend when we go on the big boat, and it's funny how fast he excluded like half of them because "They can't be quiet enough" lol... The kid gets it.
    3 points
  11. My wife and I have been running an unofficial 'day care' for fourteen years basically babysitting one or two of my daughters' friends children. This gave me the opportunity to introduce those kids to fishing, first from shore and when their casting became consistent, in the boat with me. Those kids,of course, told their friends an cousins how much fun the have and it took off from there. We don't baby sit anymore, but I still take those 'kids' out a couple of times a year.
    3 points
  12. A big DD congratulations. And like A-Jay said welcome to the 11 lb club.
    3 points
  13. The rule is to use jerkbaits in clear water. But since there are no rules in bass fishing give it a shot and see what happens in stained to dirty water. Let us know how you do.
    3 points
  14. . Have you ever seen a dying baitfish near the surface? How about a small school of minnows or bream where one fish strays from the school? All a jerkbait does is try to imitate a dying baitfish. Try to make the bait glide or swim irregular. You can practice near the bank or boat side. Watch what the bait does when you twitch it with a quick snap of the rod. Then stop & let the bait come to a stop. After a short pause try again. All you are trying to do is make the bait look like it is stunned or disoriented. The more irregular you make it swim and quiver the more lifelike it will appear. Big fish eat little fish. Just try to make your soft or hard jerkbait look like a dying fish. After your first bite you will start to gain confidence real quick. I guarantee it.
    3 points
  15. Deputy Wood has opened his eyes and even wrote a little bit today. He's tired and pretty out of it from the pain killers, but already showing signs of improvement!
    3 points
  16. Went out to the lake for a couple of hours after my midterm exam, and I'm glad I made the trip. Started off pretty dead as there was no action for the first hour and a half, but about a half hour before it got dark the bass suddenly turned on. My friend got a nice 15 incher on a salmon fry pattern while I nailed three on a spinner. Also got two blow-ups on a hollow-body frog but I guess they aren't keen on amphibians up here yet as instead of crushing it they missed. The bass we landed seemed quite healthy and rather plump. No trophy fish today but it's a start...and a much better start than I had last year. Oh! And I finally figured out how to do the "walk the dog" technique. Looks like I'll get to put the Zara Spook to use this year.
    2 points
  17. caught this 4.5lber 2 weeks ago on a siebert outdoors swimjig. fishing it in the same places i would normally toss a spinnerbait.
    2 points
  18. Not yet, but there's always the basic ones
    2 points
  19. 1. Watch: 2. Go to Siebertoutdoors.com 3. Fish them. Nearly anywhere and anytime -- they can/will work anytime a moving bait is working...or when a jig is working...... Swim jigs opened a whole new world to me when the realization hit me that this one bait, maybe more than nearly any other allows me to target the entire water column (below the surface action.)
    2 points
  20. Coming from the perspective of one of those kids, I heartily "approve" this statement.
    2 points
  21. Somebody has cabin fever...
    2 points
  22. yes they are a HUGE improvement. Window shopping is now easier .
    2 points
  23. Let people know where I'm going and when to expect me back.
    2 points
  24. He's gonna make me some custom jigs also i've already ask .Mike is hard to beat he finished my order late one night because he was leaving and didn't want me to wait .
    2 points
  25. Mike, the picture are much better, thanks for doing that!
    2 points
  26. Never seen a Shimano wear out there, nor have any of mine, including an original Aero Stradic. Please don't tell me I don't fish enough, like the last thread. It's insulting. My guess, the bail was smacked on something, and now it's off balance and wobbles.
    2 points
  27. I'm notorious for forgetting to retie. I also forget to be versatile when the situation calls for it. I'm pretty stubborn.
    2 points
  28. One guy's opinion doesn't set a new standard. A new bait design may minimize lure drag, but I don't see it going away completely. The only way to know is to try it for yourself and see what works for you. Personally I'm not ditching my C3's or Winch any time soon.
    2 points
  29. Past genetic research focused mainly on the female but the ShareLunker program is showing the equally important role of the male's genetics. 2014 Nacogdoches Texas, a lake record of 12.54 lbs was caught on Lake Naconiche; genetic research showed some interesting facts. The mother was ShareLunker #370; 14.28 lbs from Falcon Lake. The grandmother was ShareLunker #187; 14.05 lbs from Lake Fork. The great-grandmother was ShareLunker #9; 16.13 lbs from Gibbons Creek. Plus ShareLunker #305; 14.67 lbs from Lake Fork. All 5 were from the same father; an almost 8 lb male.
    2 points
  30. Author ~ Dan Ashe First let’s start with the basics. Nearly everyone has seen largemouth bass in an area that has been swept clean near the shoreline during the spring. These swept areas are bass nests or beds. Spawning takes place when the water temperature reaches 60-75o F. The male constructs the bed and courts a female to spawn, where he then releases his sperm to fertilize the eggs. Fertilized largemouth bass eggs are yellow to orange in color. The male stands guard over the eggs to protect them from predation and continually fans the water to keep water moving over the eggs to keep silt from building up on top of them, while the female leaves once spawning is complete. Largemouth bass sexual maturity is influenced by size more than age, with most bass reaching sexual maturity with the ability to spawn at around ten inches. The largemouth bass in our lakes usually attain this size at about age two. Largemouth bass beds have been reported to contain anywhere from 5,000 to 45,000 eggs with the differences in number dependent on the size and condition of the spawned female. The time it takes largemouth bass eggs to hatch is highly influenced by water temperature with hatch time at 65o F being about 2 ½ days. Life for young largemouth bass is hard with very few surviving their first year. One paper I have found cited that only two tenths of one percent of young bass made it past their first year in an Alabama lake. There are several factors that are considered important in determining survival, most notably time of spawning, temperature, predation, and available forage and habitat. Generally speaking, larger bass spawn earlier than smaller bass. This characteristic is important to young bass survival. Fish that hatch sooner have longer to feed and grow before winter sets in and thus a greater chance of over winter survival. There is some debate as to whether bass populations with a large number of big fish have a distinct advantage to maintain a more constant and stable population in terms of steady recruitment. The down side of having an earlier spawning time is that these fish are more vulnerable to extreme temperature fluctuations than those that are spawned later when the likelihood of a spring freeze is less likely. Therefore, the debate goes on. I guess it all depends on what year you want to look at. Temperature plays the most significant role in early survival of bass, where it can influence entire year classes of bass. As stated earlier temperature determines how long it takes for eggs to hatch, the longer it takes eggs to hatch the likelihood of predation of those eggs increases. In addition, once bass hatch they are not mobile, they are still on the bottom of the bed feeding off a yolk sac. Again, the longer a fish is immobile the chances of predation increases significantly. Water temperature determines how long it takes for the bass larvae to develop and become mobile. At 70o F bass are able to swim in about 10 days after hatch, at colder temperatures this time is significantly longer. Once the bass fry become free swimming they must begin to feed within days or they will die. Bass fry initially feed on zooplankton (microscopic animals) and the amount of zooplankton is dependant on phytoplankton (microscopic plants). Lakes that are turbid, acidic, etc., generally are not productive in terms of plankton production, with low fish recruitment due to inadequate forage for young fish. Bass fry are voracious feeders needing to feed several times a day. Food passes through their stomachs every few hours. Over time as the bass grow they will shift to a fish diet. It is imperative that ample forage fish be available for both the larger and younger bass. Bass will always eat one another, but if there are other prey species available the amount of cannibalism will be less. A-Jay
    2 points
  31. This is a great idea. I'll be taking my nephew out as much as possible now that he's just about old enough to handle fishing safely. I don't have a boat, but he's fine with plucking 50 bluegill's out of the water. I'll be sure to think of other people I could take out fishing from my network. -Dan
    2 points
  32. Congrats on the New PB! Wish I could welcome you to that oh so famous 11lb club, but sadly I am not there yet! Enjoy it for now, but stay on the hunt or a bigger one! Jeff
    2 points
  33. As soon as my boat can go in the water instead of on top of it. I have a spot in a cove where the main stream comes into my home lake that I just kill em at first ice out. That bite only lasts for about 2-3 weeks though but it's litterally the best bite of the year.
    2 points
  34. Immediately. Even if I don't catch anything, I start working on casting practice if nothing's biting. Ice out is the beginning of a great year.
    2 points
  35. I have not used that reel and am not familiar with it's performance. I use a Callcutta 200D for deep cranks. The 5.7:1 ratio, smooth powerful gearing and large comfortable knobs make cranking big baits All Day actually pleasant. I could start a day with another reel, but an hour into it, I know I'd be back to the 200D. I would warn anglers that allowing another to tell you what a "New Standard" is may not be the best method. Having some knowledge, experience & time on the water provides plenty of self confidence to make that call for yourself. Finally, your standard and my standard can be vastly different and yet still both very effective. A-Jay
    2 points
  36. The good news about the jerkbait; particularly the hard, suspending baits, is that currently they are one of the most common topics of instructional fishing videos. They are fairly expensive, everbody has their version, and they want you to buy one. So they make videos showing you how to fish their bait, when and where it is likely to be most effective, and what kind of tackle you should probably use. (I believe KVD has some really good videos, but virtually all of the professional videos are more instructive than what I can articulate here.) Doing the research will give the information; but only time on the water will build the confidence. It takes a bit of practice getting use to that little slack line pop you need to mimic a dying baitfish and not overwork it, but once you understand the how and when, everything will come together.
    2 points
  37. This all day long. Haven't noticed a change in sensitivity. Happy I'm not the only one
    2 points
  38. Congrats on a Great Bass & a New PB ~ ! PB's are Always a Blast. And since I haven't seen it here yet - It's my pleasure to be the first to Officially Welcome you into the 11 pound club. btw - my PB came on the same bait. A-Jay
    2 points
  39. Modified Albright (aka Alberto) is the Knot Wars champion in the line to leader category. Check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2R_2xautA1U
    2 points
  40. x2^^ was the same way until I started throwing them. you'll gain confidence with them its the same as any other lure.
    2 points
  41. So this bass's daddy also mated with grandma & great grandma? Are you sure this didn't occur in West Virginia?
    2 points
  42. Another vote for the Alberto. Take the time to learn it. You won't be disappointed.
    2 points
  43. I'd be down to meet up you guys. We could probly get a lot of guys from on here
    2 points
  44. Every lake in the state of Texas is manmade with the exception of Caddo. The native Texas Bass & Northern Bass that lived in streams/rivers was the only breeding stock. In 1971 TPWD brought the first Florida strain to the Tyler Fish Hatchery, state wide stocking started the following year. Over the next several years bass from Florida, California, & Cuba were brought to Texas to improve the genetics. The ShareLunker Program was established in 1986, since then 258 bass of 13 pounds plus has entered the program from 55 public reservoirs. These bass are now the breeding stock for the entire state of Texas; they spawn at the hatchery & then released back into their lake of origin. Many lake are doing the same program but starting out with 10 pound plus breeding stock.
    2 points
  45. All Pre-Rapala. I've got 3 more on the way.
    2 points
  46. I don't use nearly as expensive of lures as most guys on here. Then again, I don't often use cranks or swimbaits, so that takes a big portion of the expensive lure market out of the running. My most expensive though was a couple weeks ago, I bought a Spinbait 80.....did pretty well with it in a very clear pond near my house, caught a few 3lb-ers then a few casts later it simply broke off the line and went *ploop* in the water about 40 feet offshore. I think it broke at the knot, it was heartbreaking. I'll probably order another one this winter, i'm not a cranking fan so I can handle the wait.
    2 points
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