I just had one of those magical days on the water. I hope this doesn't come across as bragging, it is actually nothing more than enthusiasm.
After weeks of warm weather pushing our water temps into the upper 60's on my home lake, we had some cloud cover this morning in Southern California (with some rain to follow the next two days). Many male bass had already started moving shallow earlier this week, with the females staging just outside the coves & spawning flats. With the cloud cover, I started the day seeing if I could get any interest on a top-water bite, using a Rebel Pop-R. In the first 45 minutes, I caught 8 bass and had another half dozen swipe at it and miss. The action continued like this all morning & by 10:30 am, as the clouds started to break up a bit, I had caught 23 keepers on top (a one day top-water PB) with probably 15 additional strikes that didn't hook up. I was comfortable with that ratio, because the strikes were ranging from a few that choked the Pop-R to those that were annoyed with it and did a drive-by swipe. I was able to catch 4 of those misses with a followup plastic worm, but the Pop-R was definitely the fishes choice of the morning.
Now I know many of you fish on lakes where this kind of top-water action is not unusual, but on my home lake, this was an anomaly. My lake has no shad and there is never a time when the bass are boiling, feeding on bait fish on the surface. It takes the right kind of circumstances to get any kind of sustained top-water action and today was one of those days.
As the sun popped out, the action switched back to more conventional for this lake, T-rigged plastic worms being the ticket. Over the next 6 hours, I caught an additional 36 bass, most on a T-rigged Roboworm (29), with a few on a Senko (4) and a crankbait (3). Total for the day was 63 bass (another daily PB), with the largest going 5 lbs., 2 oz. on the Roboworm.
My thumb is shredded & I am grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
Take heart those of you in the North, your spring is coming soon.