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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/2015 in all areas

  1. too often they don't have what's on my list... oe
    5 points
  2. By the way, a stripper is a woman who takes off her clothes for money. A Striper is a fish.
    4 points
  3. I can see it now. Two guys in the boat on a day when its 50* outside. The Yankee is dressed in shorts, t-shirt, and his favorite flip-flops. At the other end of the boat, the poor thin blooded Hillbilly wearing every stitch of clothing he owns! Please send pics!
    4 points
  4. The best way to cook a largemouth bass is to season it with salt and pepper, soak it with lemon for 15 to 20 min. Then place the fish on a cedar plank and cook it slowly on low heat, when the outside begins to brown, remove it from the oven , throw it away and eat the wood plank.
    3 points
  5. Somebody inevitably is going to get on here and post to get a Yeti. And while I agree they are good coolers, and I have one of them as well as a Grizzly, know that if stored inside, they are so well insulated that the first bag of ice is going to melt. Then once the cooler is down to temperature, they will hold ice for days. The other thing, is because of all the insulation, they are heavy! And the storage room in them is less for the same reason. Jeff
    3 points
  6. It kind of blows me away every time I go at just how much stuff they have and still not carry a darn thing I want haha
    3 points
  7. If it's not an advantage, then why do it? Clearly, Casey is seeking an advantage here. Yes, it's legal, is it sporting? Nope.. No way... Not in my opinion. Just because a thing is legal, doesn't necessarily justify its exploitation. I just maintain a different outlook that's all. I still believe I'm right. One more point, clearly it's a spectator sport, it's a sport driven by the everyday or weekend fisherman , not the other way around.
    3 points
  8. So I have an idea. All of us up north are gonna be snowed in till July by the looks of it lol. So how about you southern folk complaining its 50 out link up with some of us and take us fishing down south. I'm getting in my truck and heading south my first Lon g weekend of my new shift at work and I'm driving till I find open water and I'm fishing.
    2 points
  9. Last night, i was talking to a fishing guide at the sportsman show, here in fisherville va, and he fishes for striper! He gave me is little brochure type thing, and i was reading it and came across this very true thing. It said "If you are to busy to fish, you are to busy! Btw I didn't buy fishing thing while i was there, even though i could have:)
    2 points
  10. C'mon old guys, this young man is 14 years old. Let's cut him a break on his spelling. Two, too, to. Do, due, dew. Arnold Horshack,.. ooo, ooo, ooo! Hootie
    2 points
  11. A lot of folks would love to make their own jigs but think it costs too much or requires special tools or techniques. Not true! Making your own stuff is incredibly easy and will SAVE you money. When you do the math, you can buy premium jigs for about $4.00 each, or make your own for about $2.00 each. So if you are a tinkerer and you like the satisfaction of creating your own stuff, here’s all you need. An old ball point pen. Remove the ink tube. Keep the tip and cut the barrel down to about 2 or 3”. A paper clip or a bobby pin. Your favorite jig heads. Skirt material bars and collars (you can find this stuff super cheap at multiple online tackle stores). Step 1 - Start by rolling a collar onto the barrel of the ink pen. You can roll several on there if you want to make several skirts at once. Remove the tip of the ink pen leaving just the collars on the barrel of the pen. Step 2 – hang your skirt material on your paper clip or bobby pin. It takes 2 bars of skirt material to make a full skirt. Use a little more for a thicker skirt. Use a little less for a thinner one. I won’t go into the subtleties of how to mix multiple colors evenly. That’s easy to figure out and part of the joy of discovering all the cool things you can do. Step 3 – use the bobby pin to pull the skirt material about halfway through the ink pen barrel. Roll a collar off the barrel of the ink pen onto the skirt and finish pulling it through. Step 4 – just cut the ends of the skirt material where it is joined together. You’ve just created your own jig skirt. Step 5 – put your skirts on your favorite jig heads, add your favorite trailers, and load the boat with all the big bass you fool using color creations they’ve never seen before. Here’s some pics to illustrate. We’ll make one of my faves – purple/blue and whiskey/green. It’s a great combo on any lake where bluegills or other sunfish are a primary food source. If you have a lot of readears, you can throw in a few red strands thrown in just for kicks. I call it thrilla in bluegilla.
    2 points
  12. If that is the way the quote was spelled, he should get his money back for the brochures.
    2 points
  13. YES I DID. And it's the single best mod I made to my Old Town Predator. By using a taped together card board cut out to make a pattern of the bottom of the boat, I used it to cut out a thin (maybe 3/4 inch thick) pad originally designed as a sleeping bag pad. It's soft, durable and doesn't mold or retain odor. Comes in 3' x 6 or 7 ' sizes. Used a couple. Then, I used green outdoor rug, purchased off a roll from Lowes - cheap. Trimmed it to match the size / shape of the pad and Glued it with gorilla glue (contact type) to the pad. Placed plywood and cement blocks onto to hold it in place and put pressure on it during the 24 hour drying process. Once done I slipped it into the bottom of the boat. It comes out easily to clean and and to dry when needed. That was 7 years ago and I'm still using it and expect it to last for a while. The benefits of this deal are Many. It's quite, soft to kneel on, insulates you from the water and keeps the bottom of the boat comfortable. A-Jay
    2 points
  14. I'll say from experience, that what you are proposing is very easily accomplished when fishing at night. In total darkness when you can't see any part of your equipment which would "remind" you of what your using at the time, it's all about the "performance & feel" of the tackle. I've said this before, but I honestly believe that bass fishing at night has improved my overall performance & ability in several aspects of the sport. A-Jay
    2 points
  15. Day 2 ~ Last years dark horse & Second Place Classic finisher Paul Mueller already has a limit & is CULLING before 9 AM. Looks like he has no intention of being a bride's maid this year . . . . A-Jay
    2 points
  16. The underlined text above has been the root source as to why many a man has given away their integrity. Ethics is doing what's right when you're the only one who will ever know. This rubs me the wrong way and as a Fan of this event and This angler in particular, I'm disappointed. A-Jay
    2 points
  17. I haven't used the LFS but the models that came before that (SSH1) were very solid. You can find Tourney Mg's on flea bay for a discounted price.
    2 points
  18. I don't mind it when it comes from the lips of an attractive woman
    2 points
  19. Awesome preliminary review Goose52. I tend to think that your reviews, breakdowns, and photos are as good or better than other reviews that can be had online. Appreciate you going the extra mile...
    2 points
  20. i'd put the lfs at the bottom of the list i purchased 2 when they first were released and i wasn't impressed and believe me i really wanted to like them, did i get a couple of duds maybe but the braking system and just overall feel of the reel was just not what i was expecting. the brakes on the reel were horribly inconsistent. the diawa you can pretty much set the cast control on the loose side ( just enough to take side play out or even a tad of side play in the spool and set the dial on 4-5 and throw just about anything. they are very user friendly. the tourney mg i cannot speak for.
    2 points
  21. Everyone handles stress differently, Aaron doesn't do well when things go wrong. Aaron's dad passing way Thrursday night just before this event must be a big burden for him, his sonar unit malfunctioning is a big deal for Aaron, it's his window to what the bass are doing. Tomorrow is another day, hope he makes the top 25 cut, pulling for Aaron! Tom
    2 points
  22. I have one and have had absolutely nothing to complain about. For $40, it would be hard to find a rod that was as good
    2 points
  23. When I'm teaching a beginner how to set the hook when using an articificial bait, this is what I tell them: When you detect a hit, drop your rod tip (if it isn't already down) and reel up the slack at the same time, then just bring your thumbs up to your chest as quickly as you can. If they actually are able to complete the manuver, they either missed the fish or never had a fish take the lure. I also teach them to always be facing where the lure entered the water. That, to me is a basic hook set and if your fish become unbuttoned, you're either giving them slack during the fight, or your equipment (line or rod) is to blame. Rod tip speed and the amount of line you move during the hook set, IMO, are the keys to success. When 5 1/2ft. broomstick rods and stretchy mono were what was being used for worm fishing, a lot of fish were lost because not enough line could be moved to overcome the stretch of the mono. IMO, that is when a 'cross their eyes' hook set mentality began. Some of the pros were using heavy mono to reduce that factor and the rod industry soon after started offering longer rods, but that hook set remained.
    2 points
  24. The Shimano digital control braking is just not JDM...it's been available on the USDM Calcutta TE-DCs for years. The DC system on the TE-DCs is the first-generation DC system with fewer braking options than the later iterations. There have now been about 6 (?) iterations of the DC system - with each iteration giving different adjustment methods and braking options. Most of the DC systems still require thumb braking at the end of the cast. However, the i-DC+ system used on the JDM Exsence has a strong braking option/profile that applies extra braking at the end of the cast that is said to be practically, if not completely, thumb-free (this mode is advertised as being especially useful at night). I own a Calcutta TE-100DC and a Calais 200DC and will soon have the 2015 Metanium DC. The way I utilize the reels, I find the advantage is not the ability to make extremely long casts, but the ability to consistently, with less effort, make practical, effectively long casts. Also, DC braking has proven benefits in wind. I can throw crankbaits into a significant headwind with that TE-100DC for instance. Regarding the advertised, extreme cast length potential, the Calais 200DC DOES have a long-cast mode but I have spent little time exploring that mode. You can get to a point where you can outcast your hook-setting range and I am more interested in catching fish than finding out how FAR I can potentially cast. Are DC systems totally backlash free? No. I have backlashes pop up unexpectedly on both the Calcutta and the Calais. A consistent casting stroke is helpful on both of these reels to minimize backlash potential. I have had some backlashes occur for totally unknown reasons; perhaps the optical sensor in the DC system "blinked" or something... Is DC necessary? No - it's just another type of braking system. Does DC have practical benefits? Yes. Are the benefits worth the cost? That's up to each angler to decide. AND, don't forget one other trait of the DC system - the DC whine - music to the ears... EDIT: While I was taking forever to type my post, bootytrain posted, so some of my post is redundant with his....
    2 points
  25. At this years Calssic Dobyns introduced the Fury series rod. Priced @ $109 and will be available in May. I like the look of it and hopefully it fishes just as good. Cork grip with eva butt grip.
    1 point
  26. Finally pulled the trigger on buying a new custom cover for my new 'to me' boat!
    1 point
  27. catt knows his stuff i live in lake charles. Bank wise best bets are lacassine and lake bienvineu(tourist bureau lake) feel free to pm me always up to fish. Not to mention i know a few spots bankwise on the river also
    1 point
  28. I posted a link that shows every state and the dates of free fishing days. Here it is again. http://takemefishing.org/nfbw/
    1 point
  29. Problem is we'd need someone to translate "redneck"
    1 point
  30. Some people use braid as backing. Your leftover braid might be better suited there
    1 point
  31. Fished this afternoon, wind was howling!!! Got a few strikes on the trap but couldnt keep a hook in them. Talked to a guy who was catching them flipping the brush. Saw a boat that lost thier prop, make sure to check your prop nuts!!
    1 point
  32. My 58# 7oz guess is lookin ok! Skeet put up 20 as well
    1 point
  33. I just got some more Lucky Crafts. I got some problems man...... It's bad man......... I can't shake it man...... I just can't......... I'm starting to go through my own pockets for change before my wife gets to them..... I gotta go look at lures now.......
    1 point
  34. Why would you want a braid leader?
    1 point
  35. Just got my Cush-It in the mail. Gonna stick it on a rod tonight and see how it feels. Its not as big as I expected. Gonna see if it helps the balance. When the water is not frozen I will be able to go out there and see if it really does increase sensitivity, or if those jokers are making stuff up.
    1 point
  36. I guess I'm late to the Met DC party...but at least I have line on mine... Met DC has the same open-ended knobs as the Conquest14 - some folks like 'em, some don't: To set up the reel - select the "OPEN" position on the external dial on the bottom of the sideplate and then thumb over the sideplate latch (located to the rear of the dial): With the sideplate removed, select your line type from the dial visible on the top edge of the sideplate: N = nylon, F = flouro, PE = braid: While the sideplate is off you can see the I-DC5 control module. I haven't a clue as to how to service the spool bearing that is under the module (remove the three screws perhaps): End of spool shaft with several grooves milled in the length. The control module (when installed) extends quite a way into the recess in the spool: Re-install the sideplate and adjust the external dial to match the weight of your bait. There are 5 positions: 1, 2, 3, 4, and A (auto): 1 = 18 - 30 grams 2 = 10 - 20 grams 3 = 8 - 12 grams 4 = 5 - 8 grams A = 7 - 30 grams Near as I can tell, the auto position will provide adequate braking for that wide range of baits (1/4 to 1 oz), but selection of one of the numbered brake positions will give a more optimum braking profile. I selected position two (~ 3/8 to between 5/8 and 3/4 oz): And the auto position: I usually don't show my new gear until I've caught a fish with it. However, my lakes are frozen over at the moment. For now, I will just have to assume that this reel will eventually get my highest approval rating: "Seems to work, reels in fish" EDIT - March 25, 2015: It took a while, but I can now give this reel my highest approval rating - it works, reels in fish...
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. I did go overboard once, it was on Lake Kissimmee in February, 2010 (67 at the time). I was standing in the bow, holding my fishing rod in one hand and a sandwich in the other hand. I tossed a piece of bread to a passing gull, who promptly scooped up the offering, then swooped upward above my head. I made the mistake of trying to keep the bird in sight, which was directly above my head. I bent my head backward as far as my neck would allow, then suddenly realized that my balance was irretrievably lost. Instead of trying to regain my balance, I choose to break the fall, then rolled over the gunwale in a nice tight ball, smack into the drink. It was a bitter day, the water was over my head and we were far from shore. The water temperature was 59 deg (cold for Florida), the air temperature was colder and I was not wearing a flotation device (You've made your bed, now lie in it). I was underwater about 4 seconds, but it felt more like an hour. When I grabbed the bow gunwale, I seen my wife's hands reaching over the side. I shook my head 'no', and told her to meet me at the transom. There's really nothing a woman can do for a 220-lb clown floundering in the water. Hand-over-hand, I walked about 15 feet of gunwale to reach the stern. I had difficulty boarding thru the motor cutaway until I remembered the anti-cavitation plate, which possibly saved my life. I was wearing a brushed cotton jacket that wicked up the lake, and as I finally stepped over the transom, it felt like I was wearing a lead X-ray jacket. After spending about 10 min in 59-deg water, my energy level was noticeably lower (a very humbling experience). My sunglasses had disappeared, and despite the snug chinstrap, my Stetson somehow wound up in the drink!? I started the engine, retrieved my hat, and then proceeded to my next waypoint. "Where are you going?", my wife asked. I said I'm going to my next waypoint. She replied: "You're soaking wet, we've got to go in!". Realizing that hypothermia was still a latent threat, I knew she was right and begrudgingly called it a day. Roger
    1 point
  39. I bought a 7ft MH last season for flipping jigs. I was looking for something in a pinch and was extremely surprised with the rod. As mentioned previously, not the lightest rod, but for the price I think it blows others out of the water. I picked mine up at a local Walmart for $25. I'm a budget fisherman, as many of us are. This rod is perfect for a budget fishing scenario. - Dale
    1 point
  40. In Williamsburg, which is about 15 minutes East of Traverse City and Grand Traverse Bay, there is Lake Skegemog, which connects with Elk Lake and Torch Lake via Torch River. The smallmouth fishing is usually very good, tons of standing timber, lay downs, submerged timber. There are a few spots that you can find largemouth that are good size, including a marsh area on the southeastern part of the lake that is killer for topwater fishing in the morning and evening. I've caught a lot of pike and, while not actively fishing for them, had three musky break me off. Most musky fishing is done in Elk Lake. And if you don't like that, GT Bay is right around the corner. Lots of crappie, too. Good crappie that will go after a 4.5" tube.
    1 point
  41. So how many of you guys are gonna buy this rod regardless, and tell your significant others you won it free? Hahaha ...this reaks of the baitmonkeys tactics
    1 point
  42. A recliner TV remote with fresh batteries Glenlivit A Snuggie
    1 point
  43. Anyone notice the small plane in the trees across the river from this address on Google earth? LOL.
    1 point
  44. Gas for the truck & boat
    1 point
  45. Your weedbed is on a structure. As a slowly sloping bank, it just wasn't the structure you expected or have read about as being optimum. Other factors may be affecting why you find most of your bass in this weed bed too. I see you are in Canada. Could it be that the lake in question contains other predator species such as Pike? If so, this could lead the bass to stay in a shallower hiding place to avoid these larger predators. Also, does your weedbed on the slowly sloping bank connect to the more classic structures you mentioned in some way. Is there a break on one of those structures that extends over to the slowly sloping bank on the weedbed?
    1 point
  46. I always stick it out, and anymore if a buck wont make Ohio big buck, (140" B&C measurements), they get a free pass from me. I almost waited to long try'n for that big buck this year, but then the week of Jan. 23 to Feb 1st when our season ends, with only one deer in the freezer, I started filling the freezer, and on the 29th this guy showed up with 4 of his buddies, not one under 140",,,,, I was excited and until he appeared I didn't know which one to shoot. With all his character it made the decision easy,,,, with the kickers and bleed hole, almost scorable split brow tines, I new he was the one I wanted to "let the air out of" but he had to get in bow range. after about 20 minuets they all filed past within 30 yards with him bring'n up the back, with the wind in my favor, I let em pass one by one, but he tried to to stay a little farther out,,, I took him at 42 yards with the Mad Max 380,,, all of em as a matter of fact with the same bow, including one in Oct. just cause I ran out and needed steaks,,, 8 days and 5 deer,,,, we should be good till next October,,,I hope, then it all starts again!! Here he is with 4 of his sisters that came to see me that week,,,, the cold temps and nasty weather allways makes it work for me,,, With three days to go I had passed on a multitude of buck's this year wait'n on that keeper,and not seen one that would make Ohio Big Buck, then 5 of em all come in on me at once,,, what a week,,, I started taking my doe for the freezer and after 5 days of bagg'n meat, my buck finally showed up. I will remember this hunt for a long time to come, all on public land the end of January,,,, what more could a guy want???? He had a G-4 broke off his right side but was a main frame 10 with two kickers on his left side, one on the G-2 and one at the bleed hole. he grossed 153 7/8 now it's time for some hard water fishing,,,, Buckeye style,,,,
    1 point
  47. In reality, equipped evenly, the price difference is a lot closer than you think That $100k Ranger can probably be purchased for $70k and the Nitro close to $60k
    1 point
  48. Oh my! You went above and BEYOND! Thank you for all of the research you did! You sir know how to decipher a lake, let alone a topo map! I would have never considered all of these variables as you did, but now I will and I believe it will benefit me immensely! Thank you so much!!! Now all I need is a fish/depth finder lol
    1 point
  49. I am partial to cork grips, and I am getting older and more set in my ways by the minute.
    1 point
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