People ask me, why is it that I fish so much... I give them a generic answer, like "because it's fun". This morning, though, I feel compelled to let out why I do what I do. I guess I can break it down into two main subjects; the sport/hunt , and the water itself. The first one is easy, as the pursuit of fish provides an entertainment value shared by many. The latter, however, goes much deeper than satisfying the need for fun. The water doesn't disappoint. When people let you down, the water won't. "Best friends" may never call, but the water calls me constantly, and never fails to answer my call. The water is always there for you, when no one else is. It has the uncanny ability to take whatever problems you go to it with, and wash them away. Like you, the water has secrets, if you take the time to listen to them. And oftentimes, the water will unlock secrets about you to yourself.