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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2014 in all areas

  1. Man oh man!.....If your going to be calling out those you perceive as lying , stretching the truth or whatever you strongly disagree with in the fishing venue, you must be a busy man....Now you say I'm a liberal if I don't call out someone that appears to be lying about a fish weight....I d**n sure mentally keep notes on such matters, but simply am not going to let allow it to demand an overt denunciation of such practices so I can sleep at nite......I consider myself to be rather outspoken , however have learned that in many cases being judgemental to the point of confrontation is often a waste of energy better put to use in other ways......These days I have a full plate of things to be concerned about such as, making sure I fish as often as possible, keeping my boat, rods, reels , lures,etc ready for action at a moments notice, keeping my wife comfortable so as to avoid "fish fights", living in a manner that respects people and nature......I try not to worry about things beyond my control like my Leukemia, Skin Cancer, Neuropathy, CHF and diabetes....Being right is sometimes a priority, but not all its cracked up to be!........Enjoy, while you can.......JMHO
    4 points
  2. A buddy and I decided to try Jacomo last Friday. I've been wanting to fish it for awhile but never have decided to pop for the permit. Since I'm not buying a Wyco or Wabaunsee year pass I figured I could swing the permit out there. It's a really nice lake and the 25ph max restriction keeps a lot of bigger boats off the water. $62.50 for a year pass for my jonboat and 15hp motor, about $40 less than either of the other 2 lakes. It must be a popular lake though, I was parking the truck at 0503 and we were boat number 3 on the water! With neither of us having any experience on the water we just put the trolling motor down and started fishing. About 2 minutes into the morning I put a chunky 16 incher into the boat on a Big Head Wobbler, followed quickly by another very similar fish on a homemade finesse jig. The size of those first two fish gave me the confidence I needed to start lobbing my 7" Slammer around. Didn't take long before the first fish of the morning smashed into it. Lots of the fish we ended up catching looked like this one, appeared to be recovering very well from the spawn. Just a few cast later, another toilet bowl flush, and another future Wal Mart Girl. They weren't all fatties though, don't know why it looks like I was taking pictures with a potato We fished south, picking up fish pretty steady, until we ran into the spawning carp. They were everywhere absolutely trashing the shorelines with their shenanigans. We decided to idle across the lake to try to get away from them. Since we were just idling I left the trolling motor down, mistake. We got to the other side, step on the motor, I hear a higher pitched whirling sound than I should and we go nowhere. Pulled the motor up, no prop No idea what happened. Run back to the ramp, no props in the marina, no problem since BPS is 10 minutes away. Get there at 0730, doesn't open until 9 . Run to Wal Mart, 2 size props, both for Minn Kota . Messaging Cbass the whole time and he tells me there's a marine shop that opens at 0830 right by me so I ran there, they had 1 Motorguide prop and it was 20% off because they weren't going to carry trolling motor props anymore Back to the water and back in business. We cut straight across the lake to a steeper rock bank, first cast with a shakyhead I was back on fish. Shakyhead started boating good numbers of solid fish so I put on an 1/4oz Rocker head with a baby brush hog, first fish with it. 5 1/2 pounds, biggest largemouth of the year so far. We continued steadily putting fish in the boat on shakyheads, Slammer, wacky rig, senko, and Rocker head with a baby brush hog. Going across the dam I set into a fish that just didn't move. She started to come up, shook her head and the hook popped, probably in the 7lb range. Next cast, another bite, 5 pounder slashes across the surface and pulls off. Several more fish across the dam but nothing that big. Got to a boulder bank with lots of water willow, pulled the Slammer back out. Got a couple quick ones before it got destroyed as soon as I started the retrieve. A 6-7 pound fish wallowed on the top, steamrolled into the water willows and pulled off . Should have had a high 20 to nearing 30 pound bag, instead ended up probably around 18-20 pounds, still a great day.
    4 points
  3. Shane and I got out today, fished a new sport for the first time and put together an alright day. Lots of pickerel, some pretty small bass but I did manage my biggest fish of the year SO FAR at 6lbs on a Rage rigged smokin' rooster... She was 22"
    4 points
  4. Some braids are quieter as are some guides. What braid and size are you using and what rods?
    3 points
  5. Well, that's completely different! Now I can see why it has ruined your life. Did you see the one where the guy claimed a 10" fish weighed 10#? At first I thought it was just a typo, like " instead of #. Now I see that this liar was trying to be ridiculous. To think that my wife left me and moved in with this faker. The kids are all calling him daddy, and even my dog growls at me now. My life is in SHAMBLES! When do we start to build the gallows? Note - All of the above is But of course the whole idea that someone with a slightly heavier thumb is harming anyone else is the really ridiculous part.
    3 points
  6. Cumulus, bfs xg, and a balsa bull. Topwater Bliss...
    3 points
  7. Answer me this - why is it that whenever somebody posts a picture of a terrific catch (e.g. a huge bass), there's always some yahoo that says it's Photoshopped - probably from some guy who's never used or seen Photoshop to begin with. Seriously. Many photos these guys say are "Photoshopped" aren't even possible to create in Photoshop. Or the latest one I saw, some dude commented that the fish in the photo was a fiberglass replica. Ya, the guy hauled out a fiberglass replica with him out on the boat just to take a picture of him holding it. Ya right. How do people come up with trash like that? Why do people - who weren't there when the pic was taken...who don't know the person in the photo....who have zero first-hand knowledge about the catch or the angler who caught it, have to make up garbage like that and downplay somebody's Personal Best moment? If you haven't guessed by now, it's a pet peeve of mine. This sport is so small and shrinking, that there's zero space for negative attitudes like that anywhere. It's not needed, not necessary, unwarranted, and just plain old juvenile. To those that make comments like that - grow up or take up another sport! Take your false accusations elsewhere!
    2 points
  8. Hi Folks, Some of you remember when Belle was born. My wife was in a car wreck and went into labor early the next morning. Belle was about four weeks premature. She really didn't show it then, and definitely doesn't show it now. She was helping Big Brother and Daddy sort fishing lures, and decided she wanted to help. She loves this plastic worm (Zoom, I think). She is of course supervised and not allowed to chew on it! Josh
    2 points
  9. last night I went out on the lake with a friend and we ended up getting 15 fish highest number this year but nothing over 2 3/4 a few in that range...all on plastic lizards they wouldn't tough a crankbait...This morning I went out alone and fished our spots and couldn't buy a fish no signs of life....so i said I'll go try this tree line it looks great but it doesn't produce like some of the other spots.....I started to get some bites both on cranks and a brushawg (green) then I pitched it into these trees and felt something pick it up and go about 2 feet with it and I jerk back the rod bends over and I can feel the head shaking so I knew it was a bass I was able to pull it out of the trees and it stayed deep ran under the boat never jumped...I was able to bring it up and get it in the boat....thickest fish I have seen in a very long time had the tip of a tail in it's mouth (big shad I think) ...It weighted 6 pounds and I put it back....I went and fished some other sections and couldn't get another bite and came in.
    2 points
  10. a fantastic morning at a new place.
    2 points
  11. I NEVER fish a trailer hook on a bladed jig, no exceptions. I miss very few fish on them and feel they hang up way worse with the trailer hook.
    2 points
  12. Now this is what the whole program is all about..The Hottest Rod on the Planet is the one that brings you the most enjoyment whenever you go fishing......Congratulations on finding yours.
    2 points
  13. Strike King S11's about $40. Worlds better than the $20 SK's or Berkley's.
    2 points
  14. You can and probably should, google your target lake to look at what could be decent structures to fish. That's a basic starting point. Do you have a sonar? If so, learn to use it. It will define breaks (brush, logs, rocks) on breaklines and present target areas for you. It will show if baitfish habit those breaks. It may also show fish nearby as well. Remember, not every structure will produce. Good fishermen spend a lot of time on the water and searching is a big part of that time. Soon, you'll start to recognize patterns and structure that do produce. Just don't get all tied up in your own socks with the attitude that you must be successful every time out. If you do, you'll fail. Just enjoy the overall experience. Good Luck!
    2 points
  15. And one more point: the guys on fishing shows catch a pound and a half bass and say it is three pounds. Those guys always increase the size of the bass they catch. I know because I am the king of catching dinks and pound and a halfers!!!!
    2 points
  16. Nope. I getting a good laugh at the expense of your Faux Outrage! I'll gladly shut up when you provide proof of the person who posted up the picture of a 4lb bass and claimed it to weigh 12lbs. I'll leave this forum forever when you can prove that it caused any real harm to you or anyone else. I figure I'm pretty well safe in that bet because I've raised a few teenagers that loved to play up the drama if their lives too. I'm also pretty sure that you won't shut up or leave if you can't! The simple truth is that the actions of another person doesn't do any harm to your morals, and I haven't seen any title you've been given to be in charge of anyone else's morals. My pointing out these facts to you has tarnished it either. FYI, I do own a 10lb hammer, but I guess you'll have to take my word for that one.
    2 points
  17. Here's an even greater challenge, my friend Pedro and I are fishing the exact same bait, the exact same rig, the exact same bait color and I' m outfishing him badly. See the point ? Color doesn't matter much, it's not the wand, it's the magician.
    2 points
  18. i feel ur pain. i love chatterbaits and was disappointed when i received my 3/4oz with that massive blade. i wanted a heavier chatter that would stay on the bottom...not a giant blade. they def put off tons of vibration to call in fish. the window of opportunity is just much smaller compared to normal size blades. i actually thought about using metal sheers to trim them down but it's just a bad idea all around. just add a trailer hook....or sell them like me.
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. Just wanted to close the thread by letting you know that the kids lost a best 2 of 3 playoff series tonight. The series went 3 games with all 3 games being close thrillers. Tonight we lost in the last inning 4-3. The last 4 or so regular season games and playoffs were incredible. The kids were coming to the field more excited to play and this playoff series had them believing in themselves. We, my 2 coaches and I, have gotten some really nice feedback from the other coaches, league board members and most importanly, the parents. I could not be more proud of these kids...Mission accomplished.
    2 points
  21. A consistent pattern I've seen on rivers is that the smallmouth will follow carp around. Carp dig up the bottom and the bass eat up what the carp disturb. So when I see carp, I look for smallies close by.
    2 points
  22. If I had a dollar for every time I cared what people thought, I'd be broke.
    2 points
  23. Got on the lake today in my kayak around 7:30. I fished for about 45 minutes then got back into a cove and decided to switch to something finesse since I hadn't had a bite yet. I was about to leave the cove but decide to toss a 4" senko a few times. As I was about half way through the retrieve I got a bite and set the hook on a nice 19" 3lber. And that was then end of my catching for the day haha. I fished for another 5 hours and didn't get another bite. It was a nice day on the water though.
    1 point
  24. I really don't mind what brand you fish with or what you like, you go fish it and you enjoy it but when you start to lead someone else, whom seems new and they are asking questions. I can not and will not let you lead them wrong with really, really bad info. If you want to answer questions, maybe you should know what you're doing before answering. Have a good day.
    1 point
  25. Beware the bait monkey.... Hes real. Honestly I would focus on soft plastics. Very versatile group of lures. Can fish them in almost any situation with a wide array of techniques. I also really like the suggestion of an original rapala floater. Those things PRODUCE.
    1 point
  26. Live your dreams, otherwise you will be working to make someone else live theirs.
    1 point
  27. I don't think it is making anyone a loser to be debt free but if I am loaning someone money, just because they are debt free by no means they have the ability to repay the debt.
    1 point
  28. I've got a Dobyns 807 and 795 that go in the tubes without any issues. I love my Pro Angler! Having fished from bass boats all my life I thought the transition to a kayak would be tough but the Hobie Pro Angler is hardly a kayak. I can still carry more gear than I need, generally have 8 rods aboard, and stand and flip regularly. I've got a Humminbird 587ci HD DI unit mounted on the starboard rail with a Liberator transducer deployment arm from Mad Dog over the side. This thing is an awesome fishing machine!! I even rigged up a cooler to be used as a live well for my live weigh in tournaments.
    1 point
  29. You don't need to cast as hard as you can. A swift smooth cast should get u all the distance you need. Second it is it has dual breaks the knob on the outside set the mags, the pins on the inside set the ACS. Make sure you set those as well to get the best performance. Adjust how you thumb the during the cast. Switching from my ACS reel to a mag reel I have to adjust when I thumb. Hope it helps good luck.
    1 point
  30. Whoa. Scary story. Glad you are OK. Power. You can't ever take anything powerful for granted. Just like you can't take electricity and water for granted. As stated above, be careful. We can't lose our Raider.
    1 point
  31. RoLo.. I sorta buy into it.... With a large bluegill in the gullet... Obviously whatever mechanism is used by the Bass has not been satisfied, obviously the prey is being slowly devoured but the brain doesn't signal success .... Otherwise the fish would settle in and allow digestion to occur... Maybe it's stomach induced... Idk... But it's interesting ... A bass with caught prey large too... Continues to want to hunt and feed... Amazing!
    1 point
  32. I was bass fishing clear water yesterday. I was using finesse worms rigged weedless wacky. Colors were watermelon with red flakes and Junebug with red flakes. I chose those two colors since they were first two bags within reach. Both produced numerous catches. Color is a non-factor, it's the presentation. I have used 10 different plastic worm colors in a single day as a test, none outperformed any other.
    1 point
  33. The best thing that you can do for yourself is to not just fill a tackle box and expect to catch something. Start with a few things and learn how to fish them well and then gradually accumulate more.
    1 point
  34. This weekend are the free fishing days in Wv in case any of you guys wanna get out and check some holes out over there and not need a license
    1 point
  35. On tin boats .net guys run the 9.9 a lot ....
    1 point
  36. Never knew anyone who was raised to believe that lying or deceit is ok, no matter how meaningless the subject may be.
    1 point
  37. It's already been done - especially in Japan where they have their "bait finesse" systems (BC reels, rods, line) perfected to the 'nth degree. Here in the U.S. - some folks fish light baitcasting tackle but as already mentioned, the gear (especially the reel) tends to be expensive and, as also already mentioned, spinning tackle does the same or better job, easier, for less cash. Still, it's fun. I don't have any true bait finesse gear but I do have some gear just a bit on the heavier side - Daiwa Pixys and PX Type R, CQ50s, etc. Matched with a light or medium-light power BC rod, those reels are a lot of fun to play with. Daiwa PX Type R, Phenix Recon PHX-C682L, 4.7lb bass = fun...
    1 point
  38. ^^ Nailed it ^^ That's just it, if you weren't there, then you're in no position to know the actual weight and size of the fish. Even if you think the fish is "obviously" smaller than what is claimed, if you weren't there, you don't know. So just admire a pic of a great fish and be done with it. Seriously, if you feel your honor, reputation, or "big fish club" is somehow damaged by some other guys' fish, you have bigger issues in your head to deal with. LOL!
    1 point
  39. What someone else says their fish weighed. Man,.... I wish that was all I had to worry about. Talk about carefree living. Hootie
    1 point
  40. No, because fishing is a passion of mine. I would never want to feel pressured to pull in fish to pay my bills. Second question YES, I am the best fisherman I know in person and I believe if I entered tournaments I would win.
    1 point
  41. I don't really know how to tell the difference unless it's obvious. I always try to give the benefit of the doubt because I've taken plenty of pictures of big fish that looked small and vice versa. If I catch a big fish and weigh it I don't care what others say anyways.
    1 point
  42. Actually the fish are real. Glen is photoshopped!!!!
    1 point
  43. Some one planted 2 peacock bass in one of my community ponds, must have been a same sex marriage as there were never any offspring. I tried almost everything for 4 years to catch them, until 1 day when I found the key. I was messing around with a ul trying to catch mayan cichlids with a crappie jig, that was the key. I caught the same pea 3 days in a row, fish went around 4-5#, on the 4 th day we had the freeze and they died. Fast forward to now and the peas are back in the canals, I've been catching them nearly ever day using what I learned in my pond. They're fun on med light spinning tackle. When I moved to Florida I didn't know what a snook was, took me 6 weeks every day before I finally got one. I can honestly say the flood gates have been opened the last 10 years, couldn't even keep track of the numbers. Once you understand the nuances of any fish, they become a whole lot easier to catch.
    1 point
  44. I can tell you how to ruin your credit or better yet have some one else ruin it for you lol
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. Do a search for Keen Newport H2 sandals. I've been wearing them in warm weather for the past 9 years have no complaints.
    1 point
  47. Makers, Knob Creek and Woodford Reserve
    1 point
  48. Not my favorite but there is a guy out in Cali that likes Pappy Van Winkle.
    1 point
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