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  1. I finally got the pics off my friends phone. The bass was 22in 7.5lb
    6 points
  2. Answer me this - why is it that whenever somebody posts a picture of a terrific catch (e.g. a huge bass), there's always some yahoo that says it's Photoshopped - probably from some guy who's never used or seen Photoshop to begin with. Seriously. Many photos these guys say are "Photoshopped" aren't even possible to create in Photoshop. Or the latest one I saw, some dude commented that the fish in the photo was a fiberglass replica. Ya, the guy hauled out a fiberglass replica with him out on the boat just to take a picture of him holding it. Ya right. How do people come up with trash like that? Why do people - who weren't there when the pic was taken...who don't know the person in the photo....who have zero first-hand knowledge about the catch or the angler who caught it, have to make up garbage like that and downplay somebody's Personal Best moment? If you haven't guessed by now, it's a pet peeve of mine. This sport is so small and shrinking, that there's zero space for negative attitudes like that anywhere. It's not needed, not necessary, unwarranted, and just plain old juvenile. To those that make comments like that - grow up or take up another sport! Take your false accusations elsewhere!
    5 points
  3. Bass are bass no matter where they are, what catches them in Brazil or South África catches them in Mexico or in Canada.
    5 points
  4. The smallmouth in your avatar look photoshopped
    5 points
  5. Dr gave me the all clear to fish so as long as I don't catch any bass over 20lbs I'm in!!
    5 points
  6. Caught this guy yesterday evening pitching laydowns with a Big O bluebug jig with a Rage Blue bug craw. Water temp was 78-80 and murky.
    4 points
  7. I guess because the horny toad started the solid body craze I call all solid bodies Toads - hollow bodies are frogs - they're different lures with their own seperate techniques - the only thing they have in common is the tackle used and the cover they are commonly fished over.
    4 points
  8. This year I caught my PB. It was larger than any lmb I ever really expected to catch in NY. I have pretty much solely been fishing for LMB the last 2 years. I fish because it's relaxing but I also give myself a goal, to catch the biggest fish of whatever species I am targeting. After catching this hog, fishing for lmb just doesn't seem the same. I feel like I have peaked. So I decided I am finally going to start targeting other species, mainly trout and small mouth bass neither which I have ever caught. Lucky for me I have multiple creeks within a couple miles of my house that are stocked with browns and have smallies as well. So I just wanted to give a huge thanks to everyone who have replied to my posts furthering my fishing ventures and introducing me to SWIMBAITS! My largemouth addiction is finally over, now time to splurge on light tackle and maybe a fly rod.
    3 points
  9. A spro popping frog pair.
    3 points
  10. Yeah, I'd go shopping for a new seat. "taste it its poison".... priceless.
    3 points
  11. I thought this post was going to be about my personal fishing techniques
    3 points
  12. Beats the hell out of ice!
    3 points
  13. Lund your missing the point. Say you won a silver metal at the Olympics and you were proud of that accomplishment. You worked hard, and you trained for years. How would you feel if every other person you talked to claimed they also won Olympic silver and gold metals and they had a picture of their metal. Wouldn't you be annoyed if you knew they were lying. At some point wouldn't you call BS on them? It has nothing to do with being insulted with the supposed accomplishments of others. If somebody catches a big bass then I am happy for them. I honestly think that awesome. Its when they are claiming a fish is much bigger then it actually is and he and I both know he's full of it. Think of you telling a bunch of friends a story and then there is that one guy that always has to 1 up everybody's story. Except he's lying. That wouldn't bother you?
    3 points
  14. Glen I have to respectfuly disagree with you. Here is why. If you set out to do something difficult and you succeed then you have accomplished something. If it was easy and most everybody could do it then its not really an accomplishment. If what you did can only be done by a small percentage then your most likely proud of that accomplishment. Now lets apply that to bass fishing. Only a small percentage of guys have actually caught a 10+ pound bass. Even fewer with a 12 pounder and there are not many who have ever caught a 15+. The guys that have done these things know they accomplished something when they did it. So when tons of guys post pictures of 6-8pound bass claiming they are 10 pounders its an insult to the guys who have caught legit trophy bass. When guys lie about it, it diminishes the accomplishment. You say its your pet peeve when guys call them out, well its my pet peeve when guys claims a fish is much bigger then it is. Now I agree with you if the picture in question looks close or is reasonable. After all most of us get excited when we catch a good fish and tend to over estimate the weight. But when its obviously exaggerated I think they should get "educated". I think there is a balance. Some should get called out when its obvious, and when its reasonable then let them have their 15 minutes of fame.
    3 points
  15. ^^ spot on ^^ Frankly I don't care if somebody embellishes how much a fish weighs. It doesn't affect my life in any way. Don't get me wrong, I love to see a huge fish as much as the other guy. I just don't care about the actual weight. A big fish a great to admire regardless of the actual weight stated.
    3 points
  16. I take it as the lakes way of telling me the fish are biting weightless plastics lol.
    3 points
  17. Here in NC the snot grass (as we call it) is coming out now. Pain in the you know what. :-/
    3 points
  18. Well, I just finished up my last year at high school and it was a good four years. Last quarter I was a teacher assistant for my favorite teacher at the school. Together we formed an underground newspaper which I named "The Incognito Wordsmiths." This quarter I was also a teacher assistant for another teacher. However, this one wasn't quite as exciting. In fact, I only made copies. After being a TA we have to write a reflection paper on what we did. The first one was filled with awesomeness on what the underground newspaper was actually was for. This last experience was a hard write, though. So, I had to spice it up a little. Seeing that the teacher and I both love Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, I based my reflection paper off it. The guidance counselor probably never read anything like this before nor ever will again. I changed the names of the teachers for my protection and theirs. Anyways, here it is: “The Quest for the Perfect Print” Chapter One: An Unexpected Journey The rooster crowed as the sun broke the treeline, waking me from my slumber. I sat up in my bed and something was off about the day, as if an evil filled the air. I walked over to my window, put my hands behind my back, and gazed across the horizon pondering my thoughts. Watching the sun rise higher in the sky, I remembered it was the third day of the quarter and I was yet to find a first block class. Evil was upon me. I prepared for the long battle that awaited me. Equipped with a shirt, shorts, and shoes, I was invincible. I walked out the safety of my domain and a perilous trek stood before me. The neighbors dog guarded my path. I watched the dog circle their house, and when it’s back was turned, I snuck through their yard unscathed. I continued on and passed through the wooded valley. Crossing the road was my last obstacle. There were no cars in sight, but once I stepped on the road a thick fog rolled in and they came. I hurried across and took shelter within the school. Safe at last. I went to see Count Kilb because I knew he liked Lord of the Rings and we had our typical Lord of the Rings discussion. Before I knew it, time slipped away and first block was ending. Out of desperation I asked Count Kilb to be his TA. Count Kilb accepted my offer and I began An Unexpected Journey. Chapter Two: The Desolation of the Copy Machine Rumors of a beast echoed through the halls. Claims of a beast so vile, that it spit up everything that it took in, even giving up parts of its soul each time. Legends call it the “Great White.” I was summoned by Count Kilb and he sent me out to tame this legendary beast. All he gave me was two weapons: an article on Abe Lincoln and one on slavery. I was greatly out matched. Surely I was to be defeated. Along the way I ran into seasoned warriors. One by the name of Knight Barclay and the other Knight Mrs. L. I’ve heard epics sung in the great halls of their ability to slay these strange creatures. Everything was true. They prepared me for war and a fellowship was formed. I led the charge against Great White with aid from my fellowship. I grabbed Great White by the handle and opened him up, throwing down my article on Abe Lincoln. The beast let out a bright green light. I was blinded. Knight Barclay quickly closed the beast and lifted me up. Knight Mrs. L pushed the beasts buttons and yelled, “Hit the green button now!” I pushed it. Out from the beast flew papers. Each with a piece of of the beasts soul on them. Great White was enraged, though. It began to grumble and the papers stopped. All of a sudden, hundreds of papers came out with random alt codes. Great White was battling back. Knight Barclay fled and I was left with Knight Mrs. L and hope faded. Great White relentlessly kept spitting alt codes. But slowly the beast faded. Great White breathed its last breathe. We were victorious. I conquered the beast. Chapter Three: There and Back Again I walked back to Count Kilb with my head held high to tell him the tale. He was in awe of my bravery and I earned his trust. The rest of the days of my TAship were filled with making copies on the beast I slew and hearing Count Kilb’s tales of adventure. I’m glad I was There and Back Again.
    2 points
  19. Nice fish Mike, I got the tracking confirmation on my recent order, should be here any day. I hope to post a "look at my pig on my siebert jig" thread after my trip next weekend!
    2 points
  20. Nice Bass ~ Congrats ! Good Luck with your next adventure and your new goals with trout & smb. But since you've already admitted to the Bucket Mouth addiction - and you say you're going to just walk away; I'll offer that it might not be that easy. Oh you'll be OK - at first. As you're targeting beautiful trout and great fighting Bronzebacks, there may still be that little voice, way down deep in your soul that says, "Hey Man, Let's throw a swimbait around a bit, just for a while - just to see what happens" Oh you'll try and resist it, try to ignore the voice. But it will be persistant. And it may get louder and louder as time passes. Sooner or later, you'll have to cave - you know you will. The urge and desire to lay a tight thumb hold on a big fat bucket mouth will just be too much . . . .you'll have no choice. It's OK though - who could blame you right ? After all, it's an addiction and it's in your blood. You were meant to do it. But hey, what the heck do I know . . . . I could be making this all up. Signed A-Jay (Completely Addicted)
    2 points
    2 points
  22. Today, I start my 46th year of marriage to the finest woman I know. She definitely deserves a medal.
    2 points
  23. Did Moose Pond yesterday for the first time 19 total. It was nice to read a lake and have it produce. Would have been nice to see the whole of Shawnee Peak ski mountian but the low clouds stayed with us the whole day. Now my favorite local lake Great East for Sunday. Done almost 600 miles of towing my boat in 7 days all in the name of bass fishing. Forgot to say I caught them on black with blue jigs, wacky worms in pumpkinseed/blue specks, black/neon. Missilebait craw jigs brown/red sparkle. Chatter baits white with a white zminnow attached. It was cloudy/ rain all the time and water temps were 67-71 on different parts of the lake.
    2 points
  24. Meh green slime means time to whip out the frogs baby
    2 points
  25. Need to see that.The look on your face must have been PRICELESS!!
    2 points
  26. Yesterday I was throwing a keel weighted Gambler Big EZ swimbait, swimming it right under the surface of the water... All of a sudden it gets wacked, which is to be expected but when I set the hook the reel stayed in my hand and the rod went elsewhere! I ended up handlining the pickerel in lol... I assume I just didn't have the reel tightened in very well or something... I put the reel back in and it seemed to be fine, I don't think I broke my rod, got it on video to... Quite humorous
    2 points
  27. If Glenn dosent harass me and takes me to dinner at ICAST we will run it for a week- So everyone email Glenn to buy dinner at ICSAST - Can I get an AMEN>???
    2 points
  28. There is no such thing as spending to much time making sure your worms straight! Haha
    2 points
  29. 2 points
  30. 2 points
  31. Watch out for ticks in high grass.
    2 points
  32. You wont find a good hard swimbait under $20. There are some decent soft ones around $20 though. Or maybe I should change that to, You will find a much higher quality soft bait then you will a hard bait in that price range.
    2 points
  33. To borrow, and modify a line from the movie JAWS, "You're going to need a bigger boat"
    2 points
  34. You guys should check out some real photoshop experts then. I think the real problem is others lying about their size catches. Although that's everywhere. It's silly seeing guys post 3lb bass pushed all the way up to a camera and claim it's a 10lb.
    2 points
  35. Texas Rigs & Jigs do not have to be fished slow! Cranks & Spinner baits do not have to be fished fast! When faced with bank fishing thorough is more important than covering water quickly.
    2 points
  36. 1" paneling nail have little ridges that hold better than framing nails. I use them to make the worm fall horizontal!
    2 points
  37. Like centrifugal better, ACS is the way to go. But I have two mag brake reels and they are good too. All it is is thumbing at different points during the cast really
    2 points
  38. Negative messages are infectious, they tend to gain momentum faster than positive messages. I've had the same experience as you, the majority of fishermen I've meet are really nice people. The truth be known, I've been outclassed by gentleman who caused me to take a closer look at myself. Roger
    2 points
  39. For me, I leave everything in the original bags and throw those into a backpack. Those boxes cost too much
    2 points
  40. I have reels that have those breaking systems, 2 of the reels utilize both brakes. I prefer centri over mag brakes. With a reel with both sytems, you have the ability to fine tune your casts
    2 points
  41. I'm about a hot and half away from there. I'm in the process of buying a lil Jon boat. When I do boomer we'll get a little bit off the bank. Pbizzle I'm come to Chattanooga every week. Thinking about moving there
    2 points
  42. Haven't been on here for a while but glad to hear everyone's been catching fish... Congrats on the graduation drew... As far as fishing reports I've been fishing around lakes here... Shawnee mission, I've been catching them off of white flukes bass and wipers if conditions are right....didn't get to weigh the bass or wipers because my scale ran out of batteries but 1 bass was 19.5 inch and the other was 18.5... The big wiper was easily over 10lbs.. My daughter is 4 so there's the comparison...
    2 points
  43. I'm pretty sure this is not the advice he was looking for.
    2 points
  44. After seeing all of the cool modifications of jon boats on this site, and on youtube, I decided to modify a jon boat of my own. I started by messaging 00 Mod, and he answered all of the questions I had, and sent me some pics of some of his own jon boat modifications. So far, I have added carpeted seats, a rear casting deck, a built in cooler, rod holders, and bungee cord mounts, so i can strap everything down. A couple of weeks ago I found a Lowrance LMS 330c fishfinder and I picked it up for 10 bucks. I made a mounts for it, hooked it up on the boat, and it works great! The Jon boat, is powered by a Minn Kota C2 30 and it gets along just find on small ponds and lakes. The battery, and other miscellaneous items can be stored under the rear casting deck, which is easily removed. I have attached some pics.
    1 point
  45. If you are constantly gut hooking fish, try pinching down the barb. You will seldom lose a fish and you'll be surprised at how easily you can remove the hook even when they take it deep.
    1 point
  46. I probably use it at least 50 times a day. Also, you seem like a rather eccentric guy, and I'd like to hear what you think of the TA paper I wrote. The forum thread is titled Teacher Assistant. If you check it out that's be awesome. If you don't, I'll probably cry a little...Just joshing...
    1 point
  47. I like both. I like fishing in the river cause each time it floods, It changes the field such as new tress, new laydowns, everything that it was NOT there before.
    1 point
  48. Set the hook faster and if the fish is still gut hooked, see below...... Do not just cut the line! If this is the only thing you ever learn from Bass Resource, please practice and master this technique..... 1) With the hook in the gullet, note which side of the fish's mouth the hook shank is toward. Note: For illustration sake, the line is eliminated here in steps 2 through 5. In reality, the line stays connected as this technique is performed. (2) With a finger or two, reach in through the last gill arch on that side of the fish and push and pull down on the hookeye so the hook turns and . . . (3) rolls out below the gill toward the side of the fish. At that point, amazingly, the hook, barb and all, almost always pops free from its hold in the fish's gullet. (4) Reach into the fish's mouth and grip the bend in the hook (which is now up) and . . . (5) lift it free. If the fish's mouth is too small to reach in with your hand, use a needle-nose pliers to grip the hook bend. What needs to be emphasized is how resilient a fish's gills actually are -- far from being the fragile organs often suggest by some sources. And the occasional bleeding fish? Does it have to be kept? Just get the fish back into the water as soon as possible and, more often than not, the bleeding stops. Jeff
    1 point
  49. You are doing nothing wrong, except, what you are doing may not be the way the fish wants it that day. One day is pop it as loud as you can, instead of a pop ! it´s a nerve breaking loud PLOC !!!!!, another day is barely twitching the bait to make it ripple the surface, so there´s no "righ" or "wrong" the only right is when you do this the fish respond positively and wrong if they don´t.
    1 point
  50. IMO centrifugal brakes are more user friendly and my preference. I can live with (and do) mag brakes for flipping and pitching. If dual brakes have any real advantage I'd say it's casting into the wind where a bait looses it's momentum quickly. The Daiwa brakes are magnetic but I consider them in a class of their own as they are progressive as opposed to the standard ABU type that apply consistent braking power throughout the cast.
    1 point
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