I was shallow, so I used a 1/2 weight in teardrop shape just to feel bottom as it was getting windy, but I was in heavy weeds and a long 2' tag end worked well to keep bait moving right above and skimming weeds. Hook prefered is an Owner Downshot hook, which is thin wire but strong..Key is not setting the hook to hard....I also use the VMC drop shot hooks and simply rig with smaller hook #1 or 1/0 and just hook it like I was using a split shot hook, or circle hook but that is when in open water, or I will sometimes just use a hook with weedguard (works better than I thought it would for all applications). The Lobster is thick, but has a hook slot, so the Hook that worked best was a regular 4/0? or maye it was 3/0 EWG probably Bass Pro, or Owner, Vmc..I buy whats on sale, and carry so much terminal tackle its tough to know whats what any more....I do like to use braid on a drop shot here in Florida as weeds are super heavy and I am in love with the Invisiswivels that are made of strong Fluorocarbon to eliminate line twist, and I trust knots more with swivels anyhow. I use a 14lb Fluoro leader, sometimes 17, but try to use 10-12 if sparse weeds......In open water,Iuse a spinning rod by okuma for drop shotting and I use 8lb hybrid or any copoly that is light green, or camo colored and up to 12lb mono or fluoro, and with the vmc, you just tie to swivels already made..All companies make some type of drop shot rig now, and vmc also makes a hook that I like that is long...Forget the Name...I learned how to tie any hook to a drop shot by watching videos on you tube,and I grew up fishing for Fluke up north and that is nothing more than a Downshot rig drifted on the bottom, and your bait gets a 12-24" leader....I love to experiment, and the dropshot is good for casting as well.......I only tried the bigger lobster since I read it was good on this site....I also bubba rig shakey heads all the time, but I have too much mud for that in most lakes right now....hope that helps, the smaller the hook, the better the flapping action.....