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  1. I told a few of my buddies that I wanted to break 8 this year in PA and yesterday it happened for me. 8.64 (8-10) on the digi scale. Swimbaits don't work.
    6 points
  2. For you guys whose scales only read in tenths or only ounces. A simple conversion. 1oz =s .0625 2oz =s .125 3oz =s .1875 4oz =s .25 5oz =s .3125 6oz =s .375 7oz =s .4375 8oz =s .50 9oz =s .5625 10oz =s .625 11oz =s .6875 12oz =s .75 13oz =s .8125 14oz =s .875 15oz =s .9375 Keep posting those slobs.
    5 points
  3. This whole everyone wins concept. Is taking the education out of sports. Isn't being gracious in victory and defeat, one of the main educational points to youth sports and games? We create a system of cry babies and spoiled brats by praising and celebrating mediocrity. This in no way does these kids any favors in life. Overcoming adversity and learning to not only live with it, but how to use it to strengthen oneself. Is one of the greatest benefits from competition. By never experiencing failure or victory this upcoming generation will have more and more problems as they enter into the workforce. Let alone the problems they will have in highschool and college. Mediocrity is not something to celebrate. It is merely a hurdle which must be overcome in the pursuit of being exceptional. Every person has short falls, and every person is exceptional at something. It is a fact of life. Depriving these kids of competition, be it athletic, academic, musical, artistic or what ever else. Is depriving them the chance to develop into people they will/should rightfully become. Making yourself feel better about your own shortcomings cheats these kids of the lives they deserve.
    5 points
  4. Not sure when all of this started but I remember when the last place team or person started to receive a trophy for "attending" the contest. I knew something was wrong with this mindset and here are we are a couple decades later and we can't even make jokes. Nowadays, kids are wimps and cry to mommy or their teachers because they aren't competitive enough to fight back for themselves. And as soon as a kid has ambition, desire, or is anxious to do something, he gets fed some meds to calm him down. We are heading towards being a country of mindless zombie-like goons. FL
    5 points
  5. "Equality is unfair. What's the point of a man working hard all his life trying to get someplace if all he's going to do is wind up equal?"-Archie Bunker
    5 points
  6. All my bass over 17 pounds came late at night, in my dreams.
    5 points
  7. Ralph: God, How long is a million years to you? God: To me, a million years is like one second. Ralph: God, how much is a million dollars to you? God: To me, a million dollars is like one penny. Ralph: God, can you find it in your heart to give me one penny? God: Why certainly, just give me a second Roger
    4 points
  8. Well it's different for everyone but it usually happens like this- You'll be cruising along on the internet all la-di-da looking at fishing gear when something special catches your eye and all of a sudden this happens to you... And then you collapse in a heap- even after you get up you can't stop thinking about that rod you saw, that amazing reel that is on FleaBay, that honeycomb spool and bearing kit for your reel, that full dress up kit & matching swept drag star & handle combo etc... You are overcome with lust for said item. You cannot go on. You must have it. In the end you can't take it... Nothing else will do. You NEED it. It could be as simple as terminal tackle or it could be a $50k bass boat. It doesn't matter, you are helpless against the powers of the bait monkey. What's that you say? It's too much? After a week of rationalizing with the bait monkey on your shoulder, this will be you... If it's a cure you must have though-, your only hope is the natural archnemesis of the bait monkey... The Wife: "You want to spend WHAT on a WHAT?!??" Using their razor sharp guiltalons and lightning fast reflexes, The Wife is the only thing that can fight off a bait monkey successfully. One steely look and they scurry back to the shadows because let's face it, you probably have other stuff you should be worrying about anyways haha
    4 points
  9. Got this momma on Mother's Day. Didn't get a weight on her but its safe to say 4+.
    4 points
  10. And when we were kids we didn't wear helmets when we rode our bikes
    4 points
  11. What has happened to us as a society, that we are no longer able to laugh at ourselves, or poke fun at one another without someone, if not everyone being offended. Ethnic humor for example. That's strictly off limits today. What happened to change all that. I personally enjoyed it, and at one time it seems everyone else did too. Remember Archie Bunker, or how about George Jefferson, and then there was ol' Fred Sanford. Let's start with George. He didn't like anyone that wasn't black. Archie hated anybody that wasn't a white flag waving American. And Fred, well, he hated everyone but Fred. We loved those shows and we LAUGHED! Now we have to be so careful of what we say, for fear of offending someone, and buying ourselves a whole peck of trouble. Getting offended seems to be a favorite pastime thes days. I will continue to enjoy these shows, and Archie, George, and Fred. And apparently someone else does too because they keep popping up on cable TV regularly. I'm straight out of the coal mining, moon shine running part of the country. What if me and "my people" suddenly decided we were offended by "The Beverly Hillbillies". Just plain silly. Oh. and "politically correct", well, I wont worry about that because I ain't no danged politician anyhow. If I think it's funny I will laugh. If my rant offends anyone, sorry, didn't mean to. And if my post is unacceptable, I'm sure it will be removed, straight up. So for anyone who gets a chance to read this,... thanks for listening. Hootie
    3 points
  12. I used to keep detailed fishing logs. I no longer do so, but when I did, I quickly noticed that almost all of my big bass (over 5 pounds) were caught at night. I used to bass fish mostly at night. All of my big bass at Trophy Country were caught during the day. You can't fish at night at Trophy Country. Which data set would you choose to make your point? I choose to say I've caught all of my big bass while I was fishing for them.
    3 points
  13. I've tried three times now to give you an answer. Got interrupted each time. Hope I make it through this time. First impressions; blank is dead straight, guides are all at top dead center, wraps and epoxy are clean and neat, the reel seat is very comfortable, and everything is fitted very nicely. Looks a lot better than a $150 stick. It has a full length, foam rear grip, which is a non-issue for me. Most of my rods are split grip, but I have a few full grip rods, and one with no grips at all. I like them all. I find the arguments about full vs split, and cork vs foam, amusing. The handle is a good length. Not too long, as is the case more and more often these days. There's been a lot of interweb whining about rods being tip heavy, and the manufacturers have responded by moving the reel seat forward, creating over-long, unwieldy handles. I want to tell all those folks complaining about tip heavy rods, that if a fraction of a foot/pound of torque on your wrist is just too much for you, take up knitting, and leave the fishing to real men. I have to say, I really like this rod. It's a good shallow to medium depth crankbait stick. Not enough backbone for a DD22. Tried a 1/2oz spinnerbait. Does much better with a 3/8oz. I don't know exactly what a 1/2oz, double willow spinnerbait with trailer weighs, but it's a bit too much for this rod. Tried the small tube, 1/16oz weight and light wire hook. Not so good. This is too little weight to load the rod enough for effective, accurate casting. Close, but no cigar. I thought it would work. I was wrong. Back to the spinning rod for small tubes. Tried a Houdini shad(fluke) on a 4/0 EWG hook. This weighs between 3/16 and 1/4oz, and loads the rod nicely. Ditto for a 1/8oz shaky ehad and trick worm. Ditto for an 1/8oz finesse jig with baby craw trailer. Overall, a really nice crankbait rod that is sensitive enough to pull light weight plastics duty. The mod-fast action is a plus for a light line guy like me.
    3 points
  14. Today was the the first time fishing The Bug. Caught four bass including a Walmart Girl. Fishing other stuff I have not had a bite in three days at local ponds. Needless to say, I am impressed!
    3 points
  15. man I drank water right out from the faucet.
    3 points
  16. There is good info in that video, such as the general idea that large bass are successful predators, and there is research to suggest that aggressive individuals do grow faster and have a better chance at getting big –provided the food is there, and angling pressure and associated mortality is low. But, do big bass feed more at midday? Are more big bass caught at midday? Are big bass more vulnerable to angling at midday? Are these even the same questions? I’m not sure we can actually get at the first question or third questions by answering the second. -First, saying anything about “big bass” is a statistical nightmare –most often comprising low number data sets. Second, angling success data offers precious little control, even recognition, of the possible variables involved. Collecting angling data across the continent, (and ignoring season, weather, sky and water conditions, prey type, availability and vulnerability, angling pressure, angler habits, angler effort, etc), is a recipe for chaos. -Bass vision: There is a fair amount of research that pertains to bass behavior and lighting, and some of it doesn’t really jive with what is stated in the video. The fact that bass have color vision does not mean they cannot hunt in low light or are even less efficient –esp compared to their prey. According to some research I’ve seen bass can see much better than bluegills in low light. Many small prey fish species head for cover or shelter for the night -for good reason. Telemetry studies have shown increased crepuscular and nocturnal activity in bass in many waters. Probably depends a lot on season, prey, angling pressure. -Prey vulnerability to bass. There is research that has looked at hunting success by LM under different lighting. One in particular found that under brighter lighting bluegills were able to avoid LM and capture rates by the bass fell, During low light bass could approach closer and capture rates increased. I’ve seen this type of thing myself on ponds I fish where I purposely watch bass hunt from high banks. Under brilliant sun, bass make fewer chases and time and again I’ve seen bass enter a cove and see the bluegills stream away and into cover well out ahead of the cruising bass. It’s apparent that they can see the bass from a long ways out. Now, one could argue that these are not “big” bass. Yet they are the largest and oldest bass in these small ponds. Thus they should also conform to Hannon’s suggestion that these are the “rule followers” –the one’s that have survived. There’s a hole I see in the “rule follower” idea that assumes that there is one set of rules that bass follow, as if every year or every season would be the same. Prey abundance, prey vulnerability, cover density, and other factors can vary greatly year to year. One set of “rules” may not pan out the next season, much less the next year. Becoming “big” is not a formula that is met at all times. And being an “aggressive individual” carries tremendous risks. There is some research in brown trout too -a fish that has the ability to diverge in growth pattern from cohorts due in large part to aggressiveness in feeding- and many of these individuals burn out and die depending on what’s available to support such growth. Growing “big” is, in large part, luck. -Bass vulnerability to angling: I think it’s safe to say that, at least for northern largemouths, large bass are most vulnerable during the cold water periods. In the north, sun angle can be low enough that the prime periods tend to shift to midday. Dunno how this pans out for floridanus, and I know Hannon has written that he caught most of his big bass in summer. His experience is with Florida strain largemouth. Maybe floridanus is different? Certainly sun angle, and water temps, would be different. Roger? -Angler effort weighs in heavy. I remember all the excitement around the Texas Sharelunker program catch rate and moon phase comparison. At one point early on, a poorly done statistical investigation suggested that catches of lunker bass clustered around the full and new moons. Well, that ended up being wrong. Catches were pretty much evenly distributed against moon phases. The most solid conclusion that could be drawn turned out to be that most significant period to catch a Sharelunker qualified bass in Texas was … on a weekend. How does angler effort vary across the day on each water body? As to time of day, how many anglers get up at 3 or 4am to be on the lake at sunrise? Also, I don’t know about you but it often takes me some time to get my act together, figure out what’s going on for the day, and then to revisit those good locations ferreted out for the day. By then, it’s not 9am anymore. Does time to get to casting change with age? Do older, and presumably more experienced, anglers tend to fish later in the day than many gung-ho younger anglers –if so, maybe it’s more a matter of energetics than it is success rate on “big” bass. I wonder how success rate on big bass would compare between night and day, if corrected for effort? Do big bass feed more at midday? How would we know?
    3 points
  17. My turn 8.64 (8-10) with a state record of 11.1875 (11-3) for a 77.22% fish. Get some!
    3 points
  18. As an air plane was about to land near Athens, a lady asked the stewardess, "Whats the white stuff on those hills? "Just snow" "Thats what I thought, but the guy in front of me said it was Greece."
    2 points
  19. I didn't see it. Now my curiosity will keep me awake all night...lol. Hootie
    2 points
  20. Sorry about that. I will be better behaved from now on. In my defense, Slonezp made me do it.
    2 points
  21. I took my boys out this evening after supper for the first time of the year and my youngest did the best (I didn't fish because they still need my help and I wanted to make certain they didn't get too frustrated). He hooked into 3, but since his cheap-o rod has no backbone and he doesn't yet know to set the hook, he only landed the one in the picture. The first one he nearly landed was an ok size trout (the pond gets stocked with trout and is the only place in town dedicated to shore fisherman, so all the fish are pretty small). My older son got jealous really fast even though they were using the same baits and were only a few feet apart from one another. It was nice to finally take them out and have them catch something. I just wish my older son would get to catch something for once. It always seems like my youngest is the only one to catch fish. Which is funny because: my brother and I are 5 years apart, so are my boys. I am the youngest and I like to fish and am/was more athletic than my brother, so is my youngest. Anyways, here is the itty bitty bass he got and refused to lip: here's another shout out to this thread: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/136824-lure-question/ because he was using an inline spinner on a crappy zebco in serious need of repair. The fish didn't care what kind of reel he had, but they sure liked that inline spinner.
    2 points
  22. This becomes a bigger issue since pointing your finger like a gun may violate the zero tolerance rules of some school districts.
    2 points
  23. The past few weeks I have used about 150 Zoom finesse worms. I rig them like my avatar. Most of the time they do not "save the day", they are the day.
    2 points
  24. If you ask me, not nearly enough. If you ask the wife, entirely too much.
    2 points
  25. We are family here. Dare I say "Offend at will"?
    2 points
  26. You know this type of reaction from personal experience? The post is obviously being dramatic and apparently not all picked up on it. I could care less if Glenn posts it, my point is those who work extremely hard for a certain weight range understand the sacrifice it takes to get there and people throwing numbers around is kinda silly. Looking at SPEEDBEAD's persistence towards an 8 using swimbaits is a perfect example of how rewarding a true 8 pounder is. He has posted numerous fish that look over 8 but has always posted honest weights. By all means, those who care less about weights can throw the numbers around all day long with other people who throw random high numbers around; it is amusing to listen to, but for those who enjoy the real size of a bass, just avoid the shenanigans with us. I think my point has been made so no need to further blab on. MNBassman23, don't get light minded with the ShimmyApproval stamp! That thing is hard to come by, mount that puppy on your wall!
    2 points
  27. More time spent fishing than sleeping but less than time spent working.
    2 points
  28. I fish a fluke (I actually prefer the Havoc Jerk) in water clarity that I would fish a suspending jerk bait....that is from gin clear, to very light stain. You only need two colors, a bright/gaudy color for when they are fairly active ( I like pink, some prefer white etc..) ..............twitch , twitch, see pink, twitch, twitch, see pink, twitch....pinks gone...SET THE HOOK. I also like a natural color for when dead sticking is more the order of the day....Your green pumpkins, watermelons, etc, with or without your choice of metal flake. I like to throw a soft jerk bait when everyone and there brother is throwing a senko, it's a little different, and has gotten me some big bites when the stick slingers are out in force....it's especially effective on those god forsaken days when it seems like every fish in the lake is willing to at least boil on a frog, but not actually eat it.
    2 points
  29. Thanks Jeff. That Big-O seems like a good guy.
    2 points
  30. I agree red earth It's also my 7 year Olds tee ball league not keeping score because they are afraid of hurting the self esteem of the kids that would lose the game
    2 points
  31. I put a plate of my wife's "attempt" at meat loaf on the deck of the boat. Nothing in it's right mind comes within 100 yards of it. She can cook fine, but somehow the magic of the meat loaf has alluded her all these years.
    2 points
  32. i call this movement the "pu**ification of america"
    2 points
  33. You are on a roll Wayne. Definitely a slobasouraus.
    2 points
  34. You all have NO IDEA how much restraint I use on here because of this very problem. If anything it actually highlights my brilliance that I can spin the yarns I do without a lynch mob showing up here daily..................or so I tell myself.
    2 points
  35. Car broke down A priest and a nun were traveling home from vacation when the car broke down. They couldnt get it fixed so they decided to get a hotel room for the night. The only hotel in the town had only one room left. Priest:Sister, I dont think the Lord would have a problem, under the circumstances, if we stayed in one room together. I'll sleep on the lounge, and you sleep on the bed. Nun: that would be ok. So they get food and settle in for the night. 10 min. later: Nun: Father, im very cold. Priest: Ok, ill get you a blanket. (he does) 10min. later: Nun: Father im still very cold. Priest:Ok, ill get you another one. (he does) 10min.later: Nun: Father, Im still cold, do you think the Lord would mind if we acted as man and wife for just one night? Priest: Well.. your probably right... get up and get your own blanket.
    2 points
  36. The people who were picked on as children run our country. Life isn't fair. It never has been. It never will be. We are all created equal. Some are more equal than others. We no longer have leadership running America. We have self appointed babysitters. It's a real shame some citizens actually like it this way. The breakdown of Christian values and the family unit along with the "It takes a village" mindset is the culprit. Divide and conquer. As a country, we may wake up one day but, by the time that happens, I'm afraid it may be too late.
    2 points
  37. While preparing for the excursion to Lake Baccarac this past March, the "bait chupacabra" (south-of-the-border relative to the "bait monkey") made be buy way too much tackle. Does that count?
    2 points
  38. 5 has never let me down from 2lb tippet and up.
    2 points
  39. Topwater was the name of the game tonight.
    1 point
  40. Snaps are made in different grades, i use them when i am trying to figure out what they want. I might change crankbaits ten times in a two hour span till I get it what I think they want. Take a look at the owner hyper cross lock. I have snaps that looks like 2lb line and others that look like almost a hook themselves.
    1 point
  41. I agree with everything here only thing I would add is I find that mid-day when the sun is highest on hot days is the best time to fish them... imo
    1 point
  42. My sentiments as well. I do believe the variables are not constant, change day to day and year to year. I choose not to keep track of what I'm doing while I'm fishing, if it's a really nice fish I'm going to remember. Any activity other than casting takes my lure out of the water. That includes learning knots on your phone, logging, weighing, measuring, photos and even posting on BR of sub 20" fish. As far as I'm concerned a dry lure catches nothing.
    1 point
  43. I only kept records for one year, one lake at the request of the state of Iowa. It was fun, interesting, and helpful. That being said, I am one who thinks it is too much like work and do my best to retain the important items in my head. Retention use to work real well, but now with my age not so much.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. To be honest it probably would take the fun out of the sport IMO. I have enough stuff to do on the water without messing with keeping up with logs.
    1 point
  46. I have been keeping single-page, paper fishing logs of every bass fishing day I've spent since 1973. Normally, I record most of the following: date, lake name, who I fished with, where I launched, fishing start and stop time, temp range for the day, water temp, depth of 68° to 72° range, lake level, weather, wind direction and strength, water clarit, brief description of feeding activity, fishing depth, a paragraph of "notes," and - for every fish caught: time, weight, depth, lure, location, and remarks. I don't always record every item, but I usually record what I considered important for that day. This has helped me immeasurable when I go back to the same body of water in subsequent years. I just repeat what has worked there the same dates in previous years, and the bass are almost always doing the same thing they did in the past. For example, here is my log from May 30th, 1992: Lake: Ray Roberts WX: partly cloudy, warm, and calm until noon; then overcast and windy Wind: ESE @ 10-15 after noon Water temp: 72° or so at surface Launched at: Buck Creek Park Fished from: 0500 until 1645 Fished with: alone Fish log: 0522 - 4lb,12oz - 6'-8' - Black single-spin with black blade and black trailer - E side of railroad bridge 0529 - 1-04 - 6' - Black single-spin with black blade & trailer - E side of RR bridge 0626 - 2-08 - 4' - 6" purple Phenom worm w/ yellow tail - E side of RR bridge 0658 - 1-04 - Surface - 1/4 oz chartreuse & white Lunker Buzz - highway riprap,E side of south RR bridge 0749 - 1-08 - S - 1/4 oz chartreuse & white Lunker Buzz - first cove E of highway, on S side 0757 - 1-00 - S - 1/4 oz chartreuse & white Lunker Buzz - parallel to bank E of last fish 0807 - 1-14 - 3' - 6" purple Phenom worm w/ yellow tail - E of last fish, in isolated stickups 0912 - 0-12 - 7' - Texas- rigged Black lizard with yellow spots - fence row on N side of Buck Creek, across from last fish 0915 - 0-14 - 5' - same lure - same fence row, just W 0926 - 1-00 - 8' - same lure - same fence row, just W 1040 - 2-08 - 3' - same lure - E of fence row on north side of arm, across from Big Tree hole 1235 - 3-00 - 2' - same lure - isolated tree E of last fish 1248 - 3-08 - 5' - same lure - same tree as last fish 1345 - 1-12 Crappie - 5' - Black lizard with yellow spots - same tree as last fish 1352 - 1-00 - 4' - 6" purple Phenom worm w/ yellow tail - point between old roadbed & cove, in tree line 1526 - 3-08 - S - 1/4 oz chartreuse & white Lunker Buzz - point on N side, just E of highway 1617 - 5-04 - S - same lure - cove E of highway, on N side 1625 - 3-04 - S - Same lure - just W of last fish 1634 - 3-04 - S - Same lure - E side of N highway riprap + 6 others less than 1 lb each; ended up with 223 bass, 1 white crappie Biggest 10: 32-10 Biggest limit: 3 for 13-08 Total: 18 bass for 43-00 + 6 small fish I fished Ray Roberts just about a year later, and caught fish on the same lures in just about the same places. Hope this helps.
    1 point
  47. http://www.bassresource.com/fish/fishing_log.html
    1 point
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