There isn't a panacea line available today.
Braid is difficult to cast compared to mono, get a bad backlash and braid is very difficult to pick out.
Braid is lighter weight, smaller diameter and limp, both good and bad characteristics. The good; small diameter and limp without any memory issues and very low stretch. The bad; floats in the air during your cast and can create wind knots. Braid is stronger by equal diameter than mono about a 3X factor. The good; less drag in the water, however higher drag coefficient than the smooth surface mono, both FC and Nylon, in water and going through rod guides. Braid floats because it is very light weight making it buoyant creating a belly in the line until the lure weight or resistance pulls the line tight.
Braid is a solid color, mono,Nylon and FC, are translucent or clear. Bass have excellent vision and see all line types, the question is does that matter? The answer is; it does when it does, otherwise it doesn't.
The strength of braid is both good and bad, cuts through vegetation, get cut by sharp hard edges. Hang up a directly tied lure on braid, you can force the lure out, if not it's difficult to break off.
Combine the two line types creates added knots and failure points.
My take is use whatever line you are confident with.