I don't think it's necessary to question Tom's credibility, nor do I think it's relevant to the discussion. I've had the pleasure if chatting with him offline, and based on our discussions, he knows what he knows, and his input is as welcome as anyone's. Bottom line, he knows what's up, and more importantly, he's an old dude that can share some of the history. I like my old guys, and value their stories and experience. They might not be dialed into what is right now, but that doesn't mean their experience is irrelevant.
To the original point…
I can't tell you how many times I've heard this at the end of the day: "I caught the heck out of them the past two days, but couldn't buy a bite today…" or, "you should have been here yesterday…" at the ramp, weigh in, coffee joint, etc.
We're talking about fishing the past. I love fishing against guys that don't know how to prefish, or manage their spots over a two or three day event. Where are your fish? You sore lipped them and took them on a boat ride!
Changing conditions…there are things that occur, sometimes overnight, that dramatically change the game. This is key in one day tournaments. Guys come in on a Thursday, and get their plan and spots. By Saturday, it can be completely different. Do what you did on Thursday - fish the past - and you fall on your face. It's happened to me.
Now, having fished in changing or inclement conditions will help, if you know how to find a bit in those conditions. This is the fishing in the past that Catt, and others talk about, but it's not that same as hitting same spots over and over. Let's face it, the guys that are citing experience are better than average sticks, and know when to fish what. They've made the new memories Tom refers to.
Case in point, I grew up on Port Bay, and I ALWAYS fish the outlet. When I was younger, if I didn't catch, it was just a bad day. Later, I started to put things together that tied good fishing in that spot with certain environmental conditions. That spot always holds a few fish, and the point on the east side is a well beaten community hole, and not just for bass. But, in certain situations, and I've done it twice in tournaments, you can beat green fish from frogs, jigs, senkos under docks, with brown fish that are suddenly where they never are. It's not a spot I rely on anymore. In fact, since I've fished this water for over 30 years, I don't rely on anything there.
You might call that fishing your memory, but it's beyond that. If I fished that spot every tournament, I may never win, or I may luck out with smallies. You aren't going to find too many big green fish, though they are right around the corner in a totally different habitat. One I may have never found either, had I not decided to try something different, and make new memories, experiences.
All Tom is saying is leave your comfort zone.