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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2014 in all areas

  1. Decided to take off work a little early yesterday and try to get on the lake after running some errands and I'm glad I did. Caught this girl in about 15 ft of water of the end of a tree top on an alabama rig. She weighed right in at 9 lbs. This has been a great year so far as far as quality fish.
    6 points
  2. So I beat my previous personal best today.... Twice.... The first fish was a 6 1/2 lber, and man was I stoked... 3 casts later, I hook a 8 lber..... I was so excited.... It was awesome... Just wanted to share.... I have pics but they are too big to upload... It was an AWESOME day....
    4 points
  3. You need to follow the conversation properly...A-Jay didn't say this.
    4 points
  4. Doesn't matter how long you have been bass fishing or what your skill levels is, we all make the same mistake. We start of the day or night by fishing memories, using lures, presentations and locations that worked the last time we caught bass. If nothing on the lake has changed, this may work, however lakes tend to change by the hour and expecting the bass to be where they were and eat what you offered the last time you fished, you are making a mistake......if you continue to fish memories without success. I am no different and pre plan my next fishing outing, tie on lures that I believe will work. What I have learned over decades of bass fishing is; don't fire up the engine and run to where I fished the previous outing. My routine to prevent fishing memories is check the lakes conditions at the moment as the boat is launched. Look at the water color, clarity, temperature, meter around the marina for sights of baitfish and bass. Put a starting plan together based on what you know at that moment and make changes based on your instinctive feelings from what you learn during the day or night. Make new memories each outing and put the past behind you. Good fishing. Tom
    3 points
  5. I don't think it's necessary to question Tom's credibility, nor do I think it's relevant to the discussion. I've had the pleasure if chatting with him offline, and based on our discussions, he knows what he knows, and his input is as welcome as anyone's. Bottom line, he knows what's up, and more importantly, he's an old dude that can share some of the history. I like my old guys, and value their stories and experience. They might not be dialed into what is right now, but that doesn't mean their experience is irrelevant. To the original point… I can't tell you how many times I've heard this at the end of the day: "I caught the heck out of them the past two days, but couldn't buy a bite today…" or, "you should have been here yesterday…" at the ramp, weigh in, coffee joint, etc. We're talking about fishing the past. I love fishing against guys that don't know how to prefish, or manage their spots over a two or three day event. Where are your fish? You sore lipped them and took them on a boat ride! Changing conditions…there are things that occur, sometimes overnight, that dramatically change the game. This is key in one day tournaments. Guys come in on a Thursday, and get their plan and spots. By Saturday, it can be completely different. Do what you did on Thursday - fish the past - and you fall on your face. It's happened to me. Now, having fished in changing or inclement conditions will help, if you know how to find a bit in those conditions. This is the fishing in the past that Catt, and others talk about, but it's not that same as hitting same spots over and over. Let's face it, the guys that are citing experience are better than average sticks, and know when to fish what. They've made the new memories Tom refers to. Case in point, I grew up on Port Bay, and I ALWAYS fish the outlet. When I was younger, if I didn't catch, it was just a bad day. Later, I started to put things together that tied good fishing in that spot with certain environmental conditions. That spot always holds a few fish, and the point on the east side is a well beaten community hole, and not just for bass. But, in certain situations, and I've done it twice in tournaments, you can beat green fish from frogs, jigs, senkos under docks, with brown fish that are suddenly where they never are. It's not a spot I rely on anymore. In fact, since I've fished this water for over 30 years, I don't rely on anything there. You might call that fishing your memory, but it's beyond that. If I fished that spot every tournament, I may never win, or I may luck out with smallies. You aren't going to find too many big green fish, though they are right around the corner in a totally different habitat. One I may have never found either, had I not decided to try something different, and make new memories, experiences. All Tom is saying is leave your comfort zone.
    3 points
  6. Why are you outright attacking him? He started a thread in good faith about bass fishing, stated his view on the subject, mirroring something I've even read that KVD himself agrees with, and the first thing you did was challenge it and now you're basically accusing him of being a fake. There's no need for the animosity here.GOODNIGHT IRENE!
    3 points
  7. 3 points
  8. While i disagree with Shane on this topic and his questioning of your credibility, i would agree with him with wishing you posted your catches more often. It would be fun to be part of the journey you have out there. Big O is the only big stick i know that posts his big fish consistently. And i know we all enjoy reading his posts. Fish Chris used to do it a lot as well, but he has been out and about. Either way, Tom, we wouldn't mind seeing your big fish posted more consistently. I know i wouldn't take it as you are trying to make others jealous. There is just something about people posting big fish that serve as a reminder that that next big fish could be mine and that it is possible.
    2 points
  9. Just bought a new Lew's BB1 Pro 5.1:1 for $60 on eBay This will be my first Lew's and wanted a nice slow speed for my crank baits.
    2 points
  10. The only problem with spooling 4 lb test on your reel is that it needs a lot of 4 lb to fill it. My sugestion is fill it halfways with 12 lb test, then use teflon tape to cover it and then spool that 4 lb test.
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Be safe ouy there, i heard of a few guys who tore a bicep carrying way to much tackle out.
    2 points
  13. When ever I go fishing on familiar water, I always rely on my past experiences(Memory)to start the day. Fishing logs and waypoints are great tools for documenting your past experiences(memory).They are great starting points as long as similar conditions exist. We all know that fishing conditions change by the minute and it is your past experiences(memory) that help you to adjust to those conditions. And it is our willingness to experiment that creates new fishing experiences(memories).
    2 points
  14. Here are the pics of my catches earlier this evening.
    2 points
  15. So in a nut shell, Call center ---> (J Francho pushes a whole bunch of buttons/turns knobs/flips switches up and down) ---> my phone rings and Parvin is on the other end asking me if I would like to buy a new laptop.
    2 points
  16. Favre may have some brain damage, but I still don't think he is dumb enough to play for the Raiders.
    2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. Big game is great because you can use it for weed whackers too. Other than having too much memory and not handling worth a crap, it's great.
    2 points
  19. Eliminate your history you've eliminated your experience! All I have to plan my next trip is present weather conditions, present seasonal patterns, and my past experiences! I've said before, I fish some of same structure I found 42 yrs ago, the structure (bottom contour) does not change, the available timber does not change (wood does not rot under water). What does change is the vegetation, which changes the contor of the outer weed line, these changes happen every year but the bass are still there. I do this on every body if water I fish. Oh yea I'm also throwing the same techniques and lure!
    2 points
  20. I would never start a fight and beat on a woman, and always attempt to restrain before hitting. However, I will always advocate self defense when needed, not with excessive force, but with justifiable force, regardless of sexes involved. I hate the blanket statement of not hitting a woman. I've seen situations where, sadly, it was necessary, and these days women want to be men anyway, so I say if you're a lady, be a lady and I'll treat you like a lady, but if you're gonna act like a man, then welcome to the club with full benefits.
    2 points
  21. Heart tells me one thing. Head says another. Without having the situation put in front of me, I don't know how I would act.
    2 points
  22. Name one. Dude, I've noticed a few of your posts over time and have saw that a few of them are very edgy...and I've kept my mouth shut.... But that is over the top dude. In fact, that's just plumb wrong. What the hell are you thinking
    2 points
  23. There's very little coverage in the North Woods - And as for my age - I'm old enough to know better but young enough not to care . . . A-Jay
    2 points
  24. What chapped your hide today? Why is it so difficult to find a good receptionist? We've gone through a few. They're either lazy, sloppy, or just sub par when it comes to tasks. We have one great receptionist that's been with us for a few years but are always looking for a couple others during tax time since we're open 7 days a week 12 hour days. Anyway, a young lady we hired today was given a script to discuss with clients when it comes to making appointments. She said it was too long. That she didn't want to do it. I told her thanks, it's been nice working with you for 12 minutes.
    1 point
  25. I use to be that guy. Now I have: truck key. house key. office key. mom&dad's house key. That's it!
    1 point
  26. well thought out combos. unfortunately they won't work. please mail them to me
    1 point
  27. No woman ever deserves to be beaten and if that's what was going on, you did the right thing. However, it doesn't sound like you really saw him hit her. What you did experience first hand is that she probably gives as good as she gets. She freaking stabbed you with a nail file! Getting involved in someone else's domestic altercation is a slippery slope at best. If you didn't see exactly what was going on, you shouldn't have gotten physically involved. You might have a punched out a dude who was trying to defend himself from his crazy *** wife. I can't fault you for doing what you did, just playing devil's advocate here.
    1 point
  28. So basically you're saying it's your fault.
    1 point
  29. I have a book at home (I'm away from home at the moment) that says more tournaments have probably been won with plastic worms than any other lure.
    1 point
  30. case in point...........last years road trip. I been catching them all week on a jig and shakeyhead, then I fish with Glenn......... well after Glenn had caught a couple DOZEN fish with a senko, I quit fishing what worked YESTERDAY/HISTORY and started catching fish today.
    1 point
  31. Oakland is where players go to die
    1 point
  32. Gentlemen Tom is correct, to a degree, in his dissemination of fishing in the memory. It was mentioned that we should observe water conditions, weather, etc. but one thing not mentioned was this applies if it was your first time out in a month or a year, etc. This statement does apply to a casual fisherman or maybe us when visiting a new body of water. Most of us here fish very often and we already know what the water temp and conditions are when we head out on the water. Barring a torrential rain or drastic weather change, not much will change in 3 days or day to day, water-wise. Some of us are out every 3,4,5, days or more and if I had to check the water conditions that often, then I haven't done my time on the water, justice. I always start the day with certain baits and patterns, because experience tell me to. Fishing anew every outing is a fallacy. If this was the way to do it, no bass fisherman would ever practice for a tournament. New memories arise from old experiences. For example....I found myself fishing one of my favorite froggin' stretches and I saw some baitfish busting the surface. I assumed it was White Bass running 'em up but I decided to cast a plastic jerkbait toward the baitfish and a couple jerks later I was setting the hook on a bass. Memory made! Now I always throw the jerkbait in that area when I see similar circumstances. FL
    1 point
  33. Just got in a little while ago. After dinner I stepped out, to the neighborhood canal for 45 min. I caught 4 nice bass on a spinnerbait. May have to replace it soon, one of the bass struck right at the shoreline before I pulled my bait up and it put a number on the wire. Pics will follow soon, computer is slow loading for some reason.
    1 point
  34. Tell y'all what I'll do to be fair I'll mark every piece for structure on a map of Toledo Bend that I ever fished. Y'all will not be allowed to fish those spots but I can only fish those spots. Wanna see if memory wins! I'll even give you a month to pre-fish!
    1 point
  35. Maybe WRB can clear it up.
    1 point
  36. If were goin down that road, I must admit I have spanked more than one woman.
    1 point
  37. I’ve seen a few Bald Eagles. They really are quite majestic. It never gets old.
    1 point
  38. I've been using Trilene XL , XT & BG ever since forever without any problems that I can see. Re-spool with fresh line every spring, couple good squirts of KVD L&L and it's all good at a reasonable price.
    1 point
  39. The guides are not braid proof. Does that mean the braid eats into the guides and leaves grooves in them?
    1 point
  40. I would try a Jig around some wood. Try and find the warmest areas of the lake like the north wind protected coves Shane like suggested, they should be warmer. A square bill crank bait deflected of wood or rocks can be pretty deadly too. I would also try a chatter bait or spinner bait with the 2 foot visibility. The warmer weather could have those fish significantly shallower then you think even in 5 feet or less. I would try to get out of the wind and fish slow. If you have been getting skunked so far I would try something significantly different like in the backs of creek and coves. Think springtime patterns.
    1 point
  41. My wifes uncle refuses to tie baits on until he is in his boat looking at the current conditions. He said it makes him think through location and presentation before he is sucked in by fishing memories. Might take a couple minutes longer, but he's retired and on the lake 5 days a week....he's in no hurry ha
    1 point
  42. Pretty cool. Did you teach him anything?
    1 point
  43. Mirro lure twitch baits been doing good on top or just below...Walmart has a good stock, prices beat all other retailers by a dollar or two. Also checkout for a rebel jumpin minnow in bone or black/silver. The pop-r topwater bite is about to heat up. April and may was good to me last yr then got warm and I went worming deep.
    1 point
  44. In 1984 ( I was 16) I came home to see my neighbor and tenant in the ditch being kicked by her ex boyfriend. I called the cops, grabbed my shot gun and went to stop it. One round in the air and a pump finally got his attention. Made him sit cross legged until the deputies arrived. This was back woods NC and one of the deputies told me I should have shot him. I'm pretty sure he meant it. You don't get away with beating on women in that part of the country. Two weeks later he was the boy friend again so Dad evicted her. If it were to happen now, I would be tempted to walk away but would not be able to. I would try to get him to come at me and then DROP him for good. With our current sheriff Grady Judd, I would probably get a medal. This is how we roll in Polk county Fl. FLORIDA - An illegal alien, in Polk County , Florida , who got pulled over in a routine traffic stop, ended up "executing" the deputy who stopped him. The deputy was shot eight times, including once behind his right ear at close range. Another deputy was wounded and a police dog killed. A state-wide manhunt ensued. The murderer was found hiding in a wooded area. As soon as he took a shot at the SWAT team, officers opened fire on him. They hit the guy 68 times. Naturally, the liberal media went nuts and asked why they had to shoot the poor, undocumented immigrant 68 times. Sheriff Grady Judd told the Orlando Sentinel: "Because that's all the ammunition we had."
    1 point
  45. Pretty pathetic statement. A man never lays a hand on a woman. Ever.
    1 point
  46. I took my son this afternoon and caught a total of 6 on a white frog. He thought it as pretty cool to see the top water bite.
    1 point
  47. My fishing partner.............She uses spinning gear too.
    1 point
  48. Since you posted this to try to get a sponsor you might want to change your profile picture too. The one with you and your girl touching tongues probably isn't going to appeal to any companies.
    1 point
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