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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2014 in all areas

  1. Raul, you make me feel like a SLOB....lol. Hootie
    4 points
  2. Happiness is a temporary emotion. Joy however, is a state of being. I have found joy in life and I try the best I can, one decision at a time.
    4 points
  3. I got this for my Grandfather when I was 5. He gave it back to me just recently cause he cant fish anymore due to failing health. I remember vividly giving it to him for a birthday gift and I saw him use it a couple time growing up. I know its a joke for use as a real fishing pole, but sure brings back a lot a great memories of a better time in life.
    3 points
  4. DUDE!!! If you ever make it to Chicago, there is a Greek Restaurant called Psistaria on Touhy Ave. in Lincolnwood that makes calamari that melts in your mouth. By far the best I've ever had..
    3 points
  5. 3 points
  6. WOW ~ Sounds like you fish quite a bit at the Zoo. A-Jay
    3 points
  7. I don't pay much attention to photos anymore - too hard to tell. Nor do I respond to threads where folks post a photo and say: "how much does my fish weigh - I don't have a scale!". Well, time for those folks to at least carry a tape measure to get length/girth, or better yet..........buy a scale. As I said in that other recent thread...photos capture memories, accurate scales capture the weight...
    3 points
  8. Chitlings that were not cleaned or cooked properly.
    3 points
  9. I had this girl friend after college She couldn't cook lol My wife bought some chicken and waffles potato chips the other day they were pretty gross. And army eggs yeah there pretty gross
    3 points
  10. It´s a matter of how you feel about your stuff, there are people that don´t give a dang about how their stuff survives and there are others, like me, that obsesively take care of their tackle, it´s not about the money, I have tackle of all prices and the "cheaper" stuff is as important as the more expensive stuff. Let me describe a what Raul does in a day: Raul arrives at the lake, pulls out his stuff, takes the rods out of the rod tube, each rod wrapped in it´s own rod cover, pulls out the reels from their reel case, each reel wrapped in it´s reel cover, unwrapos the rod, unwraps the reel places the reel on the reel seat and tightens it, runs the line through the guides being careful that nor the rod nor the reel scratches against any surface, ties a lure, sets the drag and ..... places the reel cover and the rod wrap. Raul arrives at a spot, cleans his hands with a moist towel, unwraps the rod and reel, makes some casts and if he gonna change rods before grabbing another setup places the rod wrap and the reel cover, cleans his hands, grabs another set up, removes the rod wrap and the reel cover and so on. After fishing when Raul arrives home he takes all the stuff he used during the trip, pulls or the rod wraps and reel covers and meticulously cleans rods and reels before storing them again. He even rubs clean cranks and spinnerbait blades cuz he don´t like water stains on them. The result is that Raul´s junk looks like new, even those 3+ decade old reels. You think you´re overdoing it ? I don´t think so.
    3 points
  11. All of my rods are one brand. I don't think it's any better or overly advantageous, I just like consistency. For that matter, all of my reels are one brand, as well. Although, that could change if the right reel came along.
    3 points
  12. I upload to photo-bucket and then link to here.
    3 points
  13. Stay away from Casinos, Gentlemen's clubs and Bars.........Don't ask me about how I know that one
    3 points
  14. Just left his house. Talked to his mom while he was stillout with friends. His mom told me that she has beenwanting to buy him a rod and reel sonsince all he talks about is fishing with me. She however didn't have the extra money to do so. She said that she wants him to get a job. So... It got the wheels turning in my head. I asked if it would be ok if I had him cut my grass, weedeat, trim my bushes etc.. she was thrilled. ... It will help me out a lot anyways and will keep him busy a couple afternoons every couple of weeks. I haven't decided any other details other than that.
    3 points
  15. I pretty much fish with the same stuff year round ( cranks, spinnerbaits, worms & jigs ), so it´s a lot more where will the fish be so I can be there than it is with what.
    3 points
  16. Shimano Scorpion XT. 90 mm Semper Fi carbon handle, Hedgehog Studio deep purple dress up parts and Air spool bearings. Custom built Batson Rainshadow RX7 with thread wrap colors to match reel.
    3 points
  17. WalMart sells some Mustad split ring pliers that are branded with the KVD logo for around $8. Well worth the investment. Using a razor blade? You sir, are crazy.
    3 points
  18. I don't start threads as a rule but I will on this topic. I watched the Classic recap show after work. I thought, good deal. I want to see what they say about the top five. Some how they failed to mention second place, at all, what so ever. Okay, I have a bias and I'll admit it. I think Paul Mueller is a great guy and has a real career ahead of him. He set a classic record for largest single day weight. Well he's not one of the cereal box anglers but come on, to omit his accomplishment in the mix was shameful. Don't get me wrong, the accomplishments of Tharp, Evers and Howell should never be discounted but leaving the Federation guy's accomplishment out was a discredit to the program. I'm done. Time for my pills.
    2 points
  19. Some of you may have seen my other post about chatterbaits and how I just don't have any confidence in them. Well, I have confidence now...to say the least. I had about an hour to kill this past Friday so I went down to a little private lake and I told myself, "self...I'm throwing this chatterbait for a solid hour. I'll either catch them or I won't." Well...I caught them. I caught two GIANTS...and probably 3 more over 4lbs with a few smaller ones mixed in. This is no magic lake. I'd actually been told earlier that there were no fish in this lake but now obliviously...I know different. Pic of them side by side and a little vid of each. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaOI3rfALkw&list=UUQwbIIQJh517jtdZmL0n3Sw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAfLJSDDCO0&list=UUQwbIIQJh517jtdZmL0n3Sw
    2 points
  20. If you ever feel the need to change your screen name, I have one that would fit you perfectly. It would fit with your electrical background and, if I'm not mistaken your ability to weld. In addition, you seem like an Indiana Jones kind of guy, getting yourself into all kinds of pickles, with school and ladle wielding Orientals. Are you ready? Okay, here 'tis. Raider of the Lost Arc
    2 points
  21. 2 full seasons so far and haven't had to replace any braid on a few of my reels. If I feel I need to replace anyway, I will unspool the braid and reverse it to get further use out of the line. This can double the lifetime.
    2 points
  22. My winter spinnerbait technique goes a little like this: chunk it out and wind it in while watching it slide across the ice. I'd recommend going against that one as I've never had any luck with it. lol
    2 points
  23. That's great. Wouldn't you love to see the pros have a tournament where they can only use these?
    2 points
  24. Trying to find decent lures at Walmart is like trying to buy running shoes at Petco.
    2 points
  25. A good home cooked cheese burger fresh off the grill.
    2 points
  26. I use reel covers like this. They are neoprene and inexpensive on eBay.. I see no reason why my investment in quality gear should not be protected from unnecessary wear and tear.
    2 points
  27. Mono is sensitive enough. People catch fish with it all the time without issue. A high end fluorocarbon only enhances sensitivity. I think the rod influences sensitivity more than the line, but a combination of rod, line, overall weight, and everything else, working together completes the lineup.
    2 points
  28. My trip just got way easier..... Just won $500.00 on the Mega Millions Lottery!!! 44 DAYS AND COUNTING!!!! :respect-059:
    2 points
  29. Just came in the mail. Sitting pretty on my SUV now. :-) - Joe
    2 points
  30. I had the same problem a while back and posted about it on here. A tip someone gave me was to take some needle nose pliers and bend the tip of the blade. I usually bend it about 45 degrees. It helps it catch the water and gets it spinning easier.
    2 points
  31. I believe in using one company for all my rods and reels. You get familiar with certain characteristics that each company has. For example, all my rods and reels are Quantum. I will be getting new rods in the near future and they will all be from one manufacture. I dont like having to re-learn new things and tendencies while fishing or anything for that matter.
    2 points
  32. You call yourself a man? You didn't even have vienna sausage! What kind of travesty is that? Vienna are the best snack when you're drifting aimlessly on the lake.
    2 points
  33. Great video. Cool snacks. Weak smokes. I'm a Marlboro Red kinda guy. If I ate all that junk in one day, I would be able to poop through the top of a Texas Pete bottle.
    2 points
  34. I got Dicks Sporting Goods to price match and they let me use a 20% coupon. Picked up the Curado for 79 bucks and saved on gas. Def happy with my deal.
    2 points
  35. If they keep hitting the search baits, I have no reason to switch it up. I prefer chuck and reel baits by nature.
    2 points
  36. 580G is the ONLY lens to buy........I repeat the ONLY lens to buy. I have had the 580P before and it was subpar compared to the 598G I had before so I got another pair of 580G. I have also worn the 400G ...... again, the 580G for clarity and perfection is the ONLY lens to get. PM me and I will give you the Ebay seller I get mine from.
    2 points
  37. My wife and I met in an AOL chat room about 13 years ago mi February and went on our first live date 13 years ago on Tuesday When I gave the room my a/s/l (age/sex/location) which was common courtesy in chat rooms she pm'd me advising that she lived in the town next to mine. We chatted for a week before she would give me her phone number when she did finally give me her number I called and we talked for hours each night the first few days and so I asked her out on a date she was hesitant because you know you don't know who people really are from chat rooms I kept suggesting we meet for coffee at a Dennys or some other public place that we could meet to assure her I was an Ok guy. Finally she agreed to go out with me and we met at a local bar by my house and the rest is history. We dated and that August I asked her (after asking her dad's permission because I'm old fashioned) to marry me. Married the following August and over 11 years later we have 2 boys (7 and 4) who love to go fishing.
    2 points
  38. I don't believe there is a wrong answer to this question. Use whatever line takes your fancy. I seriously doubt any fish can tell the difference.
    2 points
  39. Depends on seasonal periods, predominate prey available and type of bass. Crawdads are a source of high protein and prefered during pre spawn when the craws become active and start moving out from cold water burrows. Summer is mostly young of the year baitfish, whatever falls in the water and shad if available. Fall shad and a variety of baitfish and crawdads. Winter crawdads make up a portion of the meals along with baitfish. Largemouth eat a wider variety of prey then Smallmouths that prefer crawdads bottom dewellers like sculpin and other baitfish. Annual basis; LMB= baitfish, SMB= crawdads. Tom
    2 points
  40. I'm going to keep flippin'. I'm good now after a few years of hard practice and doing a heck of a lot of it, but I want to be as good as the master someday who taught me. It's magic how fast, accurate, and just down right good you can become at it, and it makes a difference, with more fish in the boat. Ps, it's actually pitching I'm talking about, just regionally it's called different things, either pitching or flippin'.
    2 points
  41. 2 points
  42. Not one food item, but BREAKFAST! I could eat eggs, grits, bacon, sausage, waffles, hashbrown or fried potato slices, country ham, biscuits, and any combination or variation of the above foods any and all the time. Breakfast for dinner is big in my house.
    2 points
  43. $25 to get married. $15,000 to get divorced. 18 years without her...Priceless
    2 points
  44. This one was the biggest for me for the week. Caught this lovely lady on a New Rage Bug, also in Blue Craw, but in 12' water, and swimming the bait. The bass we found on this point were eating baitfish. Funny thing was, was Two casts earlier, I had a 7 or 8 pounder hooked up, but she got off on me. Then I got this doll, and she was heavier anyway, so I wasn't mad anymore!!
    2 points
  45. Guess who's back? Back again..... Ya'll miss me?
    2 points
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