Keep Reading Mr. Perry's Book there young man! U are on the right track... When U finish it, let me recommend his expanded series, 9 volumes of 'workbook like' versions to better help U understand Everything Buck is saying. As U can see, some of the replies here are from those who don't know who Buck is/was, nor his contributions to fishing. There is more to fishing, even Bass Fishing, than just Tournaments... your personal satisfaction or putting family members on fish is another. Quite a funny reply on here that there are better techniques when U look at his signature comments about "Ignorance can be corrected. Stupid lasts a lifetime", we can see how it lasts a lifetime. Or another that comments he was bored, he wasn't really trolling, just dragging a lure behing the boat. It is OK, however, 'cause U don't know what U don't know, But now U have the Single greatest source of Fishing Knowledge in front of U, so U will know the Who, What, When, Where, Why, & How if U 'Study' Spoonplugging. I mean it is more than a 1 Time Read... re-read it, study, & apply it, then more of it will make sense, when U read it again!
Trolling was made illegal in Tounament Fishing to prevent the Spoonpluggers from winning all the Tournaments, since they had already shown this to be the case, & the numbers of entries declined especially if they knew Spoonpluggers were attending. Trolling is our Teacher, as Buck Says... but understand Buck's definition of Trolling vs. just dragging a lure thru the water behind the boat. A couple others here have the right idea, locate the fish trolling, then stop & cast to catch more, but only if the Depth & Speed can be duplicated to make the fish Strike. Some Situations, the Depth & Speed required cannot be achieved on the cast, & Trolling is the only way to make the Catch. What we must do to put the fish on the Stringer/in the Boat is our concern... I would definitely read what Tom has to say on here... he undertands that successful Trolling can be more difficult that just casting one's arm off all day long at whatever can be seen. The Commercialism side of the industry drives many to things they just don't need... fish don't care how fast your boat is, how much your rod cost, or how many lures/rods, Big Screen sized depth finders is on your boat.
Most will not want to put in the time & effort to become a successful Spoonplugger... they still believe that Success can be purchased w/this years new hot lure or device, etc.etc. They will never know the Thrill & Satisfaction of Catching 10, 20, 30, 50 or more fish (any Game Fish) on Consecutive Cast or Trolling Passes... which is just one of our goals. Knowledge is the Key to Success, & U are well on your way... So as Buck would say, Good Fishing Always