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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/2014 in all areas

  1. How about when the Cable Guy comes over to add a line and enters your basement, which is full of 100 plus rods & reels, shelves upon shelves of tackle, and asks you if you are a fishing equipment dealer? That may signal your are close to the edge.
    5 points
  2. I see. You failed to mention Canada. Boom. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Ford-Other-Pickups-2-door-1963-pro-street-ford-econoline-pickup-/161214131916?forcerrptr=true&hash=item25891c6ecc&item=161214131916&pt=US_Cars_Trucks
    4 points
  3. Many, not all, but many of my tackle purchases have been a response to a "poor me" moment. Something, real or imagined happened and I felt bad. Poor me. I'm not the first guy to exercise "retail therapy" and I doubt if I"ll be the last. I've found through experience that the other "pour me" moments aren't particularly healthy. I like a beer now and then, but not as therapy. A good day of fishing will make me buy tackle only if I run out of something that was working. Stuff that is "on sale" often grabs my attention. I walked into Rogers the other day and they had a BUNCH of discontinued soft plastics on sale for a buck a bag. I had an hour to kill before time to go to work. Twenty five bags later, it was time to go to work. So, I don't know, I guess my answer is that I buy tackle when the mood strikes me, and there really isn't a reliable indicator of when that is going to be. Any marketing whiz who peeks into my shed will understand that the urge to buy tackle happens frequently.
    3 points
  4. My fishing partner does this little hop thing whenever he casts, I'm just waiting for him to hop out the boat one day. I've tried to time a trolling motor burst to help him. No effect yet...
    3 points
  5. My collection is at the bottom of the lake hung in rocks and brush piles
    3 points
  6. For enthusiasts, technique specific gear is fun to collect. However, three rigs cover all the basics: #1 6 1/2' or 7' MHF baitcaster for jigs, some soft plastics and spinnerbaits #2 6 1/2' or 7' MM baitcaster for treble hook lures #3 7' MF spinning rod for lighter lures and a variety of techniques
    2 points
  7. This winter has me thinking about moving to a warmer climate. It is snowing like mad (again), the wind is howling (again), and the temperature is going to be around zero for the next couple of days (again). Add propane prices pushing $5.00 a gallon and I am not a happy camper. This may be the norm for some of you guys, but it has been a long time since we've had sustained weather like this. OK, I'm done.
    2 points
  8. With sooo much time on my hands lately, I decided to attempt another rold build. This will be a jerkbait rod @ 7ft. The blank is a IM8, the guides and reel seat are Fuji and I added blue, metalic spacers between the reel seat and butt section of the cork handle and the butt cap along with the same color winding check. This is my third complete build and I wanted to do something different with the thread work as my previous builds were open butt wraps and only had trim bands on the guides. There are a few minor mistakes and I still need to add a second coat of finish along with a decal on the lower section of white (not visible in pic), but all in all I'm very happy with the project as a whole.
    2 points
  9. I consider Cedar Lake here in So. Illinois to be my home lake. It has a 10 hp limit. Because it is a city reservoir swimming is also not allowed. The smaller motors and minimal recreational boating make it much friendlier to fish than some of the other lakes around. That is the positive. On the other hand, I have a 10 hp kicker motor on my boat that at WOT causes me to create a wake much bigger than if i was on plane with my bigger motor. I know many of the guys who fish there, and it very common to have 20 or more hp with a 10 hp sticker on the motor. I also know many who simply ignore the hp limits. I have never heard of anyone ticketed for this infraction, even though I have been told by a couple of DNR officers that they will check the motor /serial number plate if there is any question of hp. Cedar is far too big to effectively fish with a standard trolling motor, even though I have done it that way more than once. I think restricted limits serve a purpose. I also think that if you exceed the hp limit running the big motor at an idle is a reasonable solution. I think speed limits is another solution. The real problem is enforcement. There are nowhere near enough DNR folks to enforce the existing laws, and there are far too many knot-heads who don't think any of the rules apply to them.
    2 points
  10. Call gary at The Tackle Trap. He will set you up with any daiwa part you need.
    2 points
  11. Our average snowfall is routinely rather substantial but that doesn't mean I have to like it. Part of what has made this particular winter especially brutal has indeed been the extended periods of just completely frigid temperatures. So I'm with you - let's speed this season along . . . . .I've had my fill. A-Jay
    2 points
  12. Traverse City is awesome. You can rent a condo from www.visitupnorth.com and fish with Capt. Chris Noffsinger of Northern Adventures Fishing www.northernadventuresfishing.com if you wanted guided fishing. Not sure about other options such as boats to rent though. Chris is great however.
    2 points
  13. In April just after ice out a suspending jerkbait is a good choice. Jigs work as well. Got to fish both these baits slow. Towards the end of April I will try to slow roll a spinnerbait or try a squarebill crankbait.. I usually am fishing areas with good cover in 5-15 feet. When in doubt or the fishing seems a bit slow just throw a jig. Another thing about fishing in April, fish the warmest water you can on the warmest day, that is when I have the best luck. Coves in the northwest end of the lake or pond you will be fishing will warm up the quickest as well, so that is always worth checking. Fishing rivers is also a good choice. More often then not they will be several degrees warmer then the rest of the lake. April is an excellent time to catch some big pre spawn bass ! Is it April yet ??
    2 points
  14. Don't you know the guy with the most stuff wins? It's not a condition, it's a competition!
    2 points
  15. First car? $10,000? I'd be all over something like this. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Jeep-Wrangler-Wrangler-1987-wrangler-yj-/331121767993?forcerrptr=true&hash=item4d18653639&item=331121767993&pt=US_Cars_Trucks
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. While you can't tell the actual depth, all other things being equal, a bill that's straight, i.e., parallel to the body, will run the deepest. The more the bill angles downward the shallower it will run.
    2 points
  18. What might help us help you is to know what you have now. What kind of fishing you do, either bank or boat or both. The lakes/ponds you are fishing. What part of the country you are in. And your budget for this year for fishing gear. There are extremely knowledgeable people here that are willing to be very specific with help as far as type of rod and reel, line, and terminal tackle recommendations. If you ask about specific brands you are going to get 100 different answers but the principles and purpose of the setups are the same regardless of brand. Remember the more information you give us, the more accurate our help will be. FD
    2 points
  19. DRESS Detonator SF 100mm with Rhombus knobs
    2 points
  20. WHY do they keep making NEW REELS? They know I have NO self control! Hootie
    2 points
  21. After you have found out the depths by hitting bottom over a known depth mark them so you remember how deep they run.
    2 points
  22. On the most basic level - It's all about the lip; the longer the lip - the deeper it dives but not always. Line size and casting distance will effect the running depth as well. Best way to know is to take them out for a test drive - A-Jay
    2 points
  23. I use a Plano Elite 3707 Spinnerbait Organizer - it holds up to 45 jigs secure no bouncing afound. Also you can see the head shape and color it makes it easy to tell what jids are what.
    2 points
  24. For enthusiasts, technique specific gear is fun to collect. However, three rigs cover all the basics: #1 6 1/2' or 7' MH baitcaster for jigs, some soft plastics and spinnerbaits #2 6 1/2' or 7' MM baitcaster for treble hook lures #3 7' MF spinning rod for lighter lures and a variety of techniques
    2 points
  25. my dad refusing to lean all the way over of my Ranger to spit his tobacco. He just sits back and aims for the water. Then I get little chew dribbles on my back deck. I have to clean it regularly. But, its my pops, one day I will miss that chew spit on my Ranger.
    2 points
  26. Obviously you haven't spent any time on Tackle Tour. LOL
    2 points
  27. Somebody really likes the color green...
    1 point
  28. Thanks Chris. Last year was just a string of unfortunate events. The boost tube problem on the way up was just irritating. Nicole getting sick the day we left was unfortunate. And my own stupidity for not fueling at a major brand station where I got bad fuel and cost me 8 injectors, a fuel pump, and $400 tow bill. Not to mention the 3 hours layover in Gainesville waiting on said tow truck and my ride to come get the boat. Barring an earthquake or plague of locusts, this year should be smooth sailing.
    1 point
  29. Honestly, who has time for all this stuff. I wish I could figure out how to post pics from my I Phone to the site. Haven't figured it out yet! We need a step by step tutorial on posting pictures for the techno challenged, and please keep it simple.
    1 point
  30. Congrats on a great combo. I'm sure you will enjoy the heck out of it. For you guys worried about the wife getting to the package before you.....have it shipped to your workplace. Wife will eventually see that there are now 30 rods where there use to be 15, but you only get hollered at once.
    1 point
  31. What rod do you have planned for the stella? I impulse bought one earlier this year, and then convinced myself I needed a new rod for it, so I then impulse bought a nrx.
    1 point
  32. there is a guy in my bass club that spends $400-$600 a MONTH on fishing tackle, and fishes only a few times a month. I think it becmes an issue when you buy A LOT of tackle, and it never sees water.
    1 point
  33. If I stopped buying lures right now I would not use everything I have in my lifetime...but what fun would that be? You gotta hand it to the fishing industry for constantly improving and designing new toys to buy.
    1 point
  34. Theres no doubt falcon was a much better built product.Plano bought them out,changed the boxes from 4 latch to just 2, and used way cheaper plastic. The best out there is the red&black 3700 size,from BassMafia,at about 25.00. Very strong box,and waterproof.Alittle heavier,but worth it,and at TW. Another is plano 3700 waterproof(red gasket),with 3 big tight latches. The money we spend on quality terminal tackle,and jigs,justifies the expense. I also use silica containers from medication bottles to help. My jigs are stored in the 3700,and all terminal tackle in the bassmafia. I put both boxes underwater for 15 minutes,held down with a gallon of water. Neither box had a drop of moisture inside. Id say my stuffs all good
    1 point
  35. What if you have a credit card designated to only Fishing purchases?
    1 point
  36. I don't know! And I never will admit anything! Jeff
    1 point
  37. You have to anticipate the hop. When he's ABOUT to cast is when you hit the TM. Just be sure he hasn't borrowed one of your rods.
    1 point
  38. Sweet video. Cold and 2+' of ice up here, and my brother is guiding down in New Zealand. Jerk...
    1 point
  39. Job Interview: Human Resources Manager: "What is your greatest weakness?" Older Man : "Honesty." Human Resources Manager: "I don't think honesty is a weakness." Older Man : "I don't really give a chit what you think."
    1 point
  40. LOL ~ And the Bronco's were served a heaping helping of Humble Pie . . . . . . . . A-Jay
    1 point
  41. Experiment with the space between the hook and weight to find out which length is best. You want some current to move the bait. If you can "match the hatch" with your bait go for it. Otherwise a nice four-inch worm of your choice will suffice. And don't forget to "wacky" rig the worm on your #1 hook. You will be surprised how that will attract bites. Just flip and pitch your way to heaven.
    1 point
  42. My rod is 6'-6". I do a lot of fishing from the bank. Good length for moving through the under brush. It's also easier to get in and out of the car.
    1 point
  43. I have never edited my pics or anything like that even on my Instagram page. I have an iPhone 4S that I use to take pictures and my only problem is that it never seems to do the fish any justice! One thing that iPhone users can do is what I sometimes do when I remember I take a video of the fish. Then I will play back the video later and take screen shots, like I said when I remember to do that I have good results in how the fish comes out. My girlfriend taught me that one when I caught a nice 4.5lb an she thought she was taking a pic but she was recording a video lol, then she took a pic (she's horrible at taking my fish pictures). iPhone users try it out it helps you do the fish justice
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. 6'6" to 6'8", because 6'8" is the longest one that will fit in my car...lol. Hootie
    1 point
  46. I always get a good laugh watching people use spinning reels "backwards" Just like in the picture
    1 point
  47. I like a few different baits; Spro Fat John, KVD 1.5, RC 1.5, RC2, and Bandits. I'd like to try the Biggie baits just haven't gotten around to it. Absolutely change the hooks on the KVD baits though. The RC2 as well. There are lots of good sqaurebills out right now. I really like the KVD and Bandit lures for their combination of performance and price. I think my all time favorite is the Fat John. I also like the new Little Fat John's. I've caught more fish on this particular crank than any other single crank I've ever owned. There's just something about this one that gets bit.
    1 point
  48. It's kind of funny, I just looked through every boat in this thread, and all of the sweetest boats (in my book) or should I say, the ones that make me wonder if I might like them even better than mine, the owners all say something like > It's not much, but.... Nothing fancy, but.... Those kinds of statements make me want to grab them, shake them around, and say, "Dude ! WTH are you talking about !?!? That 15 or 16ft deep-V aluminum with that olive green paint is freaking sweeeet ! That 40 to 60 hp motor might be a little more than one needs... But dude ! You have plenty of boat there to catch any LMB that swims" ! Seriously, I have to admit, sometimes I catch myself thinking, well a little bigger boat, or a little more HP might help with this or that..... But wait a minute ! No it wouldn't ! It would just be more to haul, more to store, and more to take care of. My boat was, and still really is, my dream boat. I love the size, the light weight, and the V hull. The power trim, and electric start are really nice too. I guess that might be the difference between myself, and most of the other owners of small aluminums. A lot of guys fish out of boats like mine, because they can't afford a high performance bass boat. I fish out of a small aluminum because I totally prefer it. Sure, if I hit the lotto, I'd buy something I could take on the ocean.... and maybe 6 or 12 houseboats, to be kept on a bunch of different lakes.... But I'd continue to do my freshwater fishing out of my 14ft aluminum.... or one of my other 10, 14 ft aluminums BTW, I do understand the reasoning for $50K+ bass boats..... With a lot of stuff, I'd like to go totally extreme myself. I could easily spend $200K+ on a truck, and if I had tons of money, I would. But as for my fishing boat, all of that size, weight, and prettiness would just get in the way of what's really important > my fishing ! That's just me though. Fish
    1 point
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