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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2013 in all areas

  1. The search tool is great, and really knocks down the sheer massive volume of topics to wade through to find an answer. I've more than once found it to be generally helpful. But lately I see people replying to posts and saying "just search it." Not to cause problems, but that's a pretty useless reply. I have done these searches people talk about, and the bigger this wonderful site gets, the more its like looking for a needle in a haystack when you do a forum search. Sometimes the searches result in exactly what you're looking for, but many times, especially for broad topics, you'll still have to wade through massive amounts of information hoping one topic will contain the information you're looking for. Consider the fact that at the time I type this there are 22,532 topics, with 234,135 replies in the "Rods, Reels, Line and Knots" category alone. Typing in "Braid Line" results in 14 pages of topics with enormous numbers of replies. Some of those conversations have over 100 replies. That starts putting your percentage of finding the answer to your specific question about Braid Line below 1% when you "just search it." So you can see where "just searching" becomes a whole lot more time consuming and far less accurate than just typing in a question and getting answers. Besides, I never have a probem with re-answering questions here, that's what the forum is for. Google is for searching....
    9 points
  2. I think this topic has been covered before, why don't you...
    4 points
  3. I pretty much agree. The forum works best via post traffic. If there is basic info out there, link to it. If it's a really good thread, we'll add it to the "Best Of..." sticky (http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/60793-best-of-bassresourcecom/). Unless we're talking very basic stuff that can be found in the stickies or FAQ, "do a search" is a lame answer.
    4 points
  4. A couple things worth noting about the search feature: - The search box at the top does a broad match across all the forums, and only for topics that are less than two years old. - For a more comprehensive search, click the little gear icon next to the search box, that will take you to this page: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/index.php?app=core&module=search&search_in=forums where you'll have many more search options to narrow down your search. Hope that helps!
    3 points
  5. If your going to be primarily wood or man-made targets than I suggest fluorocarbon. If your primarily fishing weeds than braid. If your going to be fishing both and sometimes both the same day I would go with braid and if you really need to add a fluorocarbon leader.
    2 points
  6. One way of looking at it, and hopefully, it's how i've approached it, is from a genuine desire to know the information and be able to ask "WHY?", if something sticks out. For example, in my time here I have asked about Rods and then Reels in 2 seperate threads. There are A TON of threads about these, yes, but when I joined here, I had never heard of Shimano, Pflueger, St. Croix or ***. I didn't know what a spinning reel or a baitcaster was. I just bought what was suggested. So how do you search for something you know nothing about? I view it as having my own conversation, and asking my own questions, rather than read someone else's thoughts who may have different needs than I do. **Now before you jump all over me, once I get a bit of information I can then search for MORE information. ** I knew nothing of the differences between rods, and reels and getting the little clues I have learned a ton. I fish in a bubble for the most part. I don't have a mentor to fish with, I didn't grow up fishing as a kid, so this is a place to ask. Part of what I do for a living is teach animation to students. And just like fishing, there is so much information out there, but it's overwhelming when you're just starting out. I remember how it was when I was a novice. Now that I can do it professionally I think it's important for me to remember not everyone starts out on the same footing. Sometimes it's not being lazy, maybe they don't know where to begin. That being said, I am expecting an amazing gift from Mrs. Claus this Christmas, chosen from what I have learned here on the forums from you fine people. I'll also be setting my boy up with a really solid setup as well. There's a lot to learn when you're bobber fishing on $30 combos, and I have learned a ton of it here.
    2 points
  7. I'm waiting for the guy in the ranger bassboat to say he has been in bigger waves, no problem.
    2 points
  8. I find this topic interesting. Right off, I'll admit to being one of "Those members" who has advised other members to conduct a search. Looking back - I guess that's not the best example of what makes this site great. I think there are a couple of factors at work here; and it seems like one side is fueling the other. From the newer members point of view; Without any history here behind them and perhaps being new to the sport, a newer member may have no idea how many "How do I cast" or "what's the best leader knot" questions are routinely posted here. Though very legitimate questions than need to and should be answered, the sheer number of them often times elicits the go search it response. Additionally, being a newer member, one may not be very well versed in the nuances' of the rather extensive BR search engine, which further exasperates the problem. From the veteran BR member point of view; When new members post up very basic and often seen threads, and the veteran members all know what they are, there is a decent chance that a good majority has responded to at least one of these. Probably more than once. And when there are 2 or 3 of the same thing up on the same page at the same time - this seems to trigger a quick "Go Fish (search)" reply. Doesn't make it right and as stated previously, serves no purpose. I've only been a member here for a comparatively short time when compared to many members. The main reason I enjoy coming revolves around the "Friendly Tone" the BR forum exudes. "Go Search" replies do not contribute to this. As a result, I will be working harder at being part of the solution rather than part of the problem. A-Jay
    2 points
  9. I know this is supposed to be smallies only, but all we have in NW Illinois this time of year are Mississippi River saugers!!
    2 points
  10. Might be a good idea. I remember as a kid, their used to be this one old guy that would play with us kids, at the club my parents belonged too. He always had a rag shoved into his mouth, to keep from drooling all over himself. He had had his lower jaw almost completely removed due to mouth cancer from chewing.... On the one hand, that will probably never happen to you. On the other hand, I'm sure that's what he thought. Peace, Fish
    2 points
  11. Find deeper structure, not necessarily 30 ft, but somewhere in the 20+ range. Ledges, rockpiles, foundations, etc. Find bait on these places an you will find fish. Drop shot, jigging spoon, blade bait (silver buddy) football jig and even a slow moving Alabama rig.
    2 points
  12. The man asked: "What would you do DIFFERENT?" I"m sorry, but that does not quality as anything different Roger
    2 points
  13. Take them apart over a tupperware tub or something like that so when the inevitable happens and you drop something, it's not lost in the carpet or floor. When removing bushing retaining springs, be sure to grip them securely so they don't fly off into the sunset. Not expensive to replace but sucks to wait for a new one after you spend an hour looking for the one you lost.
    2 points
  14. I detect a trend getting started.
    2 points
  15. Yep. Not that there's anything wrong with that... I believe the best way of storing shad guts is in a live shad.
    2 points
  16. At 1:58AM on 12/16/13, my wife and I welcomed into the world our first son, Lake Baby and Momma are doing well and hopefully we'll be able to take him home on Wednesday. He's a big boy, 22" long and 8lbs 10ozs! Looking forward to hopefully having a new fishing buddy in a few years
    1 point
  17. And if I recall correctly ~ on your Birthday no less. A-Jay
    1 point
  18. Who is that handsome guy holding up a pair of 6's?.
    1 point
  19. Get myself a boat!! Don't need to work on it but FROG FROG FROG FROG!! I feel like a crack head with no crack now that I have to resort to cranking since the frog bite is dead... But cranking is a good substitute but nothing like that crack aka FROGGY
    1 point
  20. Lew's® Speed Spool® Tournament Baitcast Reel (6:4:1) with The Dobyns Champion Series 704CB (7'0").
    1 point
  21. Replace the Champion 734C that I never should have sold in the first place and going to be pairing it with a Shimano Metanium XG
    1 point
  22. Dobyns 705cb Glass (on its way) and a Chronarch Ci4. That's the plan any how.
    1 point
  23. I want a Dobyns dx 746 with a 7.1:1 PQ. I need a deep diving crankbait set up. I havent decided on a rod yet but the reel will be a 5.2:1 PQ
    1 point
  24. Seems interesting. Don't know about the price.
    1 point
  25. My next combo will be an all around set up. I'm getting a Dobyns Coalition Weapon 734C (7'3" Heavy Fast Action) and pairing it with a Lew's Tournament Pro 7.1:1 reel. I will primarily use this for jigs, texas rigs, spinnerbaits, swim jigs, and buzzbaits.
    1 point
  26. I'm not exactly sure which rod yet but it's going to be either a Shimano or Loomis for the Metanium XG I picked up a few weeks back. Also I'm going to need a rod for a "tuned" Abu 5601 C4 I'm currently building. Still waiting on the last few parts to arrive, hopefully early next week, then all I have to do is assemble it (which is the fun part to me) and it'll be ready to go. It's navy blue so I'm almost positive I'm gonna go with an Abu Volatile to match, just have to decide between the two I have narrowed it down to. Also I'll either pick up a new Curado after the Classic (if the rumors are true) or a Calcutta D. Love the way the D series Calcutta's look.
    1 point
  27. I impulse bought a Stella 2500FE over black Friday, once it arrived I decided I needed a better rod for that nice of a reel, so I have a Loomis 822 SYR on the way now.
    1 point
  28. What's important is your drag setting. If your are between 2 1/2 and 3lbs you can use any line exceeding recommendations.
    1 point
  29. Since you are a new daddy you get to break a few rules now & then. Nice pair.
    1 point
  30. I know it says just smallmouth but since others have already broken the rules I don't feel so bad about it. I've got nothing on those Erie smallies but this is about as good as it gets in Kansas
    1 point
  31. I have the mojo and avid, for me using them for reaction baits I'd say the sensitivity doesn't come in much play. The avid, being a full grip has a better balance and of course you get the lifetime warranty. The croix 7'MHM is a sweet stick.
    1 point
  32. We all know that farmer can be a little ray of sunshine!
    1 point
  33. Spinner Bait at Night Jig & Craw Spinner Bait at Night Jig & Craw Spinner Bait at Night A-Jay
    1 point
  34. What I am hearing is that it will be ANOTHER PURE FISHING REHASH REEL made in Korea.. What I'm hearing is the lovechild of a Revo Premier and a Lews Team Pro for $50 less than both of them... Why dont you naysayers relax a little. A lot of great reels are made in Korea, including Abu and Lews. Performance is performance, no matter where its made. If you dont give a product a chance because its not made where you wish it were, thats your problem. You can speculate all you want to, you dont know anything until you fish with one. *drops mic*
    1 point
  35. Some specs from Duckett's Facebook: -about 5.5oz -Ceramic bearings -Will come in 5, 6, and 7:1 ratios (or thereabouts) -Available in LEFTIES!!!!!!!!!! No word on price point yet, but it has all the makings of a $250-$300 reel. I know you Naysayers are thinking "I'm not gonna pay that much money for a product from a reputation-free company..." Boyd Duckett HIMSELF tests each product on the water. If he doesnt like it, he doesnt put his name on it. PERIOD. Thats the the Ghosts keep getting pushed back. They are coming, but only when Mr. Duckett thinks they are perfect. Who can argue with that?
    1 point
  36. Thanks Jeff, 00 Mod I'm horrible at trying to post pics. Jeff nailed it though: 4" ring frys 4" senkos Punished Hair Jigs Arkie bucktail jig Berkley shakey worms Plus an extra to be named later He really put in a lot of research. Awesome job! Once again a lot of fun. Dominic
    1 point
  37. I just sold all my Powells and am upgrading to Ducketts! Just ordered them yesterday! Very excited!!!! Gonna pair them with Lews Tournament Pros.
    1 point
  38. Cordell Big-o's. I think that I am the only one that still fishes with them sometimes.
    1 point
  39. I think this qualifies ~ A-Jay
    1 point
  40. There are so many great ideas on this thread, I don't know what to do next. Oh wait, yes I do. The rod straps or bungees on the sides has to be the best idea. The other day I had a fish on, turned my chair and kicked a $150 rig into the lake. Let that be a warning to every one who lays their extra rods on the side of the boat. Here is a pic of my little boat all ready to go.
    1 point
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