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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/2013 in all areas

  1. The ones that don't fight were obviously raised by walleye parents.
    9 points
  2. Those non-fighter bass are probably the ones that have relied on government hand outs for generations upon generations rendering them lethargic.
    5 points
  3. I have suddenly noticed a shift in the descriptive language of lures. More and more, I am seeing phrases like: "a seductive shimmy," "sexy action," "an enticing wiggle," "an attractive color," "tempting vibrations," "irresistible movement," and "provocative presentation." I understand there are some similarities between women and bass, such as often releasing many before finding a few worth keeping, inevitable backlashes in the pursuit of them, the testing of one's patience, often being impossible to work with, and being able to so easily entice a man into obsession, but although I love a skilled conversationalist, I don't find massive mouths, extreme aggression and the ability to eat something 1/3 their body size to be attractive traits in women. Are we undergoing a shift in fishing style? Are we done offering false food items, and instead seeking to seduce bass? If so, we should stop using green pumpkin and bluegill jigs and throw pink voltage lipstick jig heads with a sexy-curvy shad skirt instead. No more baby bass crankbaits, you'd be better off with baby momma bass cranks featuring a sensual shimmy and promiscous wiggle. During the spawn, no more senkos, try instead an Xtra large driftwood on a 5/0 hook with ADT salamander shield security system and bodyguard swim baits to fool bass into believing that your offering might protect their fry from those bluegill ruffians. After all, raising 10,000 fry is so hard for a single male in this economy; what they want isn't food, but security. What about you, what is your experience with this bold new world of bass allurement? I would go on, but it is imperative I start smearing lip gloss om my swimbaits. Ciao
    4 points
  4. Too bad it's not in a few weeks. The wife and I will be at our daughter's in GA. We could meet at the BPS in Birmingham and push people into the aquarium. I know a guy.
    4 points
  5. I hear it's in the dirty south
    4 points
  6. http://www.fieldandstream.com/blogs/field-notes/2013/10/photo-day-nj-state-record-tiger-musky People asked me about the strength of the hinge-I think it will handle a bass
    2 points
  7. Way to go forum. I followed your advice and now I get to cull another one. Pulled this from my little pond. Threw a rapala x-rap white around the bait schools and got this 18.5 inch-er. Missed another probably in the same size range.
    2 points
  8. Those pics are in 3d just put on some red/blue shaded glasses and those fish POP out of the screen
    2 points
  9. Prey and eggs weigh the more, pre spawn. How many record class bass have been caught in the fall....none.Tom
    2 points
  10. 3/8" electrical heat shrink tubing
    2 points
  11. Some of the best fish of the year are caught during the winter around here. I caught this big girl in mid-December a couple of years ago: Suspending jerkbaits, in addition to what has been mentioned above, are good choices for cold water.
    2 points
  12. Winter time bass fishing Think Vertical Think Deep Think Bottom Think Slow Stability! I don't care what the ambient temperature is as long as the weather has been stable for 3-4 days. In order to take full advantage of stable conditions one must have the ability to pick and choose the days you can fish. A bass's metabolism is finely tuned to its circulatory system's temperature which is the same as the surrounding water. In cold water their metabolism slows down, their brain slows down, so the bass slows down. In cold water a bass 's instincts are less finely tuned, it has less appetite and it mostly stays suspended at or near the bottom. It is fairly easy to catch bass in cold water, if you can find them and if you use the right techniques. This means putting a bait in front of a fish that looks right, sounds right, and smells right. Jigging spoons or jig-n-pig (pork frog) are probably the two most popular methods. If you want to get into the finesse end of things, fishing a small grub can also be good.
    2 points
  13. So that's why fishing was slow during the government shutdown!
    2 points
  14. I am one of those people that rarely log in, I read the boards often and very seldom log in or post. It's not because I am trying to steal information or anything like that it's simply because I am still learning to bass fish. When I feel that I can contribute to a conversation or help someone then I log in and post. Otherwise I am just reading and trying to learn as I go. I'm the same way in real life. I guess what I'm trying to say is some people are naturally quiet and shy, but just because I don't have thousands of posts doesn't mean that I'm trying to hurt anyone in any way. I try to keep the faith that most fishermen are better than that
    2 points
  15. BR is such a great resource with such a vast amount of information, one can get lost in it all. I was thinking what is one tip you learned on here, that made you think duh why didn't I think of that. A tip so simple but makes so much sense and improves your fishing and effectiveness. One that comes to mind for me was on a thread awhile back about hookups with hollow body frogs. People were talking about how it can be hard to bend the hooks up alittle. Member .ghoti chimmed in using two pairs of pliers to bend the hooks. It was like a lightbulb went off. So simple yet so effective. Anyone else have a moment or tip like that they care to share?
    1 point
  16. Hi everyone, Just wanted to share a new article that is on the homepage. http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/Bagwell/fishing-thick-cover.html
    1 point
  17. Finally stuck my first decent swimbait fish in months! The Gan Craft Jointed Claw 178 did the trick here. Slow pulls along a reed line and she came out and smacked it! 3.8 on my friend's scale. Still looking for a second 5+ this year.
    1 point
  18. The use of the R bend eliminates the line fouling at the tie point. Often, when using the closed loop style, the line would catch at the tie point when casting into the wind as the lure would tumble. With the R bend, the knot will spin around and thus eliminate the fouling. The other reason is that a thinner diameter wire can be used in manufacturing which gives the bait more vibration.
    1 point
  19. We're just better than you Congrats on 100. I see you live in Crook County. Same place I live. You know there is an IL forum you can post local reports in. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/43640-where-are-all-the-illinois-guys/
    1 point
  20. I have access to my phone all day.
    1 point
  21. We can't leave female bass out either, I use a custom made Bill Gates Bass swimbait with tuxedo colors. The females love financial security.
    1 point
  22. Don't know what you mean by ripping, but stroking a jig is common on my home waters during the dog days. That's where you jerk the jig 2-3 ft. off the bottom and follow it back down on a semi-slack line. The same retrieve works well with lipless cranks in late summer.
    1 point
  23. Why not try the new Shakespeare ugly stick GX2 that is a mix of graphite and fiberglass. It is getting good reviews and even the paired reel is getting good reviews. The combo is supposed to be sensative and only $50. why upgrade if what you have works?
    1 point
  24. U could find a pistol grip and and make a nice zebco rod. It be around 5 foot. Then give it to a kid. My dad use to make ice fishing rods out of broken or old non usable rods.
    1 point
  25. *in my best Barney Stinson's voice* This night is going to be legend wait for it and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the word is dairy.. Legendary!!
    1 point
  26. Bassresource beer pong tournament?
    1 point
  27. Dont need another boat but... please explain that one if you can
    1 point
  28. Same here as you guys. Went out from about 5 till dark. It was windy and just as the sun started to set behind the trees, they lit up. No culls, but got alot of nice 16-19"ers. Figured this weather would fire them up. One more day and its off the the glades
    1 point
  29. Ugh left the list in the car...we bought the store. We did have SOME self control but not much :/
    1 point
  30. I have an 18 footer with a 150 (Ranger). I have only noticed it porpoise when I let off the throttle to slow speed to let a barge pass and what not. I have never had it porpoise coming out of the hole or when im running wide open. I have no jack plate either. It doesn't happen often, so I don't really pay attention when it does happen. All I do on my hole shot is trim the motor all the way down, hammer the throttle all the way and gradually trim up to the sweet spot on my gauge. Have never had a problem doing it that way.
    1 point
  31. Here's a thought, try it without a leader.
    1 point
  32. I think you've been very fortunate thus far because a toothy fish, even a small one, could cut that line with ease. Someone said recently--I think on this forum, but I can't be sure--that if you can cut the line with a knife a pike can cut it with its teeth.
    1 point
  33. I have been catching a few.
    1 point
  34. I'm an equal opportunity abuser. I'll also push old men down the stairs too. Folks in wheelchairs are the best. I love the sight and sound of a body and wheelchair tumbling down the stairs. Actually, I lurk at the top of escalators. It takes much longer for a falling body to reach the bottom. And if they take a few passengers down with them it's like bowling.
    1 point
  35. It sounds to me like the kid is just excited about fishing and wants to hear about other people's combos. Read the title of the thread.
    1 point
  36. Or realize that the finer things in life are worth working and saving for.
    1 point
  37. Personally I really enjoy offending the politically correct, its so easy to do, and their reactions are priceless. I say congrats
    1 point
  38. Here is the reel with the hawgtech handle with shimano knobs
    1 point
  39. Martin might have a side trip planned with another angler LMG. I wouldnt feel too bad for him he always has his buddy Johnnie Walker he can talk to if he gets lonely lol
    1 point
  40. Just guessing here, but I would think "Up North" and "Down South" would have something to do with how one looks at a map. North is always up and South is always down. I would guess "Back East" would come from back when people were migrating and moving west across the US. The vast majority of them were actually from the East, so they would probably say "Back East" when referring to the East coast. I think "Out West" might come from the same era when people were traveling across the US. I figure the term "Headed Out West" was used quite often and it more than likely stuck. I have never claimed to be real smart, so those may not be accurate, just my best guesses.
    1 point
  41. AJ, please do not confuse one product of a specific company with those of other products from the same company. Eagle Claw weedless hooks are good but they will rust. The manufacturing process for hooks is totally different than for line so one has nothing to do with the other. As for purchasing a bio gradable fishing line, you get a gold star for being environmental friendly. As for purchasing a bio gradable fishing line, you get an "Aw S*#t" for not thinking it through, meaning you lose all of your gold stars. Line decomposes over time. You were the individual that purchased old line that the store could not sell and wanted to salvage as much money from it that the store could. You think you saved 50% but you actually lost 100% of your money. I know line is expensive, but when you realize that it is the only part of your equipment that goes directly from your reel to your adversary you know the need to purchase high quality and fresh line. We lose more fish due to line and knot failures than all other reasons combined. All we can do is suggest you consider purchasing the freshest line from retailers that have a high volume of line turnover and make sure it is the most expensive line you can manage on our budget. Now go out there and practice calling the baseball players out at first base when you know they are safe!!!!!
    1 point
  42. Glenn "pegging" a weight to the line with a strand of skirt instead of a toothpick in order to avoid damaging the line. Brilliant.
    1 point
  43. I always thought the Dirty South was a reference that was used by rap artists that came from the south. I think I remember Arrested Development, Outkast, and Ludacris specifically using the term. I've also heard it used to describe a woman's woohoo.
    1 point
  44. the 704 would be perfect. anything heavier i prefer the 745
    1 point
  45. Bring it to Table Rock, Lake of the Ozarks, Grand Lake, Eufala, Texoma, Bull Shoals, Beaver, any of those centrally located lakes and I'll be there!
    1 point
  46. I throw .em year 'round, at least when there's no ice. Tom
    1 point
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