I totally agree with Francho. I pondered this topic yesterday and thought better of posting my opinion because I could have easily violated BR forum rules. I'm going to approach this topic from a different angle. The situation stems from a social problem mainly the family structure, many of the people in question have for generations been raised to live this way. Poor family life, maybe only one parent in the household barely making enough money to even pay rent. These people not only were raised to use the system, they were raised to fail in life. The second many of them were born they had 2 strikes against them.
On the other hand, I'm sure many of the posters in this thread were raised with 2 parents, lived lives where there was always food to eat, warm clothes in the winter, parents stressed education and taught wholesome values, in other words raised to succeed in life, with little or no excuse for failure. Needless to say there are exceptions on both sides of the equation. People from all demographics fall into both of these groups, it isn't isolated to just one.
Most of the forums I frequent with out any doubt in my mind would favor my position. I do realize that my view this subject on this forum will yield a high degree of scrutiny and disagreement.
All that being said I don't condone the bilking any system.