my mind rambles.....job, fishing, life in general, the afterlife, jigs, trailers, making a 10 mile run, job, I should do these 100 things when I get back to work, jigs, pea gravel, the government, that guy just caught one, making a 15 mile run, jigs, smallmouth, do I hate my job or just my boss?, I should go to church more often, jigs, is it time for a sandwich?, I want a diet coke, do I really like the terrova?, taxes, shakeyheads, JIGS, I to wash my truck, wonder what my employees are doing, do I want to get married?, I doubt I will get married, I got paid yesterday, I don't get paid for another 2 weeks, why don't we go back to the moon, 7 mile run, jigs, wonder what that guy is catching, what is over there, that he is camped on, jigs, am I happy?, how could I be more happy, Kate Upton, job, do I want to move, jigs, why is the wind blowing, tatsu, should I supertune more reels, I like this boat or do I?, jigs on pea gravel, run to the dam?, my parents, will I ever retire, how will I retire, jigs, I wish I could retire, I am getting old, why? jigs...........
ask anyone who fished with me and they will tell you the same.