i had something similar happen one day. was fishing a rebel crickhopper in a pond, and hooked a small bluegill. im like man, i dont wanna get my hands all fishy for that little thing, maybe it will free itself if i let it jerk around a couple minutes, i had yet to catch a fish this day. so while im watching it jerk around near the shore in clear water, a 4lb largemouth shoots out from under a small patch of algae on the shoreline and attacks the hooked bluegill. he went bananas over the bluegill, bit onto it, jumped out of the water into 2 or 3 tail walks, and then started swimming to deeper water, as my line tightened he felt the pressure and circled back towards shore and dove out of the water like superman towards me and the bank, while the fish is in midair i yank on my rod in a hookset fashion, i got to see the bluegill go down the basses throat as my crickhoppers small treble ripped out of the bluegills mouth and hooked into the basses mouth, it was a great tradeoff and was amazing to see, it absolutely blew my mind...