Living out in the country like I do... there's alot of ponds in the surrounding area's.
With a bit of luck, I've gottin permission to fish a few that are close to home so I get to hit them often.
Went out yesterday evening on a pond we call Marlborrow, its probably about 12 acres,
average depth is 4.5, deepest being 16ft . It has alittle bit of everything for cover, laydowns, buckbrush, stumps, deep points, grass.
I threw my bitsy bug the entire time I was there, an caught several fish in the two to three pound range.
and this one fish had some markings on its body that I have know clue about.
I thought I would post a pic with the fish, an get some imput from the members of the forum on the subject.
Ive yet to do any research on the matter, and I will at some point be on google to see what I can find.
Will post more about it as I find the info!
This happens to be the lake that Ive been stocking for a couple years now, an the very same lake the I released
my PB for this year into. 7.2.
Theres a guy that lives 1 mile from the lake that fishes the Patomic river all the time an brings fish from there to this pond as well.
So that fish might be a patomic fish, but I've never caught anything looking like that from the patomic so I honestly cant say for certain.
That fish actualy got the bait deep, hooked badly, I tried to get the bait back, but feared I would do more damage then good.
So I bent the barb in as best I could, an clipped my line an realeased him, hope he does well , as he was a good fighting fish,
despite his fugly look!
Note - The nice ol lady that lives in that house, owns the lake, and was kind enough to give us permission to fish it.
A slight glimps of my two man bassin buddy. DONT at it an dont hate! This lil boat rocks!