I don't hate any fishing shows (except Charlie Moore), they all serve a purpose. Roland Martins job is to name drop and hock products, and he does it. That being said, I only watch shows I like, very few don't try to sell you something, but if you can sell, teach AND entertain me, I'll watch. The shows on my DVR are: Zona's AFS, Mercers "Facts of Fishing", The Bass Pro's, Lindners Angling edge, Hook and Look, Strike King Pro Team Journal, Bassmaster, PAA, and FLW tournament shows, Scott Martin challenge, and In-fisherman. If I am vegging out and flipping channels, I will watch Roland Martin, Bill Dance, Shaw Grigsby, Jimmy Houston and Hank Parker if they are on just for old times sake. I avoid Fishing university, Charlie Moore, and anything salt water related as I just have no interest.