Late summer 2011, I was working a wooded shoreline along a creek on an outgoing tide; I was casting a jig into submerged wood. My jig hangs in a crotch of a submerged tree limb, so not to disturb the area I put the rod down to pick up a Tx Rigged worm. While concentrating on hitting my targets I failed to notice my jig rod working its way closer to the edge of the boat. Plop!! I look down just in time to see the rod go under. OMG, I start thinking fast while I put down the worm rod, the worm still out in the wood.
I realize “Don’t Panic, I know where the jig line is”. So I grab a shallow crank combo and start casting to locate the jig line. After a few cast I happened to notice my worm rod crawling to the bow of the boat, “d**n, no you don’t, you’re not going in too”; so I put down the crank rod to pick up the worm rod and retrieve the worm. OK, that rod is safe. I go back to the cranking rod and snag the jig line, but I can’t see the line yet, I just know I have it; without thinking I’m working the TM to hold position in the outgoing current. Then, just as the jig line breaks the surface…. ?? What’s it doing?? Why is it moving like that??.... d**n, the TM!!!
I take my foot off the TM and reach for the pull cord…. As the motor breaks the surface I can see the jig line is wrapped real good,,,, Then within a foot of the prop I see the rod tip emerging. I almost wrapped the rod around the TM!!!
So, as I’m working to retrieve the jig rod and clear the TM, I hear a thump, my crank rod is now half off the boat looking to take a dip, so I dive for the rod. So here I am, lying there on the deck, thinking “pull you sh%t together guy” ………
I could just imagine the Bass down below rolling on their sides, flapping the pec fins and laughing their butts off at me; it was one of the few times on the water that I just wanted to go home and hide under the bed.