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  1. I don't know.... I haven't caught my biggest bass yet Fish
    4 points
  2. Had a nice little bite this morning. Overcast and windy, water temps in upper 60's. caught them shallow off clay banks using pop-r's, swimbaits, and shakey heads.
    3 points
  3. **** Trip Log **** Fished 7am – 7pm - Air temp low 60’s – Water Temp 52-55 Winds NNW 15 -20 and Gusty :c( Water Carity - Very Clear, Could see the bottom in 18 - 20ft. Well my first trip was a bit Brutal. The wind was really not cooperating at all. Normally I’m a big fan of a good stiff breeze but this was a little much. I learned a few things right away. Stitching with 10lb braid in the wind is a *****. Precision anchoring (with 2 anchors) in 20 knot winds in a canoe is also a *****. Pike will eat a Stitched worm, and a Stitched stick bait, and just about anything else. OK I guess I already knew that one. So I had a basic plan which included a few spots where I wanted to set up. I knew the wind was going to make it tough and once on the water I had to modify my plan. Essentially I had to fish areas that were sheltered from the wind at least a little. In the book, Mr. Bill talks about fishing only one or two spots a day. I think I know why he did that besides wanting to wait for the fish to turn on; setting up and then hauling in the 2 anchors gets old rather quickly. I fished 3 “spots” today. They were all similar; a drop just outside a spawning area/cove where the depth goes quickly from 25 ft. down to 35-40ft. I anchored 3 ways on each spot. I sat shallow and worked up the drop. I sat deep and worked down the drop. And I sat parallel to the drop and worked along the drop. This turned out to be the one that got me bit. In the somewhat calmer water, it was much easier to first, perform the stitching action without the line blowing all over the place and two, actually maintain some contact with the bait. A single split shot was just too light today. I ended up re-rigging a few times and settled on a pegged 1/16 oz. lead bullet weight. 6 inch Jelly worms and 5 inch Stick baits got bit. No Giants but a few bantam weight bass both brown and green variety made an appearance along with half a dozen 2-4lb pike. Surprisingly I did not get bit off today. All the bites came near the top end of the drop closer to 25 ft. than 30 ft. According to the author, catching this size bass in an area means it’s time to look elsewhere. I was just trying to stay out of the gusty winds. Also, I haven’t been that happy to catch 2 lb. bass in a long time. Over all, this first trip was better than I expected in that I actually caught a few fish. I will admit however, that it was all I could do to keep from pitching a jig and craw at the deep water docks all day. With the high sun and blue skys, there are almost always a few decent fish to be had. I’m back on the water in the morning. With a forecast for less wind, I’m hoping to get on the spots I could not fish today. A-Jay
    3 points
  4. OK, my second catch is 20". See attachments below. I took the pic of the fish next to the rod, then measured the rod. 18" from my post #37. So I'm at 20" and 18" so far :-)
    2 points
  5. Got a pic? That's a big fluke bass man!
    2 points
  6. What a crock............... If you have never done a removal and replace/wrap of a guide I know it will take you much longer than 20 min to do. Hell proper cure of a thread coating will take at least 24 hrs. hooah212002.. Have it done by a pro/rod builder and you won't regret it...
    2 points
  7. Awesome video! I want one! With that thing, I'd be the coolest guy on the water even if I didn't catch any fish! No way I could afford it at the moment though. Maybe I can convince my parents and grandparents to pitch in and call it my next 20 birthday and Christmas Presents. Or someone on here could donate their Pro Angler to a good cause.
    2 points
  8. I haven't read the book yet. But, my experience finds big bass are different. They go active sooner in the year and stay active longer in the fall/winter. I'm lucky to now live within 5 hours of some big bass lakes. In the last 18 months I've broken my PB several times, from 7s, to 8s, to several 9s and finally a 10. When you shake off 5-6s so you can get back to catching 8s-9, you know you are onto something. Baits of choice: 7" Senkos 10" power worms (a faster stitching speed though). I'm going to 12" next. And 6XD. My son got a 13.35 on one of those trips.
    2 points
  9. What's wrong with kids these days? Over the last decade or so kids have been taught that they are all winners, everyone gets a medal no matter how bad they are at whatever they are doing. They have also been taught that there are no consequences to their actions by parents who are too busy or lazy to teach their children right from wrong. Spanking a child is now "child abuse" so kids go unpunished for their bad behavior. Kids today are all about "give me" and have no empathy for other living things. SELFISHNESS, that's whats wrong with kids today. At the ripe old age of 28 I can see the difference in the way I was raised and the way children today are raised. Maybe it's because I was raised in a military family, I honestly cant say, but children today seem spoiled rotten and show no remorse for their actions. /rant. While beating these punks into the pavement would have been well deserved, you did the right thing by reporting them. Hopefully they try this stunt again and get caught. I've been on the wrong end of a conservation ticket (fishing too close to a dam) and the prices are significantly higher than mere traffic tickets.
    2 points
  10. There seems to be a lot of members that are not catching bass, some are just starting out and a few have never caught one. If that's where you are, then this short piece is for you. If you want to start catching some bass, follow these instructions EXACTLY, no modifications or adjustments. Equipment: Medium or Medium Heavy Power/ Fast Action spinning rod and reel. #6 Yo-Zuri Hybrid, Ultra Soft, P-Line or XL. Gamakatsu 4/0 EWG Offset Worm Hooks. 1 bag GYCB 5" Senkos, watermelon with black flakes (194) 1 bag GYCB Fat Ika (194) Place: A pond at least 5 acres in size, preferably with some bottom features or contour. Or, if you have access to big water, a well defined cove, not a bay. Whether you fish from a boat or the shore, you will fish exactly the same way. Method: Start with the Senko. Cast parallel to the bank, 10-15 yards off the shoreline. Let the bait sink to the bottom, count to 30 (as in 30 seconds) then move the Senko 6-12" with a slow horizontal sweep, allowing the bait to fall on slack line. Count to 10, then repeat. Continue all the way back, move ten steps forward and repeat. Fish the ENTIRE shoreline regardless of whether you see cover or structure. Fish two Senkos and if you are still not catching bass, switch to the Fat Ika and fish it until you lose it. Don't switch back and forth. Fish the Fat Ika EXACTLY like you fished the Senko. To make this testing fair, you need to spend at least one hour out fishing, two would be better. You can't hurry and you must stay focused. If you don't catch a bass after two trips or four hours of fishing, you need to find new water.
    1 point
  11. Now that the assault weapons ban and its other parts have been shot down (pun intended). Ammo and firearms cost should return to normal. Now don't all y'all feel silly that went and paid thousands for these firearms and ammo feel silly? This has been going on for years now. Nothing ever comes from it. Other than panic buying.
    1 point
  12. Another link from Shimano that may be helpful. http://fish.shimano.com/publish/content/global_fish/en/us/index/customer_service0/reel_maintenance_instructions.download.-mainParsys-0001-downloadFile.html/Maintenance%20Tips-%20Baitcasting%20Reels%20(2%20pages).pdf
    1 point
  13. Sight fishing, and fish watching period, is really fun. I’ve learned so much from it. Each fish, and set of conditions, is different. But there are some patterns. -The first line of defense is the startle reflex. If you are calm and fluid, and patient, you may not trip that wire. Fish, and other critters, can get used to your presence, eventually filtering out the startle reflex -called "stimulus extinction". -Lighting and visibility conditions affect things, with bright sun making fish edgier, spookier, and making it MUCH easier for them to see, esp details. -Each fish is an individual and some are simply more cautious than others. Deciding on what to do when you spot a fish is the tricky part. I suppose the thing you DON’T want to do the majority of the time is freak out and make quick movements. I also have a habit, from years of hunting, of averting my eyes, looking obliquely at critters –not staring. With fish this isn’t such an issue, they don’t understand the stare, but they can pick up on the movements you make in getting into a stare posture, quickly bending down toward them to duck glare or concentrate your vision. If you’ve ever shot video of your friends hunting or fishing, it can be a big surprise to them how they ACTUALLY look when reacting to something of great interest, like a sighted bass. Often they’ll wiggle all over or just make subtle adjustments that alarm critters. This is sometimes why people who aren’t trying to sight fish catch them, by ignoring the fish until it ignores them, then casting. It’s a tack I use in both fishing and hunting. Although fish do get jaded toward fishing, more cautious in scrutinizing baits, I often wonder how much is due to their perceptions of our presence. It certainly can matter a lot. Another option is to spot a fish, mark it, and return in 1 to 10 minutes depending on the circumstances. Bass are not often stationary so you often have to cast immediately. Careful motions, casting to one-side and ahead, or “tower casting” way high above and beyond sometimes works. Sometimes dropping it right on them works, although if it’s bright and clear and/or the fish is aware of me or even mildly startled, I’ll almost always cast out and retrieve to the fish. Fun stuff.
    1 point
  14. We had a highly regarded marine tech show up at our last club meeting to discuss routine boat maintenance. A lot of the discussion was about E10 fuel. He said that E10 loses its octane at a greater pace than non-ethynol gas. Most vehicles are not a problem because you go through it fast enough. Boats are generally different, and fuel sits for more time before getting burned. Anyway, he said that 87 octane you put in today may be 84 or 85 octane after 30 days. He highly recommends at least 89 so when it loses a little octane it is back where it should be to start with. He was also not a big fan of fuel treatments, and said the "cocktails" are the worse. His repair records have shown about the same rate of failure for those who add nothing to fuel to those who add something. The cocktails have the highest rate of failure, and he contributes that the additives having a fair amount of alcohol in them, and that is added to fuel with ethynol already in it compounding the problem. He basically said stuff will happen regardless of whether you add anything or not. I still add what I have added over the last several years, just because it still makes me feel good I guess. I know people that use "cocktails" with good results and I also know people that add nothing and have had no problems. I also know people that have had problems doing all three things, so maybe he is right to some degree. I know I had to take everything with a grain of salt with him being a marine shop owner and he may just want our business, but it didn't seem like that was the case. lol
    1 point
  15. J Francho, those are the best detailed instructions I have ever read. Going to copy, paste to word pad and print. Taping them above my work table. Thanks a bunch. Hootie
    1 point
  16. Well, as a new guy I appreciate it because in all honesty, I thought the Hobie was overpriced and over the top. However your answers and video has shown me that the Hobie is not a "standard" kayak and is truly worthy of its price tag. I'm not saying I'm going to run out and pull the trigger tomorrow but this thread has sure helped me move over to Hobie's corner.
    1 point
  17. http://fish.shimano.com/media/fishing/SAC/techdocs/en/Low_Profile/12CU200G7_v1_m56577569830796519.pdf Pull the spool tension cap and friction spring to get to bearing part #4343. You should be able to get it off without removing the handle or star drag - just position the points of the star on either side of the cap. Then open the palm side plate, and gently pry off the bearing retainer clip part # 32 to get to the second spool bearing part #4343. I good tip to remove that retainer clip is to do inside a big ziploc bag. They have a tendency to go flying! Soak them in acetone in a small glass jar. Swirl them occasionally, and check for bits of junk in the acetone. Change out the acetone until no more junk floats in the acetone. Pull them, let them dry for ten minutes or so on some paper towel, then give them a ten minute bath in 70% rubbing alcohol. Pull them out, and let them dry again for ten minutes or so. Add one drop of Bantam Oil to the inner edge of the race, and gently spin the bearing on a pencil to distribute the oil. Let them sit on paper towel for another ten minutes to let any excess oil drain. Reinstall the bearings, putting the parts in reverse order that you removed them. Lastly, do not oil the brake drum. It may work great at first, but the oil will degrade in this application, and get a little sticky. I prefer the brake race simply be clean. Dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol, and gently clean the inside race. Do this every couple trips, and you'll have consistent brakes. Good luck, and let us know if you run into any jams.
    1 point
  18. When I bank fish, the shoreline areas I fish are not conducive to most powerfishing techniques. There are areas with limited access that you can get a cast to and it's usually what I refer to as "in-country" situations; similar to Vietnam. Consequently, I don't use "search" & "attraction" baits such as spinnerbaits, crankbaits and most other faster moving presentations. Instead I rely on stealth, observation and "triggering" baits, such as soft plastics, to fish these areas. (Along with a generous application of DEET!) Weightless Texas rigged plastics rule in this environment; Sweet Beavers, Yum Mitey Bugs, most creature baits and I never leave home without some 7" Senkos.
    1 point
  19. I'm a real original senko die hard, but I've been trying out the YUM Dingers, and I swear the slower fall has been getting out bit while fish are up super shallow and cruising. I've just been crushing them on them lately.
    1 point
  20. I think it is also who manages their fish better. As in having go to areas that will last you throughout a 3-4 day tournament, versus a couple spots that has great fish, but doesn't replinish quickly under the conditions. A 1 or 2 day tournament I'd go with the locals, but after that, it would be the pro or local that has a better fish managment plan. We've had locals dominate in the BASS Opens first days, but on the last day struggle to make a limit or it's a small one. The guy who was consistent or versatile, ended up winning.
    1 point
  21. Respect also starts by leading as an example, it will trickle down to all facets, other people, animals etc. When I tell my kids to do something I use please and thank you. I usually used mam and sir at work but after seeing the profound affect this type of addressing one another had in bjj on my son I began addressing all my kids like this. It is amazing how willing to obey when there is a little respect. Cuts down on arguments. Respect is a two way street. A lot of people require it but fail in respecting others, this especially holds true with ones children(especially the way I was raised lol). I know I was guilty of it. I think this is a common thing with these kids, their parents fail to set an appropriate example
    1 point
  22. I don't get it either but kids do dumb stuff when nobody is looking, well nobody they know is looking. And you never get respect by "beating" a kid, what you get is fear which are completley different animals. I was spanked growing up but not beaten and i respected my dad for reasons that had nothing to do with the fear of being spanked. My soon to be 3 year old is learning how to respect people and things and above all else himself.
    1 point
  23. Try soaking and cleaning the stock bearings first and add a drop of bearing oil to them after they dry and see how it works. If you go the ceramic bearing route I wouldn't run them dry but that is just my opinion.
    1 point
  24. I always fish from the bank. Spinnerbaits, squarebill cranks, and Texas Rigged soft plastics are my bread and butter. Add some topwaters and some jigs and you should be good to go.
    1 point
  25. Honestly I couldn't tell you when the model went out but you could call Ranger they'd tell you. The nice thing is technical support. I called them for a schematic on my boat and it was in my inbox instantly. I personally have wanted a Ranger since I was 8 years old. My boat isn't just a boat, it's much more then that. I take really good care of it. However to me it is a tool if I scratch it or get it dirty I don't freak out. I am constantly in it. If it would fit in my bedroom I would sleep in it I think. Plus I am a single guy in the dating world. You wanna seal the deal on a girl... Take her for a ride in a Ranger. It has blown the pants off more then one of 'em. LOL!!
    1 point
  26. Look up the same items on eBay or Craig's list and see if you can find them for sale. Then check out the asking price. Market conditions will dictate what others are willing to pay for the products. As stated above, after you have figured out a price put items for sale on the Forum's Flea Market site. Are you in middle or high school?
    1 point
  27. That's a steal! Glad you're liking baitcasting! Tight lines!
    1 point
  28. I've tried the BPS version, and a few of the others. But nothing seems to work as well for me. They will catch fish, but not like the original. I did get some imitations at the BP gas and tackle shop when we were at Pickwick. I believe they were hand poured, but would not wager a nickel on it. The quality was excellent, and they fished pretty good. Now that I'm back home, I'll give them a good tryout. Don't know how I'd replace them. I believe they were made by someone in the Counce area.
    1 point
  29. Personally I like to use 7.0 and faster reels for topwater, but maybe that's just me. I know working those baits you mentioned produces slack to make the bait work right. I wanna take that slack up as fast as I can.
    1 point
  30. Very nice video, Chuck. Good luck in the upcoming YakAttack fishing tournament! Gordy
    1 point
  31. Got cold tonight... One 2.5 and one 3 pounder...
    1 point
  32. Here's a thought Brian, How fish posistion themselves on a piece of structure can give you a hint of their mood. I'm no super experienced structure fisherman, but it seems like fish on the shallow portion of structure,fish tight to the break or fish that move along the running edge are generally feeding. Crankbaits are a good choice in that scenario. Fish who suspend off the side at the break line depth but suspend well off the edge are less active. Jerk baits and wacky worms dropped through them can get a bite. My buddy says, find em with a crankbait and catch them with slow plastics.... or a jig. Maybe this will give you an option when you find that good looking spot with the arcs on on it but the bites just aren't coming. Doug
    1 point
  33. Its a complete breakdown of morals discipline as a whole. Why work when someone else will provide for you? Why respect your elders, they can't lay a finger on you. Why behave like a civil person? The worst that will happen is you get set in time out. Can't spank them no more, that's abuse. Well then I'm an abuser. I will be damned if my son acts like a heathen. My great grandma had a saying. "Spare the rod, and you'll get the knife." My son says please, thank you, yes and no sir or mam. He doesnt act like a brat. He knows he will get the fire knocked out of his rear if he does. I would have gotten beat with the razor strap or worse if I had done something like that.
    1 point
  34. I fish at night a lot and I still can't catch a lot of fish on a jitterbug, spinnerbait, or buzzbait. I give them a good shot each outing. The most productive for me is a football jig, monster worm, or a finesse worm. I fish with a guy who has won a ton of night tournaments and the only thing he throws is a watermelon red finesse worm with a 1/8 oz tungsten weight. I have witnessed him put some monster fish in the boat. What I have learned from fishing with this guy is to fish the same thing you have confidence in the daylight hours. Get around fish with your confidence bait and you should get bit.
    1 point
  35. My oldest will be 4 Tuesday he is normally good he has his moments but for the most part he is a little angel. My youngest will be 2 in August he's the one that's the most trouble. Iv had custody of them since February and every one has said how much better behaved they are granted they do get a little out of control at times but all kids do.
    1 point
  36. What is the best daytime lure?...
    1 point
  37. This is still bothering me. I mean I was a horrible 18 to 21 year old. I never listened to anyone, raised hell like I was in a MC, and was just a generally all around jerk. Never went and smashed fish though. These younguns ttoday just have no morals or compassion. I mean I'm no saint by any means. I despise humanity with a passion. I see no use for most people. Yet torturing and killing animals for no purpose is just wrong. At least eat what you kill, or utilize it for a purpose other than cruel fun. I have no faith left in humanity anymore.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. I'm a behavior modification specialist.
    1 point
  40. I'm a preacher. I can't imagine doing anything else, and the retirement benefits are out of this world!
    1 point
  41. I'm actually rather partial to my Bomber square As. Granted, my experience is limited.
    1 point
  42. I'm in, we are staying with friends from Tallahassee PD, who have a condo by Rolands. We will have a new boat too. I traded in the Stratos for a 619 Phoenix.. Looking forward to fishing on Okeechobee and in the new boat! We will be down Thursday pre fishing since we've never fished that end of the lake.
    1 point
  43. I keep most of my soft plastics in their original bags, carried in a worm binder. For the stuff I will be fishing regularly on any given outing, Plano boxes.
    1 point
  44. For me in this area it's a jig.
    1 point
  45. Last Sunday sandy pond. Worm colored plastic!
    1 point
  46. Take a look at the skirt making tool from Jann’s Netcraft. It is simple and easy to use. Simply roll a collar on the tube, put the skirt pads over the hook, pull the pads through and push the collar onto the skirt pads. All you need to do from there is cut the ends off and you have great looking skirt. Here is a video on how to use the tool: Jann’s also has a great selection of skirt material and all the accessories needed to make skirts. For cutting the ends of off the skirts, try using a pair of fine tip scissors for a close, precise cut. Silicone Skirt Making Supplies Scissors
    1 point
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