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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/2013 in all areas

  1. Here's my first entry - 6lb 6 oz smb, Tuesday, April 23, Lake Erie - in PA waters. 6 lbs 6 ounces for a total of 102 ounces. PA state record SMB: 8lb 8oz or 136 oz. 102 / 136 = .75 x 100 = 75.00 for 75% And a PB ~ Even though I don't look like it in this photo ~ I'm Pretty Happy ! ! ! I'm gonna say I was just really focused . . . . . .
    4 points
  2. It moved it off the bed and was done with it, they are not "eating" when they are on beds, more than likely it was the male keeping the bed clear for a female, you know kinda like when you clean your house before a lady comes over and then one of your buddies leaves his beer cans and pizza sitting out on the coffee table and she comes over and thinks your a slob, same idea for this poor male you were harassing while he was trying to booty call....lol
    4 points
  3. Here's my first entry - 6lb 8 oz smb, Monday April 22, Lake Erie - in PA waters. 6 lbs 8 ounces for a total of 104 ounces. PA state record SMB: 8lb 8oz or 136 oz. 104 / 136 = .7647 x 100 = 76.47% Sorry A-Jay. There are a few more days left for upgrades on this trip.
    3 points
  4. Just got the phone call iv been waiting for to start work with the roofers union doing commercial roofing. I start at 7 on Thursday my days of sitting home all day with my two sons are over.
    2 points
  5. I usually snag them and break them off before they wear out and break.
    2 points
  6. Took the boy fishing again was a bit slower today the bluegill wernt as active like yesterday when they devoured the worm soon as it touched the water. He managed to catch probably 10 bluegill all fairly small one good sized one and he kept every one despite my protest. He was having a serious case of ADD didnt care what so ever about fishing more interested in sticks and dandelions. When I did hook into a fish he dropped everything and fought it. He also kept getting the fish out of the bucket ad laying them in the grass facing each other making them "fight". I packed one caster with my magic lure so far this year the white booyah spinnerbait. once i realized he wasnt caring to much I busted it out while he ran around playing. I got 1 pike one green fish one brown fish handed the pole over to Noah I bring in just helped him hold the rod up so not to loose the fish. He had a blast again even got treated to ice cream between spots where we got the SMB.
    2 points
  7. thanks, I'm going to start studying the lifes and habits of bass etc. maybe it will help.
    2 points
  8. Ultimately the only way to get noticed is either be a successful guide or win tournaments. Other than that maybe work in a tackle shop and attend events volunteering etc....
    2 points
  9. I cut a long supple willow from pond edge and affix a length of hand-woven 7lb dogbane cordage to it. If I'm feelin' really sporty, I cut a Phragmites wand and affix a 4lb milkweed cord to it. If I hook a big one and it wants to run I just throw the whole rig overboard and follow it until the fish tires or gets bored and gives up. Here's one, taken on a Phragmites wand, 4lb milkweed cord, and Gummy Worm on a bent piece of baling wire stuck in a little mud ball to get her down. I chased her all over the pond, sometimes up to my armpits, before she came to rest under this grassy bank. "Game over!" I bellowed. Just like Ike! A guy on the other side of the pond packed up and took off runnin'. Guess he didn't want to be showed up anymore. "All a boy needs is a block of wood, or a navy bean army."
    2 points
  10. I dont take issue with your post at all. You posted about an issue gave a heads-up basically on what might be the cause of a plugged tube. Now if that issue were to arise with one of my tubes I know now not to cut it open but to poke a screwdriver or whatnot in the opening to free obstruction. THANK YOU Its no different than a rod breaking the first time used youll get it fixed/replace yeah but it still broke and no reason not to post that it broke. You have a plugged tube post about it.
    2 points
  11. I fish a lot of jigs and find that arky heads skip better than brush jigs 3/8 skips great but a 1/2 you tend to have a little more control over and can push back small sticks/grass if you are skipping into cover.
    1 point
  12. I have the Gen 3 Revo STX and it is a nice reel, but is no way as good to me as a Lew's TP or Team Lew's reel. I guess it is all opinion and nothing more.
    1 point
  13. Finesse worm. I don't really care what kind, brand, whatever. As long as its between 3-6 inches, straight tailed, and green colored, I can catch fish with it in almost any conditions on any lake any time of year. Close second would be a smoke or gp grub.
    1 point
  14. I go to tractor supply. In the horse section I buy a product called permethrin 10. I mix that 1oz to 8oz of water in a spray bottle. Shake it up, spray it on all my outdoor clothes and then let it dry. Its good for about 10 washings and the bottle is actually enough to make at least a gallon mixed. Its mandatory here, I hunt turkeys and mushrooms. You go in the woods without it and youre leaving with ticks. With my mix, nothing. Im actually doing my clothes tonight, saturday opens the turkey season.
    1 point
  15. Don't use bell sinkers, and stay out of rocks - it's for weeds. You're defeating the purpose of the rig by using a fat sinker. A skinny sinker works best for penetration. A football jig with a craw trailer would work better in rocks.Better tool for the job.
    1 point
  16. Rage trail anaconda. Always produces for me. 7” that is.
    1 point
  17. Do you really use those walking worms wayne? They look crazy! haha. My fav would have to be the Rage Tail Anaaconda. Amazing worm.
    1 point
  18. Same here or an 1/8 if it's above a 10 mph wind. I will also throw many of my finesse worms such as zoom trick or finesse worms, havoc bottom hoppers and senkos weightless in the dead heat of summer down here with good results.
    1 point
  19. Paul........your sarcasm is OUTSTANDING! but your photoshop might need some work, lol
    1 point
  20. You have gotten great advice from a lot of people on here. All the things listed are things I look for on a topo map. I would add this-- I use what I glean from that study to decide on an area of a lake to concentrate on for the day. I look for an area of the lake that I am CERTAIN has fish in it (the size of that area might be a few thousand acres) because it contains a variety of features that fish use throughout the year. Then I start at what I think is the most likely place in that area to contain a group of fish given the season and conditions. I limit my fishing to that area and force myself to figure the fish in that area out. I think a lot of guys mark 50 spots on a topo map and then spend most of their day running and leave little time for fishing.
    1 point
  21. Wind does not blow adult sized bass anywhere. Hurricanes … maybe. There are species differences to be aware of in terms of current, with largemouth needing calmer water than smallmouth. Some anglers have thought that heavy wave action will push bass out, but telemetry studies have shown largemouth NOT moving out despite heavy wind and wave action, as waves are surface features for the most part. There are several things wind can do that can affect your fishing from the fish’s perspective: -Wind blows warm water downwind (since warm water floats), and if wind is strong enough or long enough in duration, it can roll up deep cold water on the upwind side, replacing the warm that blew off. This is called a seiche. These are real events and I’ve capitalized on them both. -Wind can blow flotsam (wood, weeds, algae) to downwind shores offering cover for security and hunting opportunities for bass. It can also blow food materials (plankton esp) into downwind areas concentrating the food chain for periods of time. I once had a stiff breeze pile Russian Olive fruits against a shoreline concentrating big channel cats against that shore. They were so ravenous, gorging on those fruits, they smacked my crankbaits with abandon. I finally had to give up on that shoreline bc my arm tired out. -Waves generated by wind can disturb bottom substrate roiling the water and offering either an edge bass can collect up on and/or it can dislodge prey from the substrate or orient/disorient prey fishes making them more vulnerable to the larger and stronger bass. -Wind generates current. Current can be critical to bass activity, and is esp notable in reservoirs when turbines are pulling water, prey fishes end up having to orient to it, making them more vulnerable to capture and their movements more predictable. Wind can generate current too. Again, telemetry studies have shown largemouth NOT moving out despite heavy wind and wave action, as waves are surface features for the most part. However, certain areas can develop rip currents which can become too much for bass to sit in. They then use lees, like bass in reservoirs pulling water, or trout in streams. Tidal water anglers get used to fishing current lees. Rip currents and other wind/breeze related currents develop in relation to structural features such as points, shoals, and narrows, or cover pieces like boulders, heavy wood, or even dense vegetation. Keep your eyes open and you might find an opportunity. That’s often what fishing/hunting is about, finding opportunities. That’s what the bass are doing. One fishing tip for fishing in breezes / light wind. I keep some extra spools / reels filled with fluorocarbon as its density helps cut wind better, both as it hangs from your rod tip, and the fact that it can sink below wind generated surface currents. Braid is the worst in wind.
    1 point
  22. There has been countless local guys get spanked by pros on their home lake. Look at how many times the Martins have been beat on Okeechobee for example.
    1 point
  23. Nice, yeah uses my cousins pro max andnloved it so got one and the reco sx can only be even better.. going fishin in a few hours so I'll have a report and pics hopefully of some catches! Lake heartwell is awesome.. stay away from the the spots people tell you to go though.. sure you might catch a fish or 2... but nothinf like finding your own special area tucked away that no one else fishes.
    1 point
  24. A week from today I'll be on the road!!!! I am so ready. This is the first year I've bought out of state fishing licenses before getting an Illinois license. I still don't have an Illinois license. I haven't been fishing here at all. I do have a Missouri and an Alabama license. Strange year for me so far. My first bass of the year will come on the RoadTrip. I'm a bit more ready. Have the Alabama license, selected the rods and reels for this trip, serviced and put fresh line on the reels, cleaned up and organized my tackle for the trip, purchased all the non-perishable supplies for the Soiree and started packing.
    1 point
  25. The titanium spinnerbait wires will break with use since the properties of titanium are destroyed when heated to get the "R" bend shape for the line tie. That could happen with zero fish caught or dozens. I quit using that type, had to send too many back for replacement with the same results.
    1 point
  26. I wish the Pats would go back to their old logo, that wavy head thing is a lousy logo IMO. I liked the old logo that showed the guy in colonial clothes in a 3 -point stance. I doubt they'll ever bring that back and in that case I hope they redesign their unis and get rid of that goofy wavy head thing.
    1 point
  27. Mine is the senko, weightless, it always produces!
    1 point
  28. Not sure how a spinnerbait would break from fish, of course they can bend out of shape. I've caught pike on mine and never had an issue of a Spinnerbait being unusable, of course I guess you can have the skirt be damaged, but that is an easy cheap fix. In fact I haven't had to throw any of my hardbaits from 15 years ago even from saltwater fishing, even with rusting and a lot of the paint/design is chipped away...it still catches fish.
    1 point
  29. At the 2009 Roadtrip I had only caught one fish in Washington State prior to the roadtrip for 2009 and all fish combined caught about 100 for Kentucky Lake with boat trips and shore fishing so this will be a real boost for my morale this Spring after having zero's for my first tournament last weekend where I have'nt zero'd in 10 years!!!
    1 point
  30. Well, back to the golf analogy...Playing from the back tees, Tiger Woods could beat every club chanmpion using nothing but a 7 iron. Back to fishing, who knows about a 1 day contest, the locals might get lucky. However, if it's 3 days, against a top 25 pro, I would bet the professional would win 99% of the time.
    1 point
  31. Stopped at the Stellos boat launch after my hockey game this morning. Threw what was on the rod from last night, the white spinner. had a lucky hockey game and made some saves i should not have made, caught some fish when i should have been on my way to work. not big at 2 1/2 but better than none.
    1 point
  32. Wright&McGill Rick Clunn square bill rod with 17lb fluorocarbon.
    1 point
  33. Ok NC Bassin, you aske dfor it and here it is. This applies to you playing sports, your social life and your work ethic. The following is from Justin Verlander's parents about why Justin stood out at the baseball camps and while growing up. SO HOW DOES A KID GET NOTICED? Arriving early and leaving late Being a good sport and a good teammate Being sincere Being humble Hustling Cleaning up around the dock, the boat, a baseball dugout, a football field when no one is watching or being asked By making eye contact - look the person directly in their eyes By listening Having your hat on straight and yoru pants pulled up By saying "thank you" By addressing older folks with a "Yes Sir and Yes Mam and Yes Coach" By being gracious at all times, even when you lose By wearing clean and pressed clothes and looking like a winner By complimenting others even when they screw up or don't do well By encoraging others when they are in a slump or do something wrong By being a leader By NOT following the crowd By thinking for yourself By doing more than is required By having a firm handshake By standing straight and tall By being in good health and not overweight and sloppy It does not matter if you are in the right place at the right time if you don't stand out. And you stand out by being special. It also helps to win a few tournaments. Just a few suggstions from the parents of the Cy Young winner.
    1 point
  34. They look even better when a fish has them almost swallowed, trust me
    1 point
  35. I could be way off here, but in essence the first part of your question is asking how to make a bait keeper correct? If you want something similar to the Hack Attack keeper you can buy some heat shrink tubing. Cut it an inch long and cut one end at a 45 degree angle. Slide it up the the bend of the hook to the top shank and then heat it on until it cinches down good. I've done this to many of my straight shank hooks. It's much cheaper to buy the SS hooks without the keeper and heat shrink tubing is dirt cheap. If this is not what you were looking for, never mind my ramble
    1 point
  36. Good stuff. You will like the TDZ, the predecessor to the Steeze. I have 100m and it is stellar reel. Your arsenal has been going bananas lately. Congrats on the cool gear! Should be an enjoyable year on the water even if the bite is tough.
    1 point
  37. Being a golfer, I can see how that would be beneficial
    1 point
  38. I agree, pretty nice uniforms. Would like to see the Bills get upgraded, too...
    1 point
  39. The advantage with jig fishing is you can get bye with one or two refills of braid a season,saving you big bucks in the long run.I have used straight flouro and Im sure a lot on here do,but a three foot leader is a heck of alot easier on the wallet .If your going to use straight fluorocarbon for jigs I like it between 15 and 20# Seaguar for all my heavy stuff 12# on Eakins style jigs.
    1 point
  40. Every university has a list of the clubs you can join. When you are considering a school of higher education please do the following: 1. Make sure they have your major and any minor you want to earn. 2. The school is of the size you feel comfortable. University of Illinois has a very large student population. Other state schools have smaller populations. Personal preference. 3. Decide how far from home you want to go. The University of Florida has beautiful coeds and outstanding weather. The University of Michigan has neither. The farther south you go the better the fishing and weather and the coeds are prettier. 4. Go on the school's web site and look for their listing of clubs. If you note a fishing club then try to get the details, especially if you are not bringing a boat. 5. Google college fishing teams and see what comes up. Then change your search to try to locate the teams in the B.A.S.S. and FLW college tournaments. Such teams as Alabama, Auburn, LSU and smaller schools have strong fishing clubs. Even little Radford University in Radford, Virginia has a bass fishing club. Try to locate the Illinois Association of College Recruiters and attend any of the local college fairs. You can meet the college reps and ask them about the school, its majors, the cost and if they have a bass fishing club. And remember, out of state schools will love to have you so don't be bashful and either call the undergraduate recruiting office or send them a letter. An out-of-state fanny in a classroom seat takes up as much room as an in-state student and the out-of-state tuition is a lot more. Just remember that as you get older your intrests will change. Here is a sample of the intrests you will have as you through college: 1. Girls 2. Grades 3. Fishing 4. Girls 5. Girls 6. Girls 7. Girls Just giving you a heads up. Go to college. It is the best five or six years of your life. Don't Graduate - Stay in School!
    1 point
  41. Get her an awesome rod and reel and tell her it's one of the best you can get and then she'll be really happy to use it. And like the other guy said, if she doesn't use it then you have it all to yourself!
    1 point
  42. It can get a little thick on a cold day. But not so bad it's ever blocked up on me.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. Here's how I've been doing it lately. It's just some Duct Tape, a two hole punch, and two binder rings. Best part is you can keep your soft plastics in their original packages.
    1 point
  46. That's why I moved south. Love MN/WI in the summer, but the winters are just too long. I fished a local lake Thursday and Table Rock yesterday. There's a big FLW tourney going on Beaver Lake where I live, so I stayed away from that this week. I caught 43 bass Thursday and my buddy caught 33. I caught somewhere north of 30 (lost count after 25) and he caught 28 on TR yesterday. Life is good in the south, too. Very much looking forward to my 2 months in Northern Wisc this summer fishing, though. The best of both worlds.
    1 point
  47. When living outwest had the opportunity to fish Dry Creek Tubes out of Murtaugh Idaho. Brad is a class act and has a unique color and size assortment of tubes. Tight Lines
    1 point
  48. I got a pair of fingerless fleece gloves from Bass Pro for about 5 bucks. They keep my hands warm enough but I may trim down the fingers so my fingers are more exposed.
    1 point
  49. 5 inch watermellon with red and black flake
    1 point
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