God's garden is a good idea - in theory. In practice, I believe in selective harvest - I really do. I have no problem with you catching a few fish - of any species - to eat. If you catch a bunch of bass or whatever fish to eat all the time, or every time you run into a bunch of fish - well, the title of"meat hog" comes to mind, and that is being kind.
I don't think that that is the most enlightened way to fish or that it is the best thing for the resource over the long term. I have a really big issue with catching a bunch of game fish and then giving them away. Game fish are controlled by limits, number & size limits, for a reason. To keep a limit of game fish (or more) every time out becomes at the very least greedy and self centered. As opposed to resource centered, which is the side of the fence that selective harvest is on. Basically,when you keep a bunch of fish to feed other people you aren't being selective any more.
My question then becomes, "What are you really feeding here?" Are you feeding a bunch of people who may or may not be hungry, but didn't catch the fish, and thus didn't earn the right to consume the fish? OR Are you feeding your own ego, telling yourself that you're a great fisherman, that you can catch a bunch fish whenever and care so little about them that you just give them away? That son, is a genuinely fair question.
Basically my point is the game fish population, nationwide, is a resource and I don't see any reason to decimate the resource, just to feed poor & needy people. There are other more efficient and less resource decimating ways to feed poor & needy people.
This rant applies to game fish, those fish protected by statutes, conservation departments, and by the vast majority of fishermen's sense of right & wrong. It does not apply to Asian Carp or snake heads.
Should you desire to feed poor & needy people fish, become an asian carp specialist. Feed as many carp to that section of society as you can. Feed so many that you make a dent in the carp population. Now that would make you a hero, not only in my book but in lots of peoples books. If your fishing ego needs feeding, now that would be an honest socially and politically correct way to feed it.
OK - rant is done now - thanks for reading