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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/2013 in all areas

  1. Its all relative, no one is better than you because of X Y, or Z, especially when it comes to emotion. Cliff's name should be "Cool handed Cliff"
    3 points
  2. The bling is OK - but at the end of the day, as you said, it's the performance...especially the end result. Speaking of end results - here's the best color match: silver reel and big green bass...
    3 points
  3. Not sure what was better, the fact that I did do #3, or that while reading the rest I was laughing at myself for doing it.
    2 points
  4. Ease up on the "retarded" stuff lest ye look any more ignorant.
    2 points
  5. I think it is perfect how it is myself. You are winning the ultimate prize and it is life changing both financially and in your career as an angler. Also making 45k in 3 days is nothing to be ashamed of I also imagine it is somewhat representative of sponsorship money as well.
    2 points
  6. Me three. I don't drink, but if something happens to me, I want someone who is totally sober to take the wheel. The "captain/owner" is responsible for his vessel, and those on it.
    2 points
  7. Lol. I remember him hooking a huge bass and getting it hung up under the boat and having a melt down. He kicked the trolling motor, cussed, ended up freeing the fish, rips his jersey off WHILE lipping the bass lol. My wife watched that video and was like wow, are you related? Lol.
    2 points
  8. Who is Cliff Chase? Chevy's brother???????
    2 points
  9. It maybe of interest to know Don Iovino, considered by the fresh water fishing hall of fame to be the Father of Finesse fishing didn't fish with spinning tackle, he used tuned 2500C bait casting reels and Phenix rods with 6 lb Maxima mono line. Don made Doddling or shaking "brass 'n glass" hand poured small worms. This is the forerunner of shaky head jigs, same presentation with flat face round head jig and worm. About the same time period, esrly 80's, Don competitor was Dick Trask, who won more tournaments then Don by split shotting and dart hed 4 to 5" curl tail worms. Trask used spinning tackle; Daiwa TD reels and Phenix rods, also with Maxima 6lb mono. Don and Trask used the same rod blanks and between them dominated western bass tournaments. Iovino and Trask knew how to power fish, but 5, 3 lb bass = 15 lb limit and gets a pay check in most tournaments fishing high traffic small lake on weekends. Not all finesse presentations are light tackle, stitching a split shot rigged 12" hand poured worm with 15lb line is also considered "finesse" presentation that trophy bass anglers used like Bill Murphy. Iovino's PB 18. Lb bass was caught shaking a 5" Smitty worm, not all finesse bass are 3 lbs! I recommend Don's book Finesse fishing and the sonar connection to anyone interest in finesse bass fishing. Tom PS; Aaron Martens credits Dick Trask for teaching him, as a young teen, how to tournament and finesse fish. Unfortunately Dick passed away before publishing any articles.
    2 points
  10. I love fishing gossip. Hackney just credited his Bassmaster Classic catch to the *new* KVD 1.5 Flat. Makes sense... can't wait to actually see them!
    1 point
  11. So like many of you, I got a spool of Tuf-Line Supercast. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/113671-new-tuf-line-supercast-free-line-offer/ I got the 12lb(6lb equiv) and spooled it up on my Stradic Ci4 2500 paired with a Pinnacle Perfecta 70 ML/F. My first impression was that it was somewhat limp and flexible. Much more so than the cheaper braids I have tried, but no quite as much as the more expensive one I have been using. But for spinning rods, I came to find out this is a GREAT thing. I fished all day with it today, catching 12 bass. Not the first tip-wrap. So if you are looking for a braid for a spinning rod to eliminate tip wrap, this is it. Secondly, it took well to a leader. I tied a modified albright knot to connect my 6lb Seaguar Invisx leader. No problems with that either. Thirdly, was that I noticed how quiet it was. Not only am I used to braid being noisy on retrieves, but also when fighting a fish. Not with this braid. Smooth and quiet. Lastly I will leave with this, I am not afraid to admit, that I set the hook into what I would assume was a big ole log. The reason I assume was I do not know, as it never moved, and I did not get my shakey head back. But what I do know is that it took a ton of effort to break of. And while I admit that I do not fish braid that often, I do know that when you pull hard to get something un-hung or just to break off, that the line usually digs into itself causing a mess, kink, or tough spot in the line. This one did not. While this is just my opinion of day 1, I look forward to seeing how it does on future trips! Jeff
    1 point
  12. March, it's almost here !! Its' time for most of us to dust off the rods and start getting everything ready to hit the water, March is a time of thawing and warming up of our favorite waters, it's that short period of time we get to use for tracking the fishes movements from deep to shallow as they prepair for yet another spawn. Some of us have already experienced this event and some of us eagerly await the event. March, it's like that ol' firehouse from way back when, you know the one, the bell would ring and half the town would show up to put out the fire, some would watch and some would work and some would help with whatever they could, kind'a like a fishing tournament, once again the boats will roar to life as they gather for the seasons first event, once again they gather in a large pool of boat after boat, once again they take off one by one, hitting the trottle and setting sail for their first destination and their first fishing event of the season, each one hoping they will be the victor at days end, aaaaahhhhhh, I can smell the oil mixed fuel now !! Are you ready? Did you do your homework? cause it's time to show what you got, and give all those new lures and rods and reels a good workout that you got for Christmas, is this going to be the year for you? the year you will finally put all of it together and start to really figure out what you are doing and not give up? YES !! Yes it is, it's time to fish !!, it's time to not just show up, but to show off those new skills you worked on last season and over the winter, it's time to stop dreaming and start catching more fish !! WWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOO HHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's time once again to get out there, throughout this season, I wish each and everyone of you that this season is the best one you have ever had, I hope you continue to grow and learn and most importantly, teach, pass along this awesome thing we like to do so much. I hope this season brings a lot more of us together and new friendships made that will last a life time, with lots of memories, especially ones that include some big ol' bass. To the events of the season, I hope the Roadtrip turns out to be the best one ever, it sure sounds like it's going to be, especially with so many states being represented this time around, be careful and have a safe trip to and from and enjoy the time while you are there, man I can't wait to see the video of this one !!!! Let the fun and the swearing begin !!! Good luck and be safe everybody !!!
    1 point
  13. I walked out to the boat this past weekend, still covered up for the winter, as I reflect on the upcoming events with our Government, I could not help but wonder what this season would hold, Thursday is a day of deadlines for our Govenment, once again I await to see if my paycheck gets cut yet again, I had saved a few bucks for my birthday trip to my favorite lake over the last several months, a trip I have not been able to take for the past few years, it was just enough to get out for the day, I started to uncover the boat but thought I had better check the batteries first that I had stored for the winter, wouldn't you know it, sure enough both are shorted for the trolling motor, although the main battery seems to be in good shape, I walked over to my red truck to borrow the battery from it and low and behold, that one has also reached it's end as well, with the rising costs of everything, I knew this weekends planned fishing trip was a wash, so much for a birthday trip yet again. Last night I got a phone call from my really good friend as I was sitting in my chair watching the news, he has invited me to spend the weekend at the lake with him, a Saturday with just us and he has to go back to work on Sunday, he has opened up his offer by letting me use his boat for the rest of the weekend through Monday. If you know me, I am not the type too use someone elses equipment, I always feel bad about those sort of things, I feel as if I am taking advantage of something, but the offer was more than I could have ever wished for, I had found this type of thing twice on here with Zoff and Quanjig, both had offered their day with me on the water to be at their expence, nothing else but just simply come and enjoy the day with neither one asking for any monitary investment, nor would they take it as offered. I am once again reminded of the kind of people we are toward one another, even though you think times are rough, there are those suprising moments in life that just make you want to stop and give thanks for the kindness that people always seem to show, just a day on the water, it may not seem like much, but that escape from the pressures of everyday life, no matter how brief, always seem to renew the soul don't they, just hearing the wind as it whips by the rod as you cast, the spool buzzing off line as bait goes flying through the air, only to have your friend laugh at you for fishing in the trees, those moments are few and far between, enjoy them while you can. There may be another 4 years of high fuel costs and taxes etc..., it may last even longer, who really knows, but everyday I am thankful for the friendships I have made and the opportunities I have been blessed with, this site has also allowed me to make some really great friends to talk with and share a little about one another, and to also someday plan a get together, miles and miles and miles apart are we from one another, but yet we still share a smile and on some occasions a laugh or two, this site has opened new doors and allowed me to make some really great friends, some are still only through words, someday I hope to meet each and everyone of you and be able to return the same kindness, until then enjoy everything you have been blessed with and laugh as much as you can, we are not here for very long at all so make the most of it no matter your given situation. Untill that day comes, keep those baits in contact with something, get off those banks, thats what you purchased that boat for in the first place, enjoy the time and take the time too learn something new. Good luck and be safe !!!
    1 point
  14. Which colors did you get? Leonardo? Donatello? Raphael? Maybe Michelangelo? But seriously, their little commercial makes it look like bass don't mind them too much. You never know! I always wondered if bass ever hit baby pond turtles. Hey, even small children dressed as zombies like turtles. Bass certainly should!
    1 point
  15. Very impressive start. But, it's not how you start, it's how you finish. I actually think it would benefit them in the long run to lose a game here soon. The pressure they are putting on themselves to keep the streak going could effect them later in the season or playoffs.
    1 point
  16. Wear what you want bro lol. This is Vols country, so if we hear banjos I will just go faster lmao!
    1 point
  17. So long as your swimbaits are swimming upright it doesn't matter what the head is doing. The bass to care.
    1 point
  18. They will use whatever they get paid to promote. Not saying it's garbage but I've heard a lot of gripes about the guides not being in line.
    1 point
  19. Not to be a party pooper, but what it means is you're undefeated in 18 regular season games. Like winning MLB games in June or NFL games in October. Yeah they count, but they don't count for playoff wins. Nice streak though.
    1 point
  20. ur pinion yoke is upside down. it has a 45deg angle on it that fits the 45deg angle on the cam assembly. if it is upside down the pinion gear won't reach the spool shaft pin at the bearing=no turn.
    1 point
  21. I have one. But i paid more than that! (Good deal!!!) Lowest ive used on it is 3/8 ounce jig with a trailer. Ive used as much as 1.5oz punching with it. Sweet spot really is around 1/2 with a trailer. 3/4 T rigs feel good too. You will like it alot.
    1 point
  22. I like the Big Bite Baits Squirrel tail on a shaky head, as well as the strike king finesse worms. However, I would really invest some time in learning how to split shot. Get yourself some 4.5 inch roboworm curly tails, zoom dead ringers (amazing worm, especially in the 4.5 inch for finesse), some small flukes, etc and rig them on a light wire hook (size appropriate to the bait, 1/0-2/0), peg them with a bobber stop/carolina keeper with a small tungsten weight and a bead (or just use split shot!) and start dragging that bad boy across fishy looking spots. It has saved a LOT of days for me.
    1 point
  23. Get a pack of Lunker City Texposers. I haven't looked at another hook in years for plastics.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. They were interesting to fish. I fished both a 5 and a 7 model today, both on the same setup. Spinning combo, 6lb FC coated line. It seemed like I needed to keep a pretty decent retrieve speed to get that erratic action, but they definatey danced around pretty good. The 5 could be over powered pretty easy, so it was a bit of a balance to fish it fast enough, but not too fast. The 7 went deeper and seemed to be a little more flexible/easy to fish. Bite was very slow today, and I did not catch anything on the Scatter's. But they did look good, so I have hopes of them paying off when the fish start biting a bit better.
    1 point
  26. Congrats .......enjoy your new stick.
    1 point
  27. i like a flat sided crankbait for cold weather fish. The KVD 1.5 is a producing bait, considering their price point I'll be buying a few. Hopefully more guys think like these 2^
    1 point
  28. Not sure I will have $ left for these after I buy up all of the Rapala scatter raps.*end sarcasm*
    1 point
  29. I don't know if he even noticed that he won...
    1 point
  30. LMAO too,ain't no ice here on the cape and the snow is just about gone might not have to wait until april
    1 point
  31. Man Pace get excitited brother you just won the biggest bass tourney and 1/2 a million!
    1 point
  32. Install your 997c SI at the console and then get an extra SI transducer, power cord, and AS SYSLINK for the trolling motor so you can use it a both places. Use the RAM mount system so you can easily switch display positions to have it where you are. Once you learn how to use Side Imaging, you will want that information as you fish.
    1 point
  33. The driver remebers the package but dont know where he took it. Hmmmmm sounds fishy. i guess fed ex guys bass fish too..
    1 point
  34. It depends on the cover. If there are a lot of weeds I will start with a fluke or a spinnerbait. If there is a lot of open water I will throw a rat-l-trap.
    1 point
  35. Bait casting or spinning rod you should pick a rod that suits how you fish, what line return nd wht weight lures you plan to use. Gary Yamamoto for example only uses spinning tackle and there is a wide variety of rods to choose from. Need a little more input before making a suggestion. Tom
    1 point
  36. on a more serious note, congrats on the new canoe. i loved getting off shore. ur truck will work fine. google 's10 ladder rack'. buy one used off CL or break out the ole' saw, bolts and 2x4's to make ur own. for the portion of canoe that sits on ur truck cab: split a 'wet noodle' half way open and slide it on the canoe gunwales so it won't scratch ur roof (or just use two bath towels). buy a set of ratchet tie down's at wally world. open both truck doors and run the straps thru the INSIDE of the cab. ratchet down tight. should go anywhere. search google images for 'homemade ladder rack' for some good ideas. do you have a trailer hitch? they have special ladder/canoe bar/mounts that fit a 2" hitch. google 'trailer hitch canoe rack'. http://www.carrackadvice.com/yakima-racks/carrying-canoe-on-2005-toyota-tacoma-pickup-truck/attachment/2005-toyota-tacoma-quad-cab-roof-rack-525/
    1 point
  37. I just ordered the Stern Saver from Tackle Warehouse because I didn't want to screw the transducer directly into the transom. Still waiting for them to ship it but the installation looks easy and the idea seems to be smart. I was dead-set on mounting my Humminbird down scan unit up front and on the trolling motor but a co-worker who knows a ton more about fishing and boats told me to mount it on the console because most of the time I will be cruising looking for structure, not trolling. My two cents.
    1 point
  38. Nice. It will only get easier from here on out. Organization is the key. I usually have mine serviced but next year I'm gonna start doing my own.
    1 point
  39. Don't worry about it come to the inlet and you can use one of mine.
    1 point
  40. I spin a lot. I love Fenwick but BPS doesn't carry it. Look in the Shimano Line. I believe you can get the Clarus line for your price range and if you have any play in the $$$ @all....look at the Compre's. Fantastic!!!!
    1 point
  41. Simple. Because HE WANTS ONE and HE CAN AFFORD IT. We buy stuff all the time that we dont need. We got guys on here that buy G Loomis NRX and St. Croix Legend Extreme but two of the tops pros in the world yesterday finished days one of the classic in the top 4 with quantum rods and Abu rods. (Hardly highend stuff...mid grade at best)
    1 point
  42. I just got mine today!! I'll take some pics of it tomorrow or just look at J Francho's kayak cuz its mine now! I cant wait for ice out
    1 point
  43. I've got a gen2 SX with one of my Recons, gotta love the blacked out look.
    1 point
  44. oh, my Gen 3 SX matched with a Phenix Recon is arguably the best looking combo i have ever laid eyes on. Everytime i look down an see it on the deck i think "thats just one badass looking combo"
    1 point
  45. I just wanted to point out that last sentence and how utterly true it will be for thousands of anglers. For me, I am only getting hot and heavy into bass fishing for the past year, so I have all types of lures. I don't necessarily just buy some random baits. I look into a technique that I am looking to explore (usually through BR and other online articles) and if I see a home for it in my lineup, I then pick the best quality lure type/brand for the job. This is where reviews and BR research comes in. Hope that makes sense sir.
    1 point
  46. The Trash Fish is very soft, yet fairly durable, a unique combination. Result is a swim bait that can swim very slow with a strike reaction from bass or can be swam at a moderate rate when you change cadence and not roll, this makes this swimmer different. Lakes that have perch as bait fish the profile looks like a perch. I have fished the shad colors in 4" and 6" Trash Fish, doesn't look like a shad, however catches bass feeding on shad! Senko's took several years to catch on because they have an action that was unlike other soft plastics and the suttle wiggle triggers strikes on the fall. Trash Fish trigger tikes on a slow retrieve, give this design try, slow it down and change it's pace. Tom
    1 point
  47. From Benno Himself: "Hi folks, This is Benno from Little Creeper Baits. I have seen some of the posts about the Berkley Sick Fish. I just wanted to clarify that the design was not stolen and we are not getting screwed by the big guys. When the our Trash Fish first came out I sent a few to Skeet and a few other friends who fish at the pro level. Skeet loved them and used them to great effect that season, he even was able to get us a little national attention because of his 5th place finish on Clearlake. About a year and a half ago Skeet contacted me and wanted to make a version of the design for the mass market. At the time we were struggling through our darkest days. I made a deal with Skeet that allowed him to use the original Trash Fish design and allowed us to continue making our Trash Fish. At the time we received enough to get us through those very dark days and survive long enough for people discover our baits and give us a fighting chance at success. We also have the promise of a modest residual income once their bait started to sell. Hopefully the future income will help us continue to keep going. Skeet has done his part to honor our agreement, and we have done ours. I new when the deal was struck that Berkley would be making a very different bait with the same shape. To us the design only half of the story. The materials we use and way we make them is at least as important in making the Trash Fish (and eventually all of our baits) what they are. My hope is that people will be exposed to the design and get curious about what our baits are all about. We really appreciate that people have come to love and rely on our baits as a well made tool that fishes like nothing else made. We also are very humbled and grateful that people are recognizing what we trying to do and really want us to succeed. We are still a very small company working very hard to make the best baits possible. We are not rich, or even very comfortable at this point. But with your support we think we have a chance at a solid future that will allow to make many more baits that will help you catch a ton of fish. We thank you again for your support. We will continue to make our baits by hand in the USA, and do our best to continue bringing you the best lures we can possibly make. Thanks again to everyone."
    1 point
  48. Bobby uhrig will probably get you a new one, but you could just put a small, stout 2/0 or 3/0 trailer hook on and bend the broken hook over. Put a small 4" grub on the trailer hook and you'll get them on it most of the time. Fish mostly always go for the back of something unless they completely inhale it. (Or if they just bump it)
    1 point
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