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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2013 in all areas

  1. March, it's almost here !! Its' time for most of us to dust off the rods and start getting everything ready to hit the water, March is a time of thawing and warming up of our favorite waters, it's that short period of time we get to use for tracking the fishes movements from deep to shallow as they prepair for yet another spawn. Some of us have already experienced this event and some of us eagerly await the event. March, it's like that ol' firehouse from way back when, you know the one, the bell would ring and half the town would show up to put out the fire, some would watch and some would work and some would help with whatever they could, kind'a like a fishing tournament, once again the boats will roar to life as they gather for the seasons first event, once again they gather in a large pool of boat after boat, once again they take off one by one, hitting the trottle and setting sail for their first destination and their first fishing event of the season, each one hoping they will be the victor at days end, aaaaahhhhhh, I can smell the oil mixed fuel now !! Are you ready? Did you do your homework? cause it's time to show what you got, and give all those new lures and rods and reels a good workout that you got for Christmas, is this going to be the year for you? the year you will finally put all of it together and start to really figure out what you are doing and not give up? YES !! Yes it is, it's time to fish !!, it's time to not just show up, but to show off those new skills you worked on last season and over the winter, it's time to stop dreaming and start catching more fish !! WWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOO HHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's time once again to get out there, throughout this season, I wish each and everyone of you that this season is the best one you have ever had, I hope you continue to grow and learn and most importantly, teach, pass along this awesome thing we like to do so much. I hope this season brings a lot more of us together and new friendships made that will last a life time, with lots of memories, especially ones that include some big ol' bass. To the events of the season, I hope the Roadtrip turns out to be the best one ever, it sure sounds like it's going to be, especially with so many states being represented this time around, be careful and have a safe trip to and from and enjoy the time while you are there, man I can't wait to see the video of this one !!!! Let the fun and the swearing begin !!! Good luck and be safe everybody !!!
    3 points
  2. You guys are reading too much rod manufacturer's propaganda...
    3 points
  3. Well I couldn't help it. I was slated to make it an all day affair Sunday, but I went to just the expo when it opened up at 12. This was, to me, the bass bait mecca! I seen a bunch of pros. I talked to some. I made some purchases. I have to say one person stood out to me. A total class act. As I walked up to the Strike King booth, which wasn't gaudy or big, I noticed a lot of jerseys. I started browsing the Rage stuff they had. I was looking for the Eeliminator. I asked one of the guys if they had some. He obliged and we walked around the display to where the few they had were located. There was a guy there that looked vaguely familiar to me. He asked what we were looking for and I told him. He pointed out the few packs they had and asked what colors I liked. BANG! Then it dawned on me. I said you must be Big O. He said yes sir. I introduced myself and told him how I knew of him from on this site. I received some tips without asking and a couple of stories to go with the tips. All in all he spent about 5 to 10 minutes of his time, then handed me the pack. I asked where I needed to pay and he told me they are yours. I seriously felt like I had won the lottery. It totally made going today worth the special trip down to the Expo. Also a special thanks for RW for suggesting these baits and what to do with them on another thread to another member on here. I just picked up on it and went with it. Here fishy fishy!
    2 points
  4. First, welcome to the forums! I'd throw soft plastics the whole time, among occasional shallow cranks and jigs. That's me. Wacky rigged stick baits, finesse worms, even lizards have produced during spawn/post-spawn for me big-time.
    2 points
  5. Paging Dr. LMG... Dr. LMG we have a patient in ICU with shimanoitis. Please report to the ER for shimurgery stat!!
    2 points
  6. I've bent/broken at least a dozen hooks on 1.5s and 2.5s when I failed to change them. At first I thought it was the way I was fishing them, and what I was doing. Alas, no. Now, I've learned my lesson; every single one gets changed.
    2 points
  7. Okay. So I signed it..... for what it's worth. The fact is though {and I know fishermen hate to hear me say this} but fishing methods, and opportunities in general, will be picked away, little by little, until in 20 or 30 years... certainly no more than 50, fishing as a sport, will no longer exist.... except maybe on private land. Too many kids glued to a TV, or an iPhone. Not enough time left for "the real world". Fish
    2 points
  8. Ive been hearing a lot of you guys saying you don't like the standard hooks on the KVD squarebills. Just wondering what you feel is so bad about them. I can honestly say that every time a fish has hit one of my 1.5's Ive landed it and never had a problem with hooking up or a fish throwing the bait. Granted I haven't been fishing nearly as long as most of you nor am I reeling in anything much bigger than 3 pounds tops. Any oppinions?
    1 point
  9. Keep an eye on Jason Christie. This guy could take it. That said, I'd like to see Aaron Martins, Shaw Grigsby or Gary Klein take it one of these years. These guy paid there dues, and earned it.
    1 point
  10. Looks good. Those are my favorite hook too.
    1 point
  11. I'm not a fan of having this event so early in the year. I get why they're doing it (it interferes with the regular season if they push it out further), but these brutal cold temps and weather conditions are tough. I hear a lot of folks thinking KVD or Ike will be front runners, but you really have to step away from your favorites and take an objective look. If you did, then you would see a few "unknown" names surface, such as Jason Christie. The dude is an animal - he only fished 4 elite events last year and won two - and they're hosting this event on his home lake. You may not know his name because he's been tearing it up on the FLW tour the past few years, but trust me, this guy can stick it to the best of them. Keep an eye on this guy. There's others, so don't be surprised to see "no names" near the top of the leaderboard the next few days. Oh....and for clarification...the full field competes the first 2 days, with the top 25 making it to the last day. Enjoy! Glenn
    1 point
  12. They look great,congrats on your PB as well.
    1 point
  13. Nice looking jigs. Are those Owner #5304 hooks? It looks like them, but yours seem rounded off. Nice umbrella rig as well.
    1 point
  14. I think I've typed the words "I like the Compre" way too many times this week so I won't do it again. I'll cut and paste. I like the Compre. In all seriousness, that's what I use when tossing soft plastics, a Compre spinning rod. It's the one that actually turned me onto the line.
    1 point
  15. There is no "best" rod. The "best" rod is the one that feels comfortable to you and fits within your budget. Personalty, I would recommend the St. Croix, but put your reel on the rod and see how it feels. If you like it, buy it.
    1 point
  16. But a man's wife can determine if said man will sleep in dog house (or shed) with all his rods! LOL
    1 point
  17. If I hadn't bought a pair of Shimanos last month I would be tempted by a St. Croix or G. Loomis thanks to the unexpectedly large tax refund I'll be getting in a few days...that said, a man can never have too many fishing rods...
    1 point
  18. I just picked up a new Cumara A umbrella rig rod not to long ago and I've been very very pleased with it so far. It's really sensitive, light, and once I got familiar with how it loads with an A-Rig tied on it's a great caster. I've only tried a hand full of baits on it so far but a 3/4-1 oz jighead and plastic will fish great on these rods in my (limited) opinion. I plan to use 1 oz scroungerheads with magnum flukes in the middle of summer on this rod as well so I'm planning very similar things as what you're looking for. I'm sure the Crucial would be a perfectly good rod for these purposes as well, just not quite as light.
    1 point
  19. Totally agree here. Lifetime warranty -- over the counter! -- is second to none for a quality rod. Although I'm now "falling in love" with St. Croix too........
    1 point
  20. Though I haven't fished a Sellus, I've held and compared them a number of times to the Clarus, other rods. I have found them a tad on the heavy side. That's purely my opinion. It is a fine rod for the money. But for less $, I would think the Berkely Lightning Shock is a lighter rod.
    1 point
  21. LgMouthGambler must be gettin' spittin' mad about now. I'm ducking for cover!
    1 point
  22. I personally don't see what the problem is with the hooks on SK baits. I've got a ton of their lures and never once had an issue with the hooks. Same goes for the Academy H20 baits that come with VMCs. You guys must be hooking up with some faaaaaaaaaat girls way more than me if you're bending them.
    1 point
  23. I hate when that happens. i hate when he has the BPS page up and the TW page up and purchases from both sites. One day he backed a Ranger down my driveway in front of my wife, and never even told her he was buying it. Hes such a trouble maker.
    1 point
  24. Thanks for all the great replies. I'm really leaning towards a Powell Max 734 right now and with a few months until the season I have time to search for a good deal on one. Joe
    1 point
  25. Rooster, if I'm seeing oyour pic correctly, you may indeed have to modify your grip. I have reels with swept handles and without; about an even split. I don't see any real difference. They certainly do not feel any more ergonomic than straight handles. I would not base my purchasing decision on the shape of the handle. Now, a handle with four bearings: that would be a different story.
    1 point
  26. Lifetime warranty on the clarus, only a year on the sellus. I have two of the clarus rods. No complaints.
    1 point
  27. A bait that stays over the bed for a long time. A weightless senko or drop shot. I adjust the lenght of the tag end on the drop shot until I know my lure is right in front of the bed fish's face. Patience is key. It might take many casts to catch one fish. A good, quick release is nice for once you catch one.
    1 point
  28. This was and still is a concern of mine. My bedroom is at one end of the house and the others are at the other end. Add the fact that the walls in my home are set on2X2's and penetration is a BIG concern. After much consideration and conversation with other gun owners, I decided on frangable ammo for most of the rounds in my magazine. I say most because every third round is a round nose jacketed designed for going through walls and such. There may be instances where shooting through the wall of an intruder using it for cover is desired. The other thing I'm a proponent of is a low stance, preferably down on one knee, inside the home. This puts the tragectory of your bullets on an upward angle. Any wayward shots would continue on that angle and be less likely to injure other family members. Lastly, You should train your loved ones accordingly. They should get down and stay down until you or authorities give them the okay. It also gives you extra time to dispose of the threat should they enter their room as the perp would have to find them first, not to mention knowing that they are below your line of fire.
    1 point
  29. At the price point I love the Shimano Compre line -- I do own several and dig them. That said, many swear by the Veritas...
    1 point
  30. I remember the first time I had this as well, it was a 3lb Bucket fishing a 6in plastic worm. Tossed it out couple jigs and all of sudden my line was slowly moving off to the right against the current and I knew it was time to set! BAM fish on!! It was a great feeling, like I had finally graduated from Fry to Minnow hahahaha.
    1 point
  31. You should make Vroom Vroom sounds while shaking a spinnerbait as you wait in it.
    1 point
  32. Some of the pros change out the manufacturer's hooks for a size larger and sometimes a different style. I like to change my crankbait hooks to a #4 Triple Grip Wide Gap Trebel hook by Mustad. They are extremely sharp. I may change both the front and back or just the front hook. I also will add a #3 split ring on some cranks front hooks to allow the hook to hang lower. Just my preference.
    1 point
  33. I'm excited to get to drive to Oklahoma pulling my boat in this crap tonight Spent 3 hours clearing our driveway and the neighbors driveway earlier today so hopefully I'll have some good karma for the drive.
    1 point
  34. Agreed. I mean they can hook up a bunch of GoPro cameras with live-feeds on each fisherman's hat! Of course we'd all go bat crazy watching, probably get sick, too. In this day and age, unless the previous time(s) it was "live" was a failure behind-the-scenes, it would seem feasible to continue the trend. Unless there's just too many variables with people all over the water.
    1 point
  35. espn needs to give the classic the same treatment as NHRA drag racing. where they air it the day it takes place, and possible live coverage down the stretch. wasnt the classic from lay lake live? why cant they do that anymore? it worked out well i thought. otherwise i have no desire to watch the classic a week after all the results are known, its almost pointless then
    1 point
  36. It does in fact make the reel more efficient. It helps with erganomics by keeping your cranking hand closer to the center of your holding hand. Try it sometime and the farther you get your cranking hand from the center of the rod and reel you are holding the more it puts torque on the rod and reel and makes it harder to stabilize and keep from wanting to roll as you put more pressure on the handle. This is minimal with a Bass and Walleye size reel, but more noticeable with bigger reels larger fish like the bigger Calcuttas and Pike Salmon and Musky, even large freshwater species like Catfish and Carp, on light tackle will be easier to control your rod hand and retrieve more efficiently by keeping your cranking hand closer to the center of your holding hand. These companies think of everything anymore, and as a Charter Captain, I realize how the little things do matter. NOW A CORK HANDLE DON'T! IT AINT LIGHTER "check out the St. Croix Legend Elite series, light as it gets" AND THEY HAVE A FULL, REAL, HANDLE!! Sorry but I had to say that----------AGAIN! We all have our preferences!!
    1 point
  37. Nice rigs........Like that 802C.
    1 point
  38. I go to the website 20 times a friggin day! lol
    1 point
  39. I find that following the updates on the site is quite entertaining. You get a pretty good feel for what is going on and who is in the mix for the day, and who isn't.
    1 point
  40. Get it straight from the inventor: http://billm.fatcow.com/ They work Great. Here's a little tip: Us two to make an "x" and you can have a perpendicular hook.
    1 point
  41. The flippin straight shank hook by Gammy easily has the worst bait collar on the market hands down
    1 point
  42. Ha Ha !! Does it sound like a sewing machine yet? lol ! If it would not be for that signature noise I don't think you would be able to hear them running, Great cars in my opinion.
    1 point
  43. So you mean run everything like you would normally, but put the magnetic switch somewhere along the neg wire leading from each light? Yes, you could do that. But you would have to make sure that they are each run independent. Splice or T-Tap connect into the main wire and then on the loop you added put the magnetic switch. If you dont do this then none of your lights will work unless every compartment is open. Also, this prevents one bad connection from turning off all your lights like a bad bulb in christmas lights
    1 point
  44. If it's a jerkbait bite - I going with Mike McClelland. A-Jay
    1 point
  45. Similar deal for me too. I feed a wood stove all winter and that's like a job. A-Jay
    1 point
  46. So,I guess college fishing isn't a NCAA sanctioned sport and is more of a club deal? Makes sense since people can have individual sponsors.
    1 point
  47. I have the Smoke sl100hpt. I think its a great reel. Very light, quiet, and very smooth. I think you'd be very happy with it.
    1 point
  48. I was given one of these as a gift this past winter. It looks odd in my fleet of shimanos but i'm going to give it an honest shot. With hardwater still upon me, I've only been able to give it a backyard test (big backyard). I mounted it on an xtreme 7'mf at first and tied on a 1/4oz swim jig/5in single tail grub trailer on 30lb braid. I've never used the Quantum ACS braking system so it took a few casts to get used to. There's 4 settings and I settled on the setting after free spool. The cast control knob needs to be tightened a little more than normal at first but after you get it dialed in it isn't as touchy. This reel definitely needed to have it's bearings flushed. After doing so, the casting distance was greatly improved and the reel is surprisingly very smooth. (there is normally a curado 51e on this rod. The casting distance was obviously not matched but if I were to use this reel instead I wouldn't be too unhappy) Casting was effortless after dialed it but has to be readjusted for each lure (not like shimanos "one and done") Retrieving the lure was very smooth as well. Mind you, I've not had it on the water for any tests. I haven't decided what rod I'm going to use this reel on but I think a Dobyns 733 will likely be it's home for swim jigs/spinnerbaits. Hope this helps. edit:the reel is the red kinetic that is something like 60% off or something at TW. If that wasn't the reel in question, sorry.
    1 point
  49. Pegboard is your friend... In addition to the pegboard on the fishing workbench, I have three drawers under the bench for fishing stuff. Rod & reel combos stored vertically in rod racks. Couple cardboard boxes under the bench with some extra stuff.
    1 point
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