March, it's almost here !!
Its' time for most of us to dust off the rods and start getting everything ready to hit the water, March is a time of thawing and warming up of our favorite waters, it's that short period of time we get to use for tracking the fishes movements from deep to shallow as they prepair for yet another spawn. Some of us have already experienced this event and some of us eagerly await the event.
March, it's like that ol' firehouse from way back when, you know the one, the bell would ring and half the town would show up to put out the fire, some would watch and some would work and some would help with whatever they could, kind'a like a fishing tournament, once again the boats will roar to life as they gather for the seasons first event, once again they gather in a large pool of boat after boat, once again they take off one by one, hitting the trottle and setting sail for their first destination and their first fishing event of the season, each one hoping they will be the victor at days end, aaaaahhhhhh, I can smell the oil mixed fuel now !!
Are you ready? Did you do your homework? cause it's time to show what you got, and give all those new lures and rods and reels a good workout that you got for Christmas, is this going to be the year for you? the year you will finally put all of it together and start to really figure out what you are doing and not give up?
YES !! Yes it is, it's time to fish !!, it's time to not just show up, but to show off those new skills you worked on last season and over the winter, it's time to stop dreaming and start catching more fish !!
It's time once again to get out there, throughout this season, I wish each and everyone of you that this season is the best one you have ever had, I hope you continue to grow and learn and most importantly, teach, pass along this awesome thing we like to do so much.
I hope this season brings a lot more of us together and new friendships made that will last a life time, with lots of memories, especially ones that include some big ol' bass.
To the events of the season, I hope the Roadtrip turns out to be the best one ever, it sure sounds like it's going to be, especially with so many states being represented this time around, be careful and have a safe trip to and from and enjoy the time while you are there, man I can't wait to see the video of this one !!!!
Let the fun and the swearing begin !!!
Good luck and be safe everybody !!!