It's little different for me in the fact that most all of the waters I fish are man made lakes, all are here in my home state, but as you speak of fish behavior in different areas of the country, I feel like I have somewhat of a head start if I should ever leave my home state just by being a member of this site.
Everyday I get to read different things that require different techniques, different mind sets of how to approach different areas, with different baits, baits I have never used, one thing remains the same, you have to put yourself in the right position to catch the bass first, it does not matter if you do not have structure like the deep water lakes that have all of those things, no matter what, you still have to find them to be successful.
The more educated you become about your own bodies of water can help you in your quest when you fish other bodies of water, If I were to fish a lake, I know the LMB is the dominate preditor in several of the lakes I fish here, I can find bass on structure, in cover, and in the open, there is really no threat other than the angler, in a river system their enviroment is different, they are no longer as you say the top of the food chain, Pike, Snakeheads, and other big toothy preditors dominate and control this enviroment, so places with good cover are much more important when I am looking for bait fish and bass.
One can read all the books and watch all the videos there are and be quite engauged in the knowledge of how to go bass fishing, but if you don't get out there and see things for yourself and learn from what the fish are doing then you have only accomplished fishing as a theory.
The reality of fishing is a wake up call IMO, what we see and read from anglers all over this country is astounding, one thing remains a constant in all of the books and all of the waters we fish, in order to catch fish, you must first find the fish.