It was my birthday Tuesday so I took a day off from work and went out to Black Hills. Got out there later than expected at around 8:45 and fished until 1:00. Not one of my best days, but far from the worse. Also, fished the area of the lake over at Wynnfield from 4:00-5:00pm with nothing to show for my efforts.
On my third cast which was a long one with a Fat Ika I hooked into a nice fish, it jumped twice and I could see it definitely had some size to it even from a distance. Unfortunately, it became unbuttoned close to shore and I never got a closer look. A few casts later another hit, but couldn't set the hook. Finally, got a hit and set the hook, but I waited too long and gut hooked the fish. I was unable to get the hook out and started to panic after several minutes so I cut the line and left the hook in. Well, that was a mistake because a few minutes later the fish was splashing around in the shallow water about to die. Well, the fish gods stopped smiling after that because I didn't get a bite for the rest of the day, outside of some bluegills pecking away. I defintely had a problem this year with gut hooking fish, particularly with Fat Ikas. I've used the site's guide on guthooked fish though and almost all the fish seemed to swim away okay.
Hoping the weather will hold up and I will go back out during the weekend of 11/3, sooner if I'm lucky.
Good luck to all!