I was just thinking the other day, I have been a member on here for coming up on 5 years, and I wanted to give a couple thoughts.
first, has it really been that long? second the vast amount of knowledge on here makes pretty much any and all magazines irrelavent, I picked up an issue of bassin' the other day and was like man I remember a thread on BR from a while ago that was way better than this. I have also seen a lot of changes on the forum. I have to say if you were'nt around for muddy's (you mook) awesome music threads and hillarious grumpy old man-isms you are the one who is missing out. third I just wanted to say that this has been the most level headed best moderated forum I get on, I have seen VERY little scuffles or arguing in the time I've been here, and the ones that did exist were basicly a reslut of reading a post wrong and were quickly resolved. Another thing I notice is how few bots i have seen. I'm not shure if I've ever seen one.
overall, I have to say, my hat is off to Glenn for making such a great site that actually has a sense of community to it.
well it's getting late and I don't remember half the stuff I was going to say, so..
sincerely, guitarkid
ps. between this thing --> http://www.flickr.co...N04/8016949671/ and working I really have'nt been on very much lately