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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/2012 in all areas

  1. I never really caught much on lipless cranks, namely Rat L Traps, but I picked a few of these up last week and fished them hard yesterday. All I can say is wow. I boated 4 nice ones, and 3 little guys yesterday, while all of my soft plastic using friends got zilch. I found a few nice spots where bait fish were scattering the surface EVERYWHERE, and casted as far past them as I could, and that's when the fun started. I was letting it fall then ripping it, and repeating. Great, great lure. Can't believe I have never picked any up before now. What's the best way to fish them?
    1 point
  2. Man I could have Tuna rolls for a lonnnnnnnng time
    1 point
  3. Hey Arv, Here's a thought NIB from Ebay, doesn't mean the same as NIB from BPS etc....
    1 point
  4. Strike detection is the key to catching bass on jigs, the bass must have the jig in it's mouth to set the hook. Sounds like a stupid statement, but every angler who fishes with jigs, miss a high % of strike from big bass and catch a higher % of smaller bass on jigs. There is a reason for this and to understand why simply try bed* fishing with a jig and watch a big bass strike your jig, you rarely feel anything. The smaller bass has a smaller mouth and can't generate enough water volume to vacuume the jig off the bottom and into it's mouth, they must bite the jig with their lips, then make a second effort to get the jig back into the crunchers to kill it. Bed bass have no intent on eating the jig, they want to kill it because a crawdad is a egg eater and a threat to the nest. The female bass over 7 lbs have a big mouth and big gills that can easily vacuume in the jig to the back of it's mouth, crunch it to kill and reject it very fast, no secondary bites. You watch the big bass angle down near the jig, sometimes see a white flash to indicate the strike has occurred and try to set the hook without feeling the line move, you see it, but don't feel it! With practice to adjust your timing and hook setting technique the % of missing goes down, but you still miss a lot of strikes that you see happening. Now try casting over 60 feet away from the boat, you can't see the bass strike and often may not feel a strike. How do you get a hook set if you don't know the big bass has the jig in it's mouth? The bass must want to eat the jig, not just strike and reject it, or the hook must penetrate mouth tissue when the bass strike to kill the jig and the jig gets hung up in the basses big mouth for a moment , then you feel something when the bass either continues eating the jig or trying to reject it by shaking it loose. We catch most big bass when they actually eat the jig and don't reject it. Big bass are wary bass and have life learning experiences to reject anything that doesn't feel or taste right. Jigs have a lead head molded onto a sharp hook and it's doesn't feel right to big bass, so they reject them often. If the hook doesn't snag the upper mouth tissue or the ridge behind their big tough upper lip, the jig gets rejected cleanly, just like the big bed bass does while you are watching the strike happen, except you don't see it happen when casting a distance. This is why the jig design and hook position is critical when casting jigs and retrieving further away from you than a 45 degree angle outward, the horizontal zone. Tom * I rarely intentionally target big bass on beds, not that it isn't fun or challenging, it's both. The lakes I fish are too small for the intense fishing pressure these big rare bass must face each spawning season. I focus on the staging period during pre spawn in deeper water, when the big bas are eating Crawdads, not trying to kill them. The big bass are very healthy and strong during pre spawn. It's a personal choice.
    1 point
  5. Hi Eddie, If you like, there should be a lot of good bank fishing; we could look over the map, pick out some promising section of shore and transport you to & from it. If you're going to get a line wet anyway, might as well make some new friends in the process. And don't forget, we'll have some goodies to hand out to attendees; I'm going to through in some home made spinner & buzz baits for everyone. Surprise!!
    1 point
  6. If soldering the clips on doesn't solve the problem, take the clips off and solder eyelets on the cables so you can put them on the batteries studs, use stainless nuts on the studs and a wrench to snug them down. I've had lots of problems clips not having enough contact area on the post and over heat. My standard practice now is if I get a TM that has clips, I cut them off and solder eyelets on before I even use it the first time. Clips usually cause more problems than they are worth.
    1 point
  7. Lights attract insects, insects attract small fish that eat them, small fish attract larger fish. During the day with swimmers in the water there will not be a lot of fish traffic at beaches. But at night some fish will move in. Use to night fish a private lake years ago and the best place was the isolated beach areas. Bass would corral the bait fish there and we would throw topwater lures.
    1 point
  8. Chris and I did the trifecta today, both Pleasanton city lakes and La Cygne. East lake was by far the best and it wasn't really that great. I did get a couple decent ones on a white war eagle. First one was 3.84 Second was 3.24 West lake wasn't nearly as good as it usually is, the wind was pretty rough though. We only fished La Cygne for an hour but it was everything I expected, 2 fish and one came off at the boat. On a positive note I am now at 2007 bass for the year
    1 point
  9. I don't get involved with brand wars. I own several Shimano reels, also some penn and soon a Daiwa. If its quality its quality end of story. Congrats on the purchase!
    1 point
  10. Done, just bought the Lew's TS1SH...says it should here by Monday
    1 point
  11. I was dripping with sarcasm. My wife is pretty much the same way. All my gear should last forever. And I should never NEED new worms of that color when those other colors I already have should work just fine. But she does complete me. And is my much better half without whom I'd be lost. And I'd spend us out of house and home if she didn't keep the bait monkey in check.
    1 point
  12. #1 Points #2 Rip rap and structure that built the dam #3 Any underwater structure you find #4 Docks
    1 point
  13. I have 2 lightning shocks that are M that I can sell to you for cheap. They are pretty heafty rods.
    1 point
  14. $8 at the Scotttrade center for hockey here in STL. I think that Busch stadium is $7.50 for baseball and no clue for The Edwards Jones Dome and the Rams cause they suck and I don't go to their games.
    1 point
  15. If you have bass in there, you most certainly have some type of panfish. Biggest confidence bait I own and throw is the Mattlures Hardgill. It would help if you gave us your budget too. Hardgills, while expensive, are worth it IMO as they will last you as long as you don't break it off.
    1 point
  16. i would like to add something to this conversation. i do not know if anyone paid attention to when tom was talking about his hand position on the rod. it is in front of the reel. i have taught lots of my friends over the years to hold the rod in front of the reel. there are several advantages in doing this. first and foremost is, you have much better feel. you are on the rod itself, and you can as tom does, run the line over your forefinger, or as i do and that is to run the line underneath your thumb. underneath your thumb is one of the most sensitive place on your hand. the next reason and certainly just as important as feel is hook setting leverage and speed. there is no way that you can hold the rod by palming the reel, or behind the reel, and generate the power and speed setting the hook as you do when holding the rod in front of the reel. i would imagine if anyone would ask tom, he might give you some of the same reasons for holding the rod in front of the reel that i did. bo
    1 point
  17. Both are super reels decide how much you want to spend and that's the one to get, the Team is a little better reel than the TP with the Titanium coated aluminum side plates, and can still be had for less than the Chronarch, and either one of the Lew's has a stronger drag, and every bit as smooth with their Carbontex drag washers.
    1 point
  18. Drag tubes and other soft plastics on jigheads along breaklines and over structure or Hop blade baits and jerk spoons over the same areas. There is no such thing as too cold either. About the time the weather is starting to get uncomfortable for you, is the right time for fall smallmouth. lol
    1 point
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