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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/26/2012 in all areas

  1. For the month of August I will be offering free shipping on any order 20.00 or more. If you have been thinking about ordering a few jigs or plastics now is the time! http://www.siebertoutdoors.com/
    1 point
  2. There's not rule book about what grass to fish when. I'm sure if there was one the bass wouldn't read it. You've got to let the bass tell you what they want and where they prefer to be. With that said I usually spend a lot of time on the outside edge of any grass bed. I also pay particular attention to where two different types of grass meet. On very sunny days I may start looking for weeds that offer the most shade. I stay away from dead or dying weed and prefer the greenest stuff there is. Hope this helps.
    1 point
  3. Lobster trap for a kraken?
    1 point
  4. I was sucessful using spinners for the first time today actually. I was throwing 3/8 oz booyah on 30 lb. braid. M/f 7'0 bc equipment. I paralleled the bank throwing from about 20 yards out. I was surprised just how shallow it could be effective at. Here are some tips I picked up.... + use a trailer hook. + reel slack, pop the rod after cast to get the blade moving + throw around and in between timber or any stick ups or laydowns. + don't be afraid to bump into said cover + vary retrieve, reel til you see the blade flash, then slow downand work it through the water column.
    1 point
  5. As you can see, everyone has their preference. I have simplified it by using a 6'6", or 7' MH, fast tip for all plastics and it works fine.
    1 point
  6. I have tried them, this year, and so far so good. No problems with bait movement and they do seem to reduce line twist a little. I like them for a different reason. I sometimes drop shot from shore and also in a couple of lakes that have alot of rocks and or rip rap. I get a number of break offs when the weights get caught in the rocks. With the Spinshot hooks, I tie a palomar knot with my either 6# or 8# line to the top hole but I tie the weight to the bottom one using 4# line with just an overhand knot. If I get stuck I'll lose the weight, but I get the hook and bait back, at least.
    1 point
  7. Two words - situational awareness. Many people unknowingly put themselves in a situation to be robbed, beaten, raped, or worse because they're completely oblivious to what is going on around them. The time to handle the situation is long before the perp's gun is in your face.
    1 point
  8. A kink in new line is no different than a kink in old line. I suspect the backlash is the culprit.
    1 point
  9. If I remember right he was poking fun of how some people way overestimate the weight of the fish they catch.
    1 point
  10. I like the Phenix because of the 2 1/2oz rating. So I feel like I would be able to throw at least a 2oz swim bait. Nothing major.. but it might be fun. It would however be a punching and flip/pitch rod. I think it covers those bases. The dobyns are nice but even at a discount its too much for my taste.
    1 point
  11. That is great, I would love to be able to catch 4lbs in Mendums. Lately I can only seem to muster up little guys. If someday you would like to try your hand on Mendums let me know and we can fish out of my fathers boat. David
    1 point
  12. Nice post and fish as usual Mitch always killin em in NJ
    1 point
  13. This thread covers several topics that books have been written on. Keep in mind bass fishing term defintions vary regionally. Structure; permanent features that make up the lake bottom ; dirt, sand, gravel, rocks boulders, dams, channels and man made features like pier post, cribbs etc. Cover; vegetaion that grow or float on or in the water column and trees that provide shade in or near the water, man made docks, walk ways, etc.. Your the bass are northern strain largemouth and small mouth bass. The 2 bass are vary different in behavior and habitate, they both like to feed on Crawdads and dermasil bait fish and may also target pelagic bait fish if the lake has them; herring, aliwifes etc. Up north the LMB tends to be cover oriented, the small mouth structure oriented, but they will over lap. The Small mouth bass are more mobile and roam a lot in schools, LMB are less mobile and tend to stay nearer to cover. Barometric pressure changes affect the weather and lower light period give the bass an advantage to feed, brighter light can give the prey an advantage to see the bass easily, so the bass tend to use cover or structure shadows to conceal themselves to ambush prey. The biggest barometric affects re very low pressure that brings in cloudy or storms and very high pressure that tends to create high winds and bright conditions. The bass are conditioned to barometric changes, it's a normal factor in their life cycle. It's a lot easier to catch active bass and more challenging to catch inactive bass and bass are active only about 20% of the time during a 24 hour cycle. Look for and target active bass with faster moving lures, then slow down and use slower moving lures when the bass are less active. How do you when to do what; look around for signs of activity and feeding fish, every lake has a different time schedule and that is something only you can determine with practice and time on the water. Tom
    1 point
  14. I don't think you will be disappointed with Abu's. They are great reels, they get better the higher you go up the line.
    1 point
  15. Very Cools story and Photos ~ and I Really like the Shirt and I Really like the Hat ! Yes, I am also a Q fan. A-Jay
    1 point
  16. Nice post Mitch especially the bear track.
    1 point
  17. Never had a bad run in with waterfowlers, I've helped them out a couple times actually. A few times I've been fishing in the river of one of the power plant lakes I fish during the winter and I know where some guys are set up if I come across ducks or geese that are sat down on the water somewhere in the river I'll try to get them up and flying their direction. I've got more than a few assists to my credit with the local duck hunters
    1 point
  18. I'm not critical of what anyone does with a legal fish, for me a photo is good enough and many of my really great fish don't even have pics, but I remember them all.
    1 point
  19. DON'T do anything until after the beginning of the year. The world is supposed to end in December.
    1 point
  20. ^^^Winner! Every super-successful person I know that can read, reads a lot. You're at a time and place in your life where you have the oppertunity to read all you want. Use that time to soak up a pile of wisdom for the next chapter of your life. Yup. The wife and kids got me a Kindle Touch for Father's Day and I've been wearing it out. Between the $.99 games, free/discounted books from Amazon, and the ebooks I can check out of my local library for free, I don't see myself running out of stuff to do or read for quite a while.
    1 point
  21. I like Hank 3 and that's about as far as I go listening to country. I grew up listening to country in the 70's and 80's only because my grandfather listened to it. When the ol' lady drives, I'm forced to listen to the crap they call country by todays standards.
    1 point
  22. One word... BUDWEISER !!
    1 point
  23. I go home, kick the dogs, slap my wife around, and go on a three-day drinking binge. After all, it's their fault, not mine.
    1 point
  24. Nice Musky in the avatar, what was the length? I still don't get steamed if I get skunked, I'd rather be out on the water than in the office so I'm happy either way. But a tall cold one helps to think about what I could have changed.
    1 point
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