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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/2012 in all areas

  1. Fished offshore Saturday, first time in a month as the boat was in service. Thought it was going be a hot day, less than a minute into my first drift had a king on but got bit off. I had a good time, some of my offshore reels are being serviced so I went with a couple of lighter set ups, catching blue runners and bonita on that gear was a ball. Near the end of the trip we each caught a decent king so the trip was a success. The seas were a good 5' with a 15mph wind, I got physical beat up, hard to stand when you have a fish on.
    1 point
  2. My saddest heartbreak story is..... I got old... What a cruel world this is, you expend all your energy when your young and dumb; now that I'm in my golden years, if I were to chase after a good looking woman and caught her the only lip action I would get is when she gave me CPR.
    1 point
  3. Never fish any type of topwater bait without having a followup bait ready to go.....
    1 point
  4. $200 for a spinning reel? You cray cray.
    1 point
  5. everyone knows about the fluke but the color that beats them all is Smokin Silver, i keep 20 packs on deck at all times. Works in all water colors, all temperatures and just about anywhere you use it. Try it out
    1 point
  6. A-Jay that is one slick setup you have there. Well done!!
    1 point
  7. Then find another website In that case, I suggest you find another website where profanity is permitted. It ain't gonna happen here. There are many other members who frequent this site who may have their kid sitting on their lap.
    1 point
  8. I love smallies, but there's nothing in freshwater that's as fast and acrobatic as steelhead. "Berserk" is the best word to describe their behavior on line. To fully understand this, stand in one of the tribs and hook up . . . Here's an 11 lber. from New York's Salmon River:
    1 point
  9. I could care less. Both catch fish for me, but the YUM's are only 3$ for 10 at wallmart, where Yamamotos are $7 for 8, with less color selections.
    1 point
  10. Looks like a pinfish to me. Good bait fish.
    1 point
  11. Be careful. A friend of mine had the same thing you seem to have. As it turned out his optic nerve had become crossed with his rectal nerve and he had a real crappy outlook on life for years. He recovered and is about the happiest single guy I know.
    1 point
  12. Until you get more rod try pointing the rod straight at the bait on the retrieve. I also like a slower reel, not everyone does, but it's a pain if you fish buzzbaits on the same rig.
    1 point
  13. Bullet, Poison Tail (like the one Vinny Chase posted) or Grass style come through the grass well. Nothing is totally weedless though. If you have that slime grass, it's just a pain in the a**. Grass style w/ eyes Bullet style, no eyes
    1 point
  14. I made an effort to fish Senko's the other day, wacky rigged, where I would normally fish a jig. I have played with Wacky rigs rarely, and I thought I would give them an honest chance. Well out of 5 casts, I caught 3, landed 2, and I instinctively let the fish run with the bait, and then set the hook, just very light and it worked best. The ones that got away were due to trying to set the hook too hard. In fact, I have made a conscious effort to set the hook lighter all around with all baits, and it has really paid off.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. I use an Avid AVS63MLXF. Saddled with a 2500 CI4 and 6# InvisX.
    1 point
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